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Globetrotter 2009-11-13 21:57

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Rogers interested in buying Gloalive's spectrum. It is Globalive that was set to operate under the Wind brand name.

code177 2009-11-13 21:58

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
There's got to be an anti-trust suit in here somewhere.. this is ridiculous.

EIPI 2009-11-14 01:51

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
OK, a deal with Rogers *should* not be allowed. When the spectrum auction occurred, one stipulation was that a certain percentage of the spectrum had to be taken by new blood. Rogers got their own piece of the pie but have not done anything with it yet.

The CRTC and Government should honestly be ashamed of themselves. How could they have not noticed the ownership at the time the bids went in last year? It's purely a move to favour the incumbents. Poor show CRTC.

In any case, I'm hopeful we will get 3G to our N900's someway.

qole 2009-11-14 23:12

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Yes, like I said before, I don't blame Rogers and the other incumbents. They're just doing their jobs, maximising their profitability. This is entirely the fault of the CTRC.

TenSpeed 2009-11-14 23:47

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Not sure I can agree with you, Qole. As much as everyone is hurling vitriol at the CRTC at the moment, their decision was the correct one given our current laws. It was Industry Canada who screwed up in allowing Wind to bid in the first place. Besides, there is absolutely nothing in the law that requires cabinet to follow the CRTC decision - they could just say 'no' and Wind could start operating tomorrow.

More than likely, this is a game aimed at 'forcing' the government to open up the wireless sector to foreign investment, something they've been heading towards for a long time. Will that lead to real competition? Time will tell...

My personal preference would be an overhaul of the CRTC that actually gives it some regulatory teeth, but that seems unlikely.

qole 2009-11-16 10:32

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Thanks, TenSpeed, for your good points. I guess I'm not really looking closely enough at what's going on in which governmental body. I just know that people shouldn't be blaming the incumbents for doing their job, trying to keep Wind off their playing field.

Globetrotter 2009-11-16 12:22

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Others alternatives for Wind emerging.

qole 2009-11-16 19:36

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Other vultures circling, you mean... :)

EIPI 2009-11-16 20:06

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Cirlcing is fine as long as those who are interested are committed to rolling out the new frequencies. Otherwise it is just more of the same, unfortunately.

dgenge 2009-11-19 13:28

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
God! Canada is such a technological backwater! I hate that the N900 is not available for sale in Canada but it is in the rest of the civilized world? I blame the corrupt CRTC and the "Big 3" monopoly for Canada's third world tech status? Come on Nokia tell us when we can get our hand on that sweet N900..........

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