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andrewfblack 2010-11-02 09:59

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by D-Iivil (Post 860690)
That would propably be better off with completely another program than including that with Theme Customizer. Users wants to have simple "one or two clicks" things instead of filling in fields that won't make sense to regular users...

Yeah that would work also.

GaRy delaMEr 2010-11-02 18:20

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
1 Attachment(s)

french translation 0.9-41

Big Ash 2010-11-04 14:42

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
Will there be/is there a way to customize icons including media player, ham etc in a similar simplifed way?

d-iivil 2010-11-06 23:36

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by Big Ash (Post 863294)
Will there be/is there a way to customize icons including media player, ham etc in a similar simplifed way?

Changing single icons one by one is not on my "roadmap".

d-iivil 2010-11-07 07:30

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
Version 0.9-43 now uploaded to devel with following changes:
* these settings are now saved and loaded individually per theme: font size, widget opacity, top menu opacity
* changed bugtracker address
* simplified the customizer shell script a lot

d-iivil 2010-11-07 11:46

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
Version 0.9-44 uploaded to devel with changes:

* when saving current theme as new, the script will also save your current customized desktop wallpapers as part of the new theme

d-iivil 2010-11-07 13:01

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
And one more (hopefully last one today) bugfix release, 0.9-45 uploaded to devel and soon to be promoted to testing.

kgizdov 2010-11-08 20:45

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
I must say thanks to the man that created the nice app! very useful actually. But I don't understand why "theme customizer" isn't appearing anymore in the Setting menu, after I removed some themes I didn't use. Does it need to have specific themes or icon packages install on the N900 so that it can functions? Also I noticed that when I click the "Setting" menu just for little while the "Theme Customizer" icon appears, and a second later, when I the menu loads, fully it disappears. Why is that?

hermes040 2010-11-09 22:09

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
It's great to use your customiser and save under a new name. One drawback: if a new theme is saved and after that modified, giving same name to overwrite existing is not accepted. Can you add something like a check "are you sure?" and if pressed yes, overwrite existing theme?

andrewfblack 2010-11-10 03:38

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
d-iivil got a question for you anyway when you set an icon theme it also updates the icon in the menu? I'm not sure if there is anyway for you to do this short of just copying files over. This would be a great feature if you could let me know.

firstknight 2010-11-10 10:37

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
my theme customizer no longer able change the fonts to the phone... something went wrong??

I ln -s fonts to be placed in /opt/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ where the ttf-droid fonts is placed....

I only can see changes in theme customizer but not the time, network name, settings and dunno where else....

firstknight 2010-11-10 11:02

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
i tried importing... but it says no fonts found... strange...

d-iivil 2010-11-11 07:40

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
I'll try to find time to answer all those questions later today (I'm very busy atm, we just had our third baby yesterday). Anyway, I did upload version 0.9-46 to devel with following changes:
* updated chinese translation
* icon caches are now cleared automaticly when changing icon theme

That means you won't anymore see the flash of old icons for a second when you open settings.

d-iivil 2010-11-11 07:43

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by hermes040 (Post 868507)
It's great to use your customiser and save under a new name. One drawback: if a new theme is saved and after that modified, giving same name to overwrite existing is not accepted. Can you add something like a check "are you sure?" and if pressed yes, overwrite existing theme?

There's no need for overwriting, it "overwrites" the current theme all the time (and creates backups) when you use Theme Customizer. So please explain to me why do you want to be able to overwrite you existing theme.

d-iivil 2010-11-11 07:46

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by kgizdov (Post 867370)
I must say thanks to the man that created the nice app! very useful actually. But I don't understand why "theme customizer" isn't appearing anymore in the Setting menu, after I removed some themes I didn't use. Does it need to have specific themes or icon packages install on the N900 so that it can functions? Also I noticed that when I click the "Setting" menu just for little while the "Theme Customizer" icon appears, and a second later, when I the menu loads, fully it disappears. Why is that?

Well... do you see theme customizer in the listof installed applications? If you removed some theme or icon themes that are depending on Theme Customizer, then the app manager will also autodelete theme customizer because it thinks you no longer need it since all packages that were depending on it are removed.

Solution; install theme customizer first and then icon packages etc.

d-iivil 2010-11-11 07:49

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by firstknight (Post 868969)
my theme customizer no longer able change the fonts to the phone... something went wrong??

I ln -s fonts to be placed in /opt/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ where the ttf-droid fonts is placed....

I only can see changes in theme customizer but not the time, network name, settings and dunno where else....

Try to run the theme customizer again and select to do a auto-reboot. Also choose some other font just to test that it's not the font that's buggy instead of theme customizer.

If you can see the desired font in theme customizer, then the font is correctly installed.

d-iivil 2010-11-11 07:51

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by andrewfblack (Post 868729)
d-iivil got a question for you anyway when you set an icon theme it also updates the icon in the menu? I'm not sure if there is anyway for you to do this short of just copying files over. This would be a great feature if you could let me know.

Sorry, but I didn't understand you this time. What menu do you mean?

firstknight 2010-11-11 09:15

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by d-iivil (Post 870031)
Try to run the theme customizer again and select to do a auto-reboot. Also choose some other font just to test that it's not the font that's buggy instead of theme customizer.

If you can see the desired font in theme customizer, then the font is correctly installed.

I see the font to begin with.. but just when I apply the setting even auto-reboot, not all have the fonts installed or showing. the fonts shows only in threaded sms, theme customizer, power button menu, crochik my contacts, but not in the clock fonts, operator logo, calendar widget, bookmark shortcut on desktop which use to show.. I didnt look through all so not sure where else is showing and not showing.

so yup... wonder why...

thanks for helping...

firstknight 2010-11-11 09:17

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
oh yeah... the only font that can show through out is the nokia smiley, droid fonts and stuff which is like preinstalled....

but strange that it only happened now since i updated pr 1.3 i have not tried putting fonts in... when i tried it... this is waht happened... did I miss something??

d-iivil 2010-11-11 10:09

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by firstknight (Post 870096)
I see the font to begin with.. but just when I apply the setting even auto-reboot, not all have the fonts installed or showing. the fonts shows only in threaded sms, theme customizer, power button menu, crochik my contacts, but not in the clock fonts, operator logo, calendar widget, bookmark shortcut on desktop which use to show.. I didnt look through all so not sure where else is showing and not showing.

so yup... wonder why...

thanks for helping...

Sounds like you're trying to use a font that's missing bold style and also numeric characters. The areas you described are ones that want to use bolded font and if your font is missing the bold variant, then default Nokia Sans will be displayed. Same goes to numbers (clock).

plaban 2010-11-11 10:13

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
Please add option to change menu transition effect.

firstknight 2010-11-11 15:47

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
i used the same fonts before... so how come now it doesnt work?? i mean after the update or something.... so what can I do?

d-iivil 2010-11-11 19:00

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by firstknight (Post 870437)
i used the same fonts before... so how come now it doesnt work?? i mean after the update or something.... so what can I do?

Ok, then my theory fails :D

Can you send me the exact font file you're using (.otf or .ttf file / files) so I can try it myself.

leetut 2010-11-11 23:02

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
i cant seem to find my font with the app, tried putting it in home/user/.fonts
and in opt/usr/share/fonts/trutype
but i cant select it from inside the app

d-iivil 2010-11-12 06:18

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by leetut (Post 870883)
i cant seem to find my font with the app, tried putting it in home/user/.fonts
and in opt/usr/share/fonts/trutype
but i cant select it from inside the app

Could you send me the font file:

thej80 2010-11-12 08:49

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
great big congratulations about your newborn! :)

d-iivil 2010-11-12 11:08

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by thej80 (Post 871234)
great big congratulations about your newborn! :)

Thanks :)

And about the font bug we have discussed here; they indeed changed how gtkrc caching is done, so I had to adjust my program a bit. I'll upload ver 0.9-48 soon which will fix the font-not-changing issue and also some font importer issues.

cutehunk04 2010-11-12 11:18

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
hii d-iivil... nice application, wanna ask u somthng, which font color shud i change to get 2 colors in sms... for eg - i recd an sms frm m frn n whn i opn the sms its comes in black color or any primary color i choose but when i reply back its d same i wanna knw wich font color i choose so i can choose any color....

eg-sms frm a frn xyz
xyz - lets move out ( in black color )
me- sure lets move ( in any other color red,green or any )

is it possiable

d-iivil 2010-11-12 12:49

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
Seems like extras autobuilder built the 0.9-48 binary "wrong" and the app won't start at all. I just uploaded 0.9-49 which should work. So don't bother installing the 48 version. Wait for 49 instead.

firstknight 2010-11-12 15:18

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by d-iivil (Post 871367)
Thanks :)

And about the font bug we have discussed here; they indeed changed how gtkrc caching is done, so I had to adjust my program a bit. I'll upload ver 0.9-48 soon which will fix the font-not-changing issue and also some font importer issues.

Thanks... so its confirm not only happen to me... phew.... thanks again...

d-iivil 2010-11-12 16:55

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by firstknight (Post 871581)
Thanks... so its confirm not only happen to me... phew.... thanks again...

So was that confirmation it works now with 0.9-49?

gabby131 2010-11-12 17:08

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by d-iivil (Post 871669)
So was that confirmation it works now with 0.9-49?

out of topic, i thought d-iivil is a clone account out of D-Iivil

in any case, :) nice one! updated to the latest version.....not seeing problems, aside from the background having small white spots after the customization taken place. but another reboot solves it.

d-iivil 2010-11-12 19:11

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by gabby131 (Post 871689)
out of topic, i thought d-iivil is a clone account out of D-Iivil

Heh, yeah, I asked moderator to change my nick to lowercase since I got annoyed when many users thought it was "d-Livil" :P

d-iivil 2010-11-13 08:20

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed
Version 0.9-49 is now @ extras-testing. Please test and cast your vote based on your results:

firstknight 2010-11-13 08:49

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by d-iivil (Post 871669)
So was that confirmation it works now with 0.9-49?

:( its still the same problem... is there something i missed out?

d-iivil 2010-11-13 10:57

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by firstknight (Post 872208)
:( its still the same problem... is there something i missed out?

Hmm... both of the fonts you sent to me are working now fine on my device with version 0.9-49.

Maybe you should try to manually delete the font files from all locations you have placed them (you told me you had placed the fonts several places). Then use the importer to import fonts from MyDocs (or another location) and then try to re-run the theme customizer with that font you just imported.

firstknight 2010-11-14 03:58

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed
updated to v50...

did wit ur instruction....
font folder in MyDocs...
impor successfully... restart to use font...
restart app...
dun see any of the fonts in selection...

is ther someth i missed out?

firstknight 2010-11-15 01:16

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed
hmmm something went right now... this is what i have done...

further to the earlier steps like deleting ln -s folders...
then import fonts....
then I copy the whole folder into usr/share/fonts/

now i select the fonts, and it worked... hmmm strange... cos at first i import the fonts which does not show any fonts in the selection...
ln -s folder shows fonts but do not apply to all fonts globally...
if not mistaken, earlier version not able to also apply fonts globally when made copy into the usr/share/fonts/

thats my share... for you... cheers...

Anyway.. love your work...

d-iivil 2010-11-15 08:20

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by firstknight (Post 873560)
hmmm something went right now... this is what i have done...

further to the earlier steps like deleting ln -s folders...
then import fonts....
then I copy the whole folder into usr/share/fonts/

now i select the fonts, and it worked... hmmm strange... cos at first i import the fonts which does not show any fonts in the selection...
ln -s folder shows fonts but do not apply to all fonts globally...
if not mistaken, earlier version not able to also apply fonts globally when made copy into the usr/share/fonts/

thats my share... for you... cheers...

Anyway.. love your work...

I think the problem here is that you have folder /usr/share/fonts existing while Theme Customizer imports fonts to /usr/share/.fonts

My theory is that the "fonts" folder without dot takes over the "dotted" one and that's why fonts imported by theme customizer aren't showing up. Solution would be to move all your fonts to /usr/share/.fonts and then remove the non-dotted fonts -directory.

d-iivil 2010-11-15 08:23

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by plaban (Post 870140)
Please add option to change menu transition effect.

Added in 0.9-50 (in devel).

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