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Netweaver 2010-09-15 19:12

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
problem fixed, wrong access code for the country/number I was dialing.

I would like to second scifi.guy, in asking for more clever number matching. I'm dialing to multiple countries, not all in Europe and to different numbers, landlines and mobile. For mobile numbers I need to dial a different access number. So I need at least an extra 'umbrella' profile to use.

Preference of course would be a full flexible, comma separated list AND an extra catch-all 'umbrella' profile.

Then an ultimate request, if I'm really asking too much, just tell me.
I'm traveling every week in at least 3 countries, in each country I have a 'cheapest' way of making international calls.

So if you could link the rule base (aka current set of profiles) to the SIM used, a higher level above profiles, would suit that very well.

Maybe a better wording would then be (refer to firewall setups):
- new 'profile' linked to SIM/country (if wanted, extra level configurable by the user if needed, possibility to import profile from other SIMs)
- new 'rule' replacing the current 'profile'

Just my 5 cents from someone who travels a lot.

Thanks a lot for the current version already.

magick777 2010-09-16 03:40

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
To those asking for more clever number matching: according to Scifi's post on page 10 of this thread, profiles are now matched in "first match wins" order (new in v0.5). If you'd like to avoid having to delete and recreate all your profiles, do something like this:

1) echo ".dump profiles" | sqlite3 /home/user/vicar.db.sqlite > profiles
2) edit this with your favourite text editor, update row numbering to suit
3) echo "DROP TABLE profiles;" | sqlite3 /home/user/vicar.db.sqlite
4) cat profiles | sqlite3 /home/user/vicar.db.sqlite

Once you have your profiles in order, you can match mobiles before country codes, or 0870 before 08xx.

With a bit of imagination, one can probably also use the above to load a number of different routing tables into ViCaR according to the network that your phone registers to (which you can detect via DbusScripts) - this is for the poster who wanted different routing tables per SIM card.

Kudos to Scifi for the good work, +1 on wanting SIP support, happy to help test the app & am already playing with DBUS recipes to launch SIP calls.

magick777 2010-09-16 04:21

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by Netweaver (Post 817161)
Then an ultimate request, if I'm really asking too much, just tell me.
I'm traveling every week in at least 3 countries, in each country I have a 'cheapest' way of making international calls. So if you could link the rule base (aka current set of profiles) to the SIM used, a higher level above profiles, would suit that very well.

Further to previous post, yes, you can easily load a set of ViCaR profiles into the sqlite DB according to what network you just registered with. You'll need dbus-scripts installed, and to have dumped out your profile as per my last post. Then, just create two scripts:


/opt/usr/bin/vicarprofile * * Phone.Net operator_name_change *

and then:


# * * Phone.Net operator_name_change "Vodafone UK"
case "$NETWORK" in
"Vodafone UK")
echo "DROP TABLE profiles;" | sqlite3 /home/user/vicar.db.sqlite
cat /home/user/MyDocs/profiles-uk | sqlite3 /home/user/vicar.db.sqlite
echo "DROP TABLE profiles;" | sqlite3 /home/user/vicar.db.sqlite
cat /home/user/MyDocs/profiles-es | sqlite3 /home/user/vicar.db.sqlite

Make sure the last script is executable, and there you have it; no need to modify ViCaR for the purpose, just write out your tables of profiles as you wish them for each country. Obviously, check that it's working before you rely on it. Enjoy :-)

Edit: a word of warning, as it stands, it detects which network you're connected to, NOT which SIM is installed, so if you have roaming enabled, you travel abroad, and you fail to change SIMs, it could produce unexpected results. Unlikely, but I take no responsibility for your use of it.

scifi.guy 2010-09-19 10:21

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
Landed back in US today, catching up on last week's posts. Will respond to your posts shortly.

scifi.guy 2010-09-21 06:06

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by uvatbc (Post 815875)
I am unable to install vicar.

@uvatbc - I have included the fix from the developer faq in release 0.5-2. Lets see whether it solves your installation problem.

The new release should be available within few hours. Please upgrade/install and let me know how it goes. Please send the complete log to me (as PM if possible) if you get the same error again.

scifi.guy 2010-09-21 06:08

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
VICaR v0.5-2 released to extras-devel. Here is the change log.

* Attempting to fix postinstallation error.

scifi.guy 2010-09-21 06:15

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by Netweaver (Post 817161)
Preference of course would be a full flexible, comma separated list AND an extra catch-all 'umbrella' profile.
So if you could link the rule base (aka current set of profiles) to the SIM used, a higher level above profiles, would suit that very well.

I am working on the umbrella and comma-separated profile requests. Sorry, but changing profile lists based on SIM/network is currently out of my scope. Please do try magick777's script and let us know whether it was successful.

@magick777 - Thanks a ton for the script :)

scifi.guy 2010-09-21 07:06

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by magick777 (Post 817459)
Kudos to Scifi for the good work, +1 on wanting SIP support, happy to help test the app & am already playing with DBUS recipes to launch SIP calls.

I can add the SIP feature in future. Trying to understand how SIP calls fit into the current design. Because of the pending requests it will take lot of time before I can even start working on this request.

uvatbc 2010-09-21 07:21

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by scifi.guy (Post 822015)
VICaR v0.5-2 released to extras-devel. Here is the change log.

* Attempting to fix postinstallation error.

Confirmed: Post-installation is fixed!

pmudgal 2010-09-22 05:44

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
Can confirm, post installation error looks sorted out, but I still saw a "Broken but updateable" when choosing the update......but it shows as "Installed" in details after installation.....

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