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efion 2013-03-20 08:11

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Sorry guys,
Since this time i'm not making the theme with my own hands (i ripped it off from the original file and just make some tweaks on css file), i cant share this theme til someone can confirmed it is ok

bibek 2013-03-20 11:32

Just dont bring the name in here. Share as your own work and be cool about it. If you attract attention, the 'holy-ier than thou' guys will arrive and make a mess about it

efion 2013-03-20 12:43

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
would you please edit your previous post quoting my post? :)

Kozzi 2013-03-20 12:48

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
No offence but I think one should respect other works, try to ask premission first before you release their image files.

efion 2013-03-20 13:01

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
this is what i mean, lets talk another themes then :)

imaginaryenemy 2013-04-10 18:26

I am having an issue with a skin i applied to my Swype keyboard. I used bibek's as a guide (thank you), and it works and looks good...kinda. I simply made everything black. Since i hardly ever use the keys when I am 'Swyping', i thought it would look nice without button outlines.
The problem is that sometimes, there are one pixel gaps in between the rows of keys. The pixel its transparent. It goes away by simply changing what keys are shown (ie- lowercase, numbers, etc). This its a bummer because otherwise it looks great. Any ideas?

imaginaryenemy 2013-04-10 21:39

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Here is a screen shot.

flotron 2013-04-10 22:51

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

efion 2013-04-11 00:45

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
1 Attachment(s)

10 chars

MK99 2013-04-29 09:46

BlackBerry keyboard themes
2 Attachment(s)
Copy .keyboardtheme-folder to MyDocs.
as root:

sh /home/user/MyDocs/.keyboardtheme/

sh /home/user/MyDocs/.keyboardtheme/

Uninstall before installing another keyboardtheme-theme!!

tonyhuynh 2013-04-29 11:06

Re: BlackBerry keyboard themes
I did exactly as instruction but many rows appeared "not found" "not found"...and reboot!

MK99 2013-04-29 12:07

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Sorry! My bad. Now it's fixed and is safer..:o:o:o:(:(:(

tonyhuynh 2013-04-29 12:47

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Maybe sth wrong with my device, wait then!!

MK99 2013-04-29 13:02

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Did you have any other keyboard-theme installed before? Uninstall it first and then reinstall this again.

Or are you using some theme?

tonyhuynh 2013-04-29 13:20

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
yes, I use theme install from N9QT. Do I have to restore to default before installing this, right?

MK99 2013-04-29 13:36

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by tonyhuynh (Post 1339920)
yes, I use theme install from N9QT. Do I have to restore to default before installing this, right?

Yes, restore default first. ;)

tonyhuynh 2013-04-29 15:29

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Sorry I leave it haft-done! I have another concern, how to change key color to Cyan as soon as key pressed, pls find pic for illustration. What file to be change?

MK99 2013-04-29 17:23

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by tonyhuynh (Post 1339945)

Sorry I leave it haft-done! I have another concern, how to change key color to Cyan as soon as key pressed, pls find pic for illustration. What file to be change?


imaginaryenemy 2013-04-29 18:29

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
So no one has seen this problem before?


Kozzi 2013-05-05 10:42

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
anyone got BB10 kbtheme working using the ? For me it keeps complaining "Path does not exist" and the keyboard stays the same (original).

MK99 2013-05-05 10:47

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
It was first wrong package. When did you download it?

Kozzi 2013-05-05 10:53

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by MK99 (Post 1341424)
It was first wrong package. When did you download it?

yeah I noticed it, redownloaded today and same result.

Schturman 2013-05-05 10:54

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Added to n9qt too..

Kozzi 2013-05-05 12:15

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
got the images copied over using n9qt (didn't notice I still had 9.5.1 :D). I got same problem with the background though, the image with lines doesn't show up and I have black bachground instead. Does this require inception or openmode for it to be implemented properly ?

MK99 2013-05-05 12:46

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
What is wrong with these? Why they doesn't work to all?



echo -e "Installing BlackBerry keyboard theme by MK99"

cp -R /home/user/MyDocs/.keyboardtheme/*.png /usr/share/themes/blanco/meegotouch/images/theme/basement/meegotouch-virtual-keyboard

cp -R /home/user/MyDocs/.keyboardtheme/libmeego-keyboard.css /usr/share/themes/blanco/meegotouch/libmeego-keyboard/style


Kozzi 2013-05-05 12:49

I think I faced same problem when I made install script for iphonetheme so I had to copy them individually.

Schturman 2013-05-06 05:16

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
MK99, you need flag "-f" instead "-R" in "cp" command..

MK99 2013-05-06 05:56

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1341577)
MK99, you need flag "-f" instead "-R" in "cp" command..

Thanks man! Theme updated. :o

TMavica 2013-05-06 08:56

How to make the 2 arrow at bottom?

MK99 2013-05-06 10:12

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by TMavica (Post 1341597)
How to make the 2 arrow at bottom?

If you mean like i have, copy these to your layout.xml

<key><binding action="left" label="&#x2b05;"/></key>
      <key><binding action="right" label="&#x27a1;"/></key>

Callum.Brierly 2013-05-06 16:20

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by bibek (Post 1325750)
Made a skin for Swype.
Instructions :

.swipe-keyboard to MyDocs


cp /home/user/MyDocs/.swipe-keyboard/*.png /usr/share/swype/data/images/

It says no such file or directory...

TMavica 2013-05-06 17:01

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by MK99 (Post 1341609)
If you mean like i have, copy these to your layout.xml

<key><binding action="left" label="&#x2b05;"/></key>
      <key><binding action="right" label="&#x27a1;"/></key>

sorry, where it is.?:D

MK99 2013-05-06 17:26

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by TMavica (Post 1341673)
sorry, where it is.?:D


Kozzi 2013-05-08 08:04

After a full restart, I now have Bb10 displaying like in the picture. Still when the numpad comes up, it has bb10 background and it is quite ugly. Possible to have a version with taller keys and default background?

MK99 2013-05-08 09:46

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
2 Attachment(s)
I'm not even thinking about that. I don't really need that keypad, so it was hard to even find it. :D

Not so bad...:rolleyes:

Callum.Brierly 2013-05-11 11:52

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
1 Attachment(s)
The sailfish keyboard theme looks nice with blue keys...

Seful 2013-05-12 07:43

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
i has problem with swype theme edit. any1 can help me?

see the 1st picture before i touching the keyboard something horror terrible line appear on the top keyboard, then after i touch keyboard 2nd picture everything look fine. who know what r the **** line?..pls

1st-before touch

2nd-after touch

Callum.Brierly 2013-05-14 17:46

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Anyone else's auto-correct stopped working when using the sailfish theme?

CLonkster 2013-05-20 18:28

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Hey there! First Post but a Long time Reader! :D
Ive got a Problem with the Virtual Keyboards.
I applied the BB10 one but ive only get red lines in the vkb.
First time i try the command sh /home etc with the downloaded BB10 Keyboard but it said not found.
But the File was there.
I tried to set the original as Default in Qtweak but that doesnt work.
After many times of trying i found that here:

apt-get install meego-keyboard --reinstall

and that

apt-get install meegotouchtheme meegotouchtheme-nokia meegotouchtheme-nokia-icons meegotouchtheme-nokia-graphics --reinstall

With reboot it worked, i got the original one.

But i want the BB10 one. I tried it again with Qtweak but the same. Red lines and ugly design. Not the one from the Pictures..

So i do the same with the commands as root.

Changed back to the original.

How can i apply the BB10 one??

Any ideas?

Sorry for my english, i am german :)

Schturman 2013-05-20 19:09

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
To get it work with n9qt, you just need to read pdf instruction about this tweak ;)

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