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elemental 2012-02-01 19:19

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.1

Originally Posted by Makeclick (Post 1158697)
I get crash on Future cop when there is some/any video material and if i do not quick hit the start button, it will crash.. Why? can i/you fix this?

Please do not post issues that some of psx games won't run. I know there are a lot of psx games that do not run right now, or runs without sound. I will be working on that, seriously.

elemental 2012-02-01 19:21

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.1
Current sum from donations for N64: 190$

zszabo 2012-02-01 21:36

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
Not sure if this was brought up before. The Amiga emulator seems to somehow mix up mouse buttons and joystick buttons. For example some games require a mouse, but the buttons (right side) do nothing in mouse mode. However, switching to joystick mode, the buttons work but the controller does nothing. Also, of the games I have tried, only one out of four (Arkanoid 2) has worked. This may be because of excessive hardware banging, hacks, self-modifying code, custom floppy DOS, etc. done by many of the games (the Amiga is notoriously difficult to emulate -- even a vet fast multicore CPU usually cannot render at full frame rate while maintaining accuracy because not much program code is based on standard implementations, so proper emulation is only achievable at the chip/circuit level).

Lastly, some early titles may work better with kick kickstart 1.2 Rather than the 1.3 Suggested. Some later games OTOH (some AGA/ECE only games) require 2.0.

zszabo 2012-02-01 21:36

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
Not sure if this was brought up before. The Amiga emulator seems to somehow mix up mouse buttons and joystick buttons. For example some games require a mouse, but the buttons (right side) do nothing in mouse mode. However, switching to joystick mode, the buttons work but the controller does nothing. Also, of the games I have tried, only one out of four (Arkanoid 2) has worked. This may be because of excessive hardware banging, hacks, self-modifying code, custom floppy DOS, etc. done by many of the games (the Amiga is notoriously difficult to emulate -- even a vet fast multicore CPU usually cannot render at full frame rate while maintaining accuracy because not much program code is based on standard implementations, so proper emulation is only achievable at the chip/circuit level).

Lastly, some early titles may work better with kick kickstart 1.2 Rather than the 1.3 Suggested. Some later games OTOH (some AGA/ECE only games) require 2.0.

Makeclick 2012-02-01 21:46

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.1

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1159111)
Please do not post issues that some of psx games won't run. I know there are a lot of psx games that do not run right now, or runs without sound. I will be working on that, seriously.

Thank you, i belive that you have much to do and you have been doing so awesome job. Sorry for that report Elemantal..

For those who play FF9, maybe FF7 too. Nice settings: bilinear filtering and skip 1fps. Run very quick and looks very nice.

elemental 2012-02-01 23:46

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
Amiga had two ports and you could connect mouse or joy to them. Usually mouse had been plugged to the first while joy to the second. In the EmuMaster by default joy is connected to the first port (Pad A). So go to settings and set Touch Screen to "Pad B" or "Mouse A".

I will make it better. I know about CIA emulation issue, kickstart will be selectable, and ofc most awaited multiple disk support. So stay tuned.

chenliangchen 2012-02-02 14:12

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
Any one interested in GB emulation? If yes, pls indicate the amout. Or please consider donate for this star software for harmattan anyway!

Arpa 2012-02-02 15:16

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.1

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1159111)
Please do not post issues that some of psx games won't run. I know there are a lot of psx games that do not run right now, or runs without sound. I will be working on that, seriously.

Why not, that way others know not to play such games or do not report the same issues.

elemental 2012-02-02 18:00

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.1

Originally Posted by Arpa (Post 1159477)
Why not, that way others know not to play such games or do not report the same issues.

OK, you misunderstood me, the thing is that I have many complains about psx issues, and I know about them, I just need some time to code. But instead to be focused on coding, I reply to every guy that I know the problems and I am going to rework them.

Anyway, of course a compatibility list would be appreciated. So I created one as a google spreadsheet. The link to it is at the wiki.

Kdib 2012-02-03 18:28

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
elemental, thanks a lot for the emumaster! It's a great app and i'm happy to see that you are working hard upgrading and fixing it.

Let me contribute some bugs that i found.

  • Sound stutter all the time. Particularly noticeable in games with complex soundtrack. E.g. Marble Madness.

  • Very laggy sound. Most games play some sounds corrupted, and few games don't play any sound at all instead playing constant static noise. E.g. Super Mario World (some sounds corrupted), Blackthorne (constant static noise).
  • If some sprite blinks rapidly (like when you character is hit) then it's instead rendered completely invisible by emulator. It's very annoying when you must avoid approaching enemies but can't see you character because missed someones hit. E.g. Aladdin.

  • Most 3D games won't run. Start menu is visible, but game crash when you start playing the game itself. E.g. DN3D, GTA.

  • Mp3 tracks fail to last more than 1 minute. If mp3 plays during cutscene then some part of it will be silent. If mp3 plays in a loop as soundtrack then you have very annoying soundtrack with tracks stopping and rewinding midway. E.g. Eye of Beholder.
  • If you reset game current mp3 track won't stop playing. E.g. Eye of Beholder.

As you can see most emulators have problems with sound. But the most annoying sound problem for me is of Sega CD. This console is famous for it's CD soundtracks but you can't enjoy them fully because of the mp3 bug. :confused:

Also, as for feature request: it would be very cool if emumaster could support FDS (Famicom Disk System, add-on for NES) and GB/GBC roms. :p

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