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ossipena 2010-05-19 03:50

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by fieryriver (Post 660944)
hi i would just like to say this is a great app. i had to disable virtual keyboard but since i dont use it that much anyway its no big deal.
anyway i was just wondering if with vertsms we can send blank sms

I quess you can send one space char as a message, but if the textfield is fully blank, the app will nag and refuse to send anything.

aspidites 2010-05-19 05:22

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
@ossipena: you could change
string != ""
if not string
if string is not None

question is would that break octify and semi octify?

ossipena 2010-05-19 06:34

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
I'll probably just add another confirmation dialog, something like

"you haven't typed message, send anyway?"

if someone feels the app should be able to send blank messages.

ossipena 2010-05-20 09:32

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
some progress: adding multiple recipients and API way to put sent messages to conversations database is working. so next released version should be able to handle those.

and while I try to fix the not being able to send to 07xxx -numbers -bug, I discovered data location for flash message so if I get things working, it should become as an option to VertSMS too.

e: and same with delivery report...

mornage 2010-05-21 09:07

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
Thanks for the update Ossi It's getting better all the time!! I have just realised though, that I still cant really use this app as there is no way to type + when entering a contact so cannot even manually enter numbers :(. Gonna open a bugzilla for this now.

ossipena 2010-05-21 09:12

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
very good point about the + -character!

and bugreport is good way to make sure I am not forgetting to fix something: I can see the buglist whenever I want and check what is still wrong.

I am doing some text input improvements, and will add ability to input plus sign (but please create the bugreport just in case my memory betrays me!)

mornage 2010-05-21 09:26

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
Just created it now. This issue is a shame because I was going to try your suggestion in the devel about getting the the latest push from gitorious, but as I am not going to be able to add + there is not a lot of point. :(

aspidites 2010-05-21 09:38

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by mornage (Post 668963)
Just created it now. This issue is a shame because I was going to try your suggestion in the devel about getting the the latest push from gitorious, but as I am not going to be able to add + there is not a lot of point. :(

If you edit line 264 in you can use + or - signs...

One of these days I'll started hacking on vertsms again...just been so busy/tired as of late.

ossipena 2010-05-21 09:42

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by mornage (Post 668963)
Just created it now. This issue is a shame because I was going to try your suggestion in the devel about getting the the latest push from gitorious, but as I am not going to be able to add + there is not a lot of point. :(

I can give you a quick fix if you know how to edit the py -file.

so you need to edit

change row 264

  '*': ';',

  '*': '+',

sygys 2010-05-21 09:49

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
2 tips: make the send button half as big and make another button that acts as a arrow right. wich will be used to fast forward when you wanna type 2 of the same characters fast after eachother (now you have to wait a sec)

and second, it would be awsome if the vertsms was executed when in conversations > new sms the n900 is flipped vertically.

And offcourse T9 would be very awsome

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