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w00t 2009-11-24 20:10

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Just updating my info, I actually used two codes.

mardibloke quidco
cgarvie 3 codes
jimus no discounts
ewan 1 code
jimcon 3 codes
daver53 3 codes
jjx 2 codes
open-collar 1 code
custard 3 codes
shaksta 3 codes
hass 2 codes
netweaver 2 codes
derrickj 1 code
w00t 2 codes

Also curious is that I didn't know mine was cancelled until *this morning*. Nokia mailed me at 8:35AM, and the bank rang at 10:30AM to ask for authorisation to pay. How in the bloody hell am I supposed to give authorisation *WHEN THEY CANCEL THE ORDER BEFORE I EVEN KNOW IT IS HAPPENING* :|

Equally amusing, the bank didn't decline the transfer at all, and from what I remember of my discussion with them, they *approved* it and it is still pending payment - yet Nokia says they declined.

Amusing, in an "oh, my god, can this be any more ****ed up" kind of way...

cgarvie 2009-11-24 21:11

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by w00t (Post 389808)
Equally amusing, the bank didn't decline the transfer at all, and from what I remember of my discussion with them, they *approved* it and it is still pending payment - yet Nokia says they declined.

Amusing, in an "oh, my god, can this be any more ****ed up" kind of way...

yeah i get 2 stories there. Bank was it was just on hold till the confirmed it was legit. Nokia that bank refused it.

no win im afriad. You can get your 15% if you had that before , but i dont think there anything else you can do.

jjx 2009-11-24 21:55

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Good point. My card company said they initially sent a "declined" response, but Nokia sent another request and the second was "approved".

Nonetheless, Nokia cancelled the order.

Jimus 2009-11-25 11:43

Re: cancelled my order - UK
So has anyone had an update on the status of their new order?

My card was declined at about 4:30 on Monday and I'd re-ordered by 4:50. No news yet....

jjx 2009-11-25 12:07

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by Jimus (Post 391124)
So has anyone had an update on the status of their new order?

I've just been on the phone, to convert from standard delivery (their mistake when recreating the order) back to express delivery.

The operator checked what stage my order has reached, and then told me "To be honest, we don't have any in stock right now. There's not much point changing it to express delivery; it won't make that much difference. I can do it if you want to, but it won't start shipping until we've got more stock".

So I left it unchanged.

I asked "when will there be stock?", and she said "to be honest we don't know, but it should only be a few days".

That probably means everyone who's order is in the "has not yet shipped" state is going to be waiting a few more days before shipping starts.

*gulp* we won't even know if the card transactions will go through until then!

It appears the person who recreated my order yesterday (at the raised price) did not tell the truth when he told me there was stock ready to ship to me and my loss of queue position wouldn't matter... I wouldn't have gone ahead with the order if he'd told me the truth. Cheeky buggers.

ae0n 2009-11-25 12:14

Re: cancelled my order - UK
That's what I was told earlier too. I'm also a bit peed off because I asked her if I'd still be able to retain my place in the queue, or take higher priority (hoping that she was fibbing on the "no stock" front) seeing as though I pre-ordered last month (!!), but apparently not due to my original order being cancelled. :(

deadmalc 2009-11-25 13:57

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by ae0n (Post 391181)
That's what I was told earlier too. I'm also a bit peed off because I asked her if I'd still be able to retain my place in the queue, or take higher priority (hoping that she was fibbing on the "no stock" front) seeing as though I pre-ordered last month (!!), but apparently not due to my original order being cancelled. :(

What really annoys me is that the answer is plainly yes you could retain your place in the queue, they just don't care enough about customer relations to do anything about it.
Also be glad you placed your pre-order only last month, I placed it within a few hours of it being available: 02/09/2009 14:52

Even more annoying is Nokia Poland has stock and is shipping, and I would assume they all come from the same place as well (Amsterdam) - another gem from Nokia.

garyjoe_2001 2009-11-25 14:11

Re: cancelled my order - UK

My order was also cancelled because my card wanted to approve the transaction first. I replaced my order yesterday morning and was told that it will only delay things by 1 day as they have a lot of stock. I called them back today as still no new email and they are saying that my card should now get charged tomorrow.

I hate it when you call places and they assume what you are going to say before you have had a chance to say it. Yes they have had a lot of calls from people but you can still hear what the customer has to say. We r all spending £500 on a product I think they should find the time to hear 1 question.

nuknuk 2009-11-25 14:13

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Its ok i got mine 1hr ago and you cant taklk to anyone coz the mic is f^^5ced no work at all.

ae0n 2009-11-25 14:19

Re: cancelled my order - UK
I re-ordered mine over the phone about an hour ago, and it seems to me that anyone who ordered/re-ordered from Monday onwards will likely be getting theirs sometime next week.

They told me that they don't have any more in stock, and that they're waiting on their next batch due in next week, despite telling me with certainty on Monday, that they had PLENTY of stock for everyone (which I now realise was a lie).

So much for a "pre-order".

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