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IzzehO 2011-12-20 05:38

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Is no one else getting the "The 1M circuit board is not installed" error in Pokemon Fire Red? I didn't use to get it in the non-GUI version?

JSTAR 2011-12-20 11:52

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Originally Posted by IzzehO (Post 1139793)
Is no one else getting the "The 1M circuit board is not installed" error in Pokemon Fire Red? I didn't use to get it in the non-GUI version?

I get that message too, maybe that's why i can't save.

bonapart 2011-12-20 12:45

Re: [Announce] gpSP
IzzehO: common problem with all gba emus ( on pokemon fire red ), didn't google too much, but look's like there are some pathes for rom that can fix it

JSTAR: this error only cause "can't save" (but built-in savestates still should work)

IzzehO 2011-12-20 12:53

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Originally Posted by bonapart (Post 1139923)
IzzehO: common problem with all gba emus ( on pokemon fire red ), didn't google too much, but look's like there are some pathes for rom that can fix it

Reason I asked is the non-gui version had no problems with saving, so I thought it could have been as simple as a cfg tweak to fix it. I'm using savestates for now, but the problem was it meant I couldn't load my old ~3 hours in save.

luiscesjr 2011-12-20 13:50

Re: [Announce] gpSP
It's just a matter of permissions, gba can't open the old saves and
it tells you the 1m circuit ( the battery ) is fu*** up. It was happening to me
as I said on the previous page, and now it's working, I even uploaded a screenshot.

Even though it seems stupid to write all those commands, give it a shot.

impeham 2011-12-24 03:43

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Just tried it now for the first time.

This is one impressive emulator - i've never seen GBA emulator running so smooth with sound and fullscreen support on a portable device before.

Already tried something like 50+ games on it and about 90% of them worked flawlessly.

Anyone might want to take a look at this to get a glimpse at 100 games:

jperez2009 2011-12-24 08:26

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Hate to ask this, but do you guys have any plans to develop NES/SNES/Gameboy emulators as well that are on-par with gpSP? DrNokSnes is nice, but not very functional with most games I like and still kinda laggy with OCing. iNes It works, but it also laggy and the sound Same with VGB (GB emu) as I said about iNes. No disrespect to the devs of those three emulators, but they could use some more work...

Also, lovin gpSP. FF1, FF4/5/6 and others running VERY well even without OCing! Thanks for the wonderful work!

bonapart 2011-12-24 09:45

Re: [Announce] gpSP
jperez2009: my current ports is pcsx-rearmed & gpsp, next will be gpfce(nes emu)
just read TMO, i'll post announce here when it'll be ready

btw. impeham : maybe you can update list with working games? if you'd tested a lot of it ;-)

jperez2009 2011-12-24 17:07

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Thanks for the heads up bonapart! Loving the work you're doing and keep up the great work!

Addison 2011-12-24 19:40

Re: [Announce] gpSP

next will be gpfce(nes emu)
No way!


I've been waiting over 4 years for a real NES emulator.

Please tell me you'll give us Diablo users some loving on this as well. :)

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