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ioan 2008-04-09 17:36

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
1 Attachment(s)
I created 4 easy (?) levels :-)

zeez 2008-04-09 18:39

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
1 Attachment(s)
More levels.... ;)

tme 2008-04-09 18:57

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
keep the levels coming! i will distill these down and include some in the next release v soon. maybe i should finish up that zipfile support...

superstar 2008-04-09 21:15

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
Should we start taking screenshots of our created levels? and post them here? so we won't duplicate the levels?

qole 2008-04-09 21:23

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
Great new levels! I especially like the one with the big pendulum in the middle. Very simple level but tricky to solve! The most elegant solution involves hitting the red box into the goal with the pendulum. I also really like the one with the two swinging hooks. The guys in the office have been all wanting to play, too.

Features I would like to see:
- Display the level title and author, maybe on the "Bravo!" box?
- Record / replay button: to watch particularly fun bits again, and let others watch too.

zeez 2008-04-09 21:36

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
it would be cool if we had some kind a online level repository that could be accessed from within the game. You could have screenshots of the levels and maybe rating / difficulty etc...
That way we could even have online highscores - like best time, minimum number of shapes used etc :)

qole 2008-04-09 21:41

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by zeez (Post 167640)
it would be cool if we had some kind a online level repository that could be accessed from within the game. You could have screenshots of the levels and maybe rating / difficulty etc...
That way we could even have online highscores - like best time, minimum number of shapes used etc :)

And there should be a bonuses for not pausing the physics and not deleting any objects...

zeez 2008-04-09 21:45

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
Actually i think being able to pause physics in "playmode" should not be possible. Also It should not be possible to delete parts of the level by using the "back-button" aka. esc.

ioan 2008-04-09 21:53

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by zeez (Post 167647)
Actually i think being able to pause physics in "playmode" should not be possible. Also It should not be possible to delete parts of the level by using the "back-button" aka. esc.

I don't think that making the game harder to play is good.

Hard levels - good
Hard to play - no good

GeneralAntilles 2008-04-09 21:55

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by zeez (Post 167647)
Actually i think being able to pause physics in "playmode" should not be possible.

Why? You can do much cooler things if you're able to pause the simulation to set up the level before the ball hits the floor and loses all of its energy.

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