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sjgadsby 2011-07-30 22:40

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by shadowjk (Post 1061292)
I'm under the impression that the bugtracker given to the people with N950s has no categories whatsoever to report bugs with the phone software or give feedback on features. Only bugs directly related to the developer APIs.

The bug tracker isn't secret, you'll just need a free Developer.Nokia account:

And there are appropriate categories; it's simply that the DDP N950s are running software so old that non-API bug reports have little bearing on current Harmattan revisions.

lma 2011-07-31 10:35

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by BigBadGuber! (Post 1061177)
Provisioning is the ability of the phone to connect to secure corporate email.

Not quite. It is the ability of the corporation's MCSEs to have complete control over your mobile device. They have been brainwashed to think that this makes their side more secure, and they sometimes get away with if because they can restrict your device from accessing the service unless it bends over and complies.

If they are paying for your device and service that may be fine. If it's coming out of your own pocket you might want to rethink whether you value corporate "security" or your own more.

nowhereman 2011-08-02 08:46

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
Anyone knows if N950 can connect to gtalk and skype like n900?

Pillum 2011-08-02 09:31

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
As you can see here : Link
The N9 comes with a standalone skype app.

Pillum 2011-08-02 09:32

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Chat instant messaging support: Facebook, Skype, Gtalk, and services using sip

marrat 2011-08-02 10:14

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by Pillum (Post 1062693)
As you can see here : Link
The N9 comes with a standalone skype app.

No, it's not standalone. Read the description below the picture:

"Skype integrates seamlessly with Contacts, Messaging and Phone."

nicolai 2011-08-02 10:27

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1060886)
No disrespect meant, but you people with N950's have some seriously limited/myopic testing abilities. The limited ability to test different environments should be seen as a handicap.

The main purpose of the N950 devkit program is developing
software, porting software and "testing"/using nokias frameworks.
Ablitiy/knowlege in testing Nokias application/firmware isn't that important, I think.


jalyst 2011-08-03 07:25

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by Pillum (Post 1062695)

Yeah but it's still not clear whether multi-user vid. chat or even just 1-1 vid. chat (ala face-time) will be integrated.
Unfortunately those pages don't really prove anything... sigh :(

unfuccwittable 2011-08-03 07:55

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
wait, how can you develop, if you don't test?

sevla 2011-08-03 20:28

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1063163)
Yeah but it's still not clear whether multi-user vid. chat or even just 1-1 vid. chat (ala face-time) will be integrated.
Unfortunately those pages don't really prove anything... sigh :(

I think it's best to wait till the n9 comes out. The n950 software is old and there will be a lot of features in the n9 that aren't in the current n950 build. As it stands with the n950 i don't see a way to enable gchat voice calls. But who's to say it won't be in the n9. IMO i don't see why it would be in the n900 and not in the n9. The framework is already there.

If it's that important folks should probably make a request or petition in the meego forums.. just a suggestion.

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