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qole 2009-06-16 17:47

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97

Originally Posted by attila77 (Post 297214)
...seldom does fitting tractor tyres on a sportscar give good results.

What? Sure, it's great. Always.

sjgadsby 2009-06-16 17:52

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97

Originally Posted by qole (Post 297221)
Sure, it's great.

And Smart:

Hotzenplotz 2009-06-16 18:22

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97
The new n900 looks almost perfect. but im not shure if would buy, because the 3.5" display is quite small compared to the 4.1" of mey n810..... why did they mad the display smaller why, why, why??

keesj 2009-06-17 12:30

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97
After seeing the cool nokia n97 ads

I have no problem seeing how the N900 can be a great success. They are going to be pretty similar if you ask me... only the N900 is much much cooler!

anthony_barker 2009-06-17 14:04

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97
Feature ------------------ HTC Magic/Sapphire
1. Processor -------------- ARMv6 (Same as N97) Qualcomm SM7201A
2. RAM memory ----------- 198 MB
3. 3D & OpenGL ----------- Y (1.0 I think)
4. free Office -- (QuickOffice (came with rogers version), So so PDF reader
5. many free apps --------- Y
6. good internet brs ----- Webkit
7. Full Java ------------------ Java (Google's version)
8. Full Flash ----------------- End of year
9. Easy to program --------- Y
10. Resolution ------------ 480x320
11. Command line ----------- Y (if you root), SSH client available
12. Video recording -------- 800x480 (3.2 Mpl)
13. Nice UI --------------------- Y
14. solid OS --------------- Linux 2.6.4
15. Community --------------- 3/4*
16. Virtual Machines --------- Y
17. Remote connection ------ Y
18. Drivers ---------------- ?, Linux drivers
19. No application signing --- Y?
20. Camera -------------------- 3.2 MP
21. AppStore ----------------- android store
22. Dev Kits ---- C Java WebKit
23. Display --------------------- 3.2"
24. Multi-touch ----------------- Y * (kind of)
25. Capacitive display -------- Y
26. VoIP/Skype ---------------- Y/N - not wirelessly unless you root
27. Video call / Front Cam -- N

I terms of hack-ability it seems like the ranking is

Nokia Maemo(with slimmed down, Pre (directfb - framebuffer driver), Android (java rendering), Apple (I don't know about Symbian).

I have to hand it to Palm - their approach of porting webkit to run in directfb is a nice Idea.

Personally I think the future of app development on these phones is simply to use HTML 5

Bundyo 2009-06-17 14:11

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97
AFAIK WebKit on Adnroid is the original C++ one (no java there except for the interface) and the whole Android runs on the framebuffer.

javispedro 2009-06-17 14:15

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97
Right now I don't know which platform's going to "win" (if there's going to be a winner), but I think Android is gaining momentum too fast and may put itself at a great distance from other Linux-based operating systems (like beloved Maemo).

Which is a pity, since Maemo is most hackable. But even most geeks I know don't seem to mind/know that.

Seems like "marketing" has reduced the available option set to the general public to "iPhone" (the closed one) and "Android" (the open one) -- even if they're both closed. Rest of choices have ceased to be.

ARJWright 2009-06-17 15:00

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97

Originally Posted by anthony_barker (Post 297468)
Personally I think the future of app development on these phones is simply to use HTML 5

I agree; and I think that Google, Opera, and to some degree Nokia, agrees with you in this point as well.

gerstavros 2009-06-17 22:27

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97

Originally Posted by javispedro (Post 297470)
[...]Seems like "marketing" has reduced the available option set to the general public to "iPhone" (the closed one) and "Android" (the open one) -- even if they're both closed. Rest of choices have ceased to be.

If Nokia advertise N900 well, like 5800, it would be fine. But they won't do it...

hordeman 2009-06-17 22:59

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97
woah. woah. woah. why hasn't the G1 been merged into the initial comparison? :)

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