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dan 2008-08-19 19:40

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
How do I reclone?
wait. I have dual boot working. Maemo works. I can see the user directory in File manager briefly and then it dsappears. Help. HAHAHAHA!!!!! Gotta laugh.
My Easy Debian apps all work and are back in Extra menu. I got a frigging mouse pointer on my screens (pretty cool) I want to keep mouse pointer!

fatalsaint 2008-08-19 19:44

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
You would reclone by booting into flash, uninstalling the clone deb if it's installed, and reinstalling it.. (or using the advanced cloner)... but it will reformat your internal MMC.

File Manager shows it briefly because it's been coded to check for those specific files.. but once it updates they aren't there and it dissapears (I actually manually removed mine a while ago and got the same behavior)..

Debian still works because all of it's apps are just re-creating it's home directory entries.. Maemo's apps should run but will also recreate their own directories and all your settings will be lost. But the File Manager does NOT recreate the default Maemo .videos, .sounds, .images, .documents and whatever else is in there by default.

I've never seen that mouse pointer... that's kinda cool but I have no idea what setting directory that stuff would be under..

dan 2008-08-19 19:46

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
help me keep the mouse pointer. PLEASE. HAHAHAHA! QTStalker still loads but does not work.

dan 2008-08-19 19:51

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
I just realized I made a duplicate copy of my user/ directory and I still have it in my mmc1. Any way to copy it from mmc1 to mmc2 and put it in file manager??

fatalsaint 2008-08-19 19:51

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Dont reflash then.. just re-setup all your apps and your settings... and recreate the following as a user:


mkdir ~/MyDocs
mkdir ~/MyDocs/.documents
mkdir ~/MyDocs/.images
mkdir ~/MyDocs/.sounds
mkdir ~/MyDocs/.videos

There is probably others.. but like I said.. I toasted my defaults a while ago :).

For the copy.. is that in the debian side?? You would run:


cp -rp /media/mmc1/path/to/home/user /home/user
Just make sure that the current maemo /home/user isn't mounted over the top of the source (IE: If the source is Debian's Home.. umount debians home first.. umount /debian/home/user)

dan 2008-08-19 19:53

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
I like this!! I'm learning a lot. I don't understand what I'm learning but I'm learning no less. It's so cool having a mouse pointer being lead by my finger or stylus.

fatalsaint 2008-08-19 19:54

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Im used to it.. Bootable Debian has it all the time :). Never seen it in maemo though.. thats pretty nifty. I imagine those that install the USB mouse hack/trick have to have it though...

Which reminds me.. I need to go search how they did that so I can get a USB mouse to work in debian..

BrentDC 2008-08-19 19:56

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Do you have Backups via the nokia backup software? Restoring Documents and maybe settings might may need to create some of the default folders first, though.

dan 2008-08-19 20:01

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
OK do I do this in xterm or chroot??
I have never done any of this so bear with me.


Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 215439)
Dont reflash then.. just re-setup all your apps and your settings... and recreate the following as a user:


mkdir ~/MyDocs
mkdir ~/MyDocs/.documents
mkdir ~/MyDocs/.images
mkdir ~/MyDocs/.sounds
mkdir ~/MyDocs/.videos

There is probably others.. but like I said.. I toasted my defaults a while ago :).

For the copy.. is that in the debian side?? You would run:


cp -rp /media/mmc1/path/to/home/user /home/user
Just make sure that the current maemo /home/user isn't mounted over the top of the source (IE: If the source is Debian's Home.. umount debians home first.. umount /debian/home/user)

Lost me after 'For the copy'. Debian resides somewhere in mmc1 as a large .ext file. The copy file I called Digiworld Folder and I copied and pasted a few days ago all the files in user directory from file manager.
I hope this helps explain. I'm keeping the mouse.

dan 2008-08-19 20:03

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
The order of the user files are as follows Audio clips, Documents, Games, Images, instal-tools, QTODO, Video clips.

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