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khuong 2011-08-17 17:23

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT
It loaded the blocklist fine on my phone, maybe I'll increase the delay for loading blocklist due to some phone might to take longer for all the system service ready. I'll be release the new update soon along with the callerx manager (UI) which will make things easy to manage.

hell-ll 2011-08-17 20:10

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT

I just upgraded to ver 0.1.5 (I dont remember my previous ver.) I did this by uninstalling the old version then installed the new version (0.1.5).

The problem is that in the previous version, when i get a call from a number on the blacklist, it did not show up on my phone and on the log as a missed call. Now, after the upgrade, when a call comes from the blacklist, it shows up on the log as a missed call and even rings sometimes. I only have 5 numbers on the blacklist.

Thank you.

khuong 2011-08-17 20:53

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT

Originally Posted by hell-ll (Post 1072037)

I just upgraded to ver 0.1.5 (I dont remember my previous ver.) I did this by uninstalling the old version then installed the new version (0.1.5).

The problem is that in the previous version, when i get a call from a number on the blacklist, it did not show up on my phone and on the log as a missed call. Now, after the upgrade, when a call comes from the blacklist, it shows up on the log as a missed call and even rings sometimes. I only have 5 numbers on the blacklist.

Thank you.

blocked caller is still show in the log technically, it's just sometimes it doesn't due to the phone app was too slow to pick up the call signal and callerx was too fast blocking it before the phone app even get the signal. This goes both way, in your case the callerx was too slow vs. phone app was too fast. That was the reason I try to keep the callerx as small as possible, so it can execute faster. The ring happens sometimes when your phone is under very heavy load. My suggestion is reboot the phone.

hell-ll 2011-08-17 22:33

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT

Originally Posted by khuong (Post 1072064)
blocked caller is still show in the log technically, it's just sometimes it doesn't due to the phone app was too slow to pick up the call signal and callerx was too fast blocking it before the phone app even get the signal. This goes both way, in your case the callerx was too slow vs. phone app was too fast. That was the reason I try to keep the callerx as small as possible, so it can execute faster. The ring happens sometimes when your phone is under very heavy load. My suggestion is reboot the phone.

Thanks for the reply. Rebooting fixed the ring, but i still get a missed call notification and it shows on the call log. I did not get the missed call notification nor did it show up on my call log when I used the older version. Thanks

pedrocoba 2011-08-18 00:27

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT
Hi friends
why do I always have to re-start "/etc/init.d/callerx start" in Xterm after a reboot, because after reboot "Callerx" does not work on my device? Please help me solve this problem? I install "Callerx" according to which you suggest. Thx :)

khuong 2011-08-18 01:04

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT

Originally Posted by pedrocoba (Post 1072163)
Hi friends
why do I always have to re-start "/etc/init.d/callerx start" in Xterm after a reboot, because after reboot "Callerx" does not work on my device? Please help me solve this problem? I install "Callerx" according to which you suggest. Thx :)

Lastest version 0.1.5 should address the problem with auto-start up scripts. Please update if you're still using the old one.

pedrocoba 2011-08-18 01:13

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT

Originally Posted by khuong (Post 1072171)
Lastest version 0.1.5 should address the problem with auto-start up scripts. Please update if you're still using the old one.

Yeah the problem is completed.
application "Callerx" can already SmS Block? How?

tsdgeos 2011-08-25 22:54

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT
Hi Khuong, I just tried to install callerxui and realized it does not install anything, if you see the deb at only contains the copyright and changelog but no binary or other kind of file, but if then i go to i see there is lot of code so i guess you made a packaging mistake?

Thanks a lot for your work!

khuong 2011-08-25 22:57

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT

Originally Posted by tsdgeos (Post 1076755)
Hi Khuong, I just tried to install callerxui and realized it does not install anything, if you see the deb at only contains the copyright and changelog but no binary or other kind of file, but if then i go to i see there is lot of code so i guess you made a packaging mistake?

Thanks a lot for your work!

There were some problem with debian install rules file, which break the installation instruction. I just found out what the problem was, I'll upload a new fixed one in few mins.

khuong 2011-08-25 23:41

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT
Ok, finally got it worked right this time. Autobuilder gave me more headache than building the app. (:

New callerxui v0.0.5 is available for download, which is a Callerx User Interface which control and manage the block lists and settings for callerx. It works independently so it doesn't affect the callerx daemon performance in anyway. Though when you install callerxui, you will install callerx as well, and those already had callerx installed, callerxui will automatically update callerx to the latest version which is compatible with it. If you don't need the user interface, you can just install callerx and manage your setting and blocklists manually just like the old version. I am too tired to write long post now, I'll update the first post of later.

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