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mysticrokks 2009-12-29 08:37

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
my 3g has better battery than my n900.

i use phones heavy.

somedays i go to multiple places in the car/or tubes/trains(for work)- use the music player, and the gps heavy.

i use the phone and txt heavy

the emails very heavy

and surfing abit.

my point was about my battery life detirorating since i switched power_off_mode to 0.

this is a reboot fix for some of us that have n900's that reboot.

on the plus side the phone is seriously snappy- but tyhe phone runs out in standby as if it was in full use all the time..

sometimes my nokia could run out in 7 hours, my iphone would give me about 9 hours(this off course is on heavy use days)

i do have a spare n900 battery tho- but its annoying to remember to cahrge it.

rm42 2009-12-29 20:44

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
Doing this:

And here is a shot of the view while transitioning desktops:

What made it so awesome for me was using vi to edit the .desktop file and sending the screenshots to photobucket straight from my N900. Wow!

Also, posting this from my N900 without it breaking a sweat. B)

PS: By the way, you can find this wallpaper set here:

Specifically, here:


tanekray 2009-12-30 11:49

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
too many wow factors to list, but one good one was being on tram home after Xmas shopping and realising I'd forgotten something. Being able to buy it online before I got off tram was a coool thing.

Bec 2009-12-30 12:29

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
The speed, definitely the speed! After watching tons of videos about this device I was amazed of how fast it moves when I laid my hands on it, simply amazing!

What more can I say about stuff I didn't expected when I unboxed it... The screen is beyond my wildest dreams... who said amoled was a wow factor?:rolleyes:

Dollyknot 2009-12-30 12:41

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
i do have a spare n900 battery tho- but its annoying to remember to cahrge it.[/QUOTE]

This of interest to me as I have bought a spare battery, but I have not yet found a way to charge it. So how do you charge it and which device did you buy and how much did it cost plz.

geneven 2009-12-31 16:13

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
A small wow -- I just discovered that I can charge my N900 with the US wall socket charger that comes with the Kindle.

This is handy because my N900 was sent from Helsinki with a charger that would work fine in Russian wall sockets, but not the US. So I could only charge from a USB connection -- till now.

The Kindle connector is nifty anyway because it works for USB or wall socket charging. Now I don't need the chargers Nokia sent.

ZootHornRollo 2009-12-31 17:56

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
Lovin' this thread. Great to read so many positives (and the few negs).

Cannae wait for mine to arrive now. Gonna be after New Year now tho!

bgrigor 2010-01-01 10:13

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?

Originally Posted by romanianusa (Post 444862)
Are u talking about Knots?? I know nothing can beat Knots.

No, I was talking out-of-the-box. I haven't tried Knots.

biggzy 2010-01-01 10:32

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?

Originally Posted by ZootHornRollo (Post 448178)
Lovin' this thread. Great to read so many positives (and the few negs).

Cannae wait for mine to arrive now. Gonna be after New Year now tho!

Same here, mine was ment to come this week, but now i have to wait till next week, i keep reading all these great topics and all its doing to me is getting me in a tizzy coz i WANT MY N900!!! lol

RevdKathy 2010-01-01 11:23

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
Hmm, well having liqtorch installed saved my life on ice-crusted granite steps the other night. More Wooaaah! than Wow... but you get the idea.

Watching videos in bed when I can't sleep.

Uploading photos from whereever/whenever still gives me a little 'wow'.

Lots more - this device never gets old. :D

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