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Joseph.skb 2011-01-02 12:01

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
By the way, what advantage does 'overclocking' do? Does it make applications run faster or something else? (Sorry, I'm not a tech person)

bakuur 2011-01-02 12:44

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
as simple as it might be
processes done by the phone will run faster

gabby131 2011-01-02 12:52

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers

Originally Posted by Joseph.skb (Post 909688)
By the way, what advantage does 'overclocking' do? Does it make applications run faster or something else? (Sorry, I'm not a tech person)

im not also a techie as some pipz but we can learn more about overclocking on N900 form here

and using Bakuur's Guide, you can perform overclocking much easier.

epitaph 2011-01-02 13:06

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
Nowadays easy, extremly easy and noob and giga noob seems to be used very often :p.

bakuur 2011-01-02 13:11

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
mostly used by me :P
i dont know how much simpler can it get XD

gabby131 2011-01-02 14:02

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers

Originally Posted by epitaph (Post 909736)
Nowadays easy, extremly easy and noob and giga noob seems to be used very often :p.

terra noob will be appearing shortly :D

jaskin71 2011-01-06 23:16

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
hi everybody,
pls i read few days all forums and i cant find any answer for my question.
so im sorry if its that problem sorted somewhere here. i tried overcloking my phone but i still get msg:
This kernel version 2.6.28-omap1 is not supported.pls make sure that kernel-power is installed and running.if you just installed the kernel, you need ...blablabla....
any help?

bakuur 2011-01-07 08:55

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
you probably have nitdroid installed

then follow this Link

jaskin71 2011-01-07 13:30

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
thx bakuur.
i did all as you said,
kernel-power- bootimg is already the newest version
then i used your script:
sudo gainroot
root shell enabled
sh /home/user/MyDocs/oc-script
sh /home/user/MyDocs/oc-script: line 1: !/bin/sh: not found

then i see table with all frequencys
d 7
lv loaded
limits set to max no 850Mhz
thank you for using this script.
/home/user kernel-config-show
and again
This kernel version 2.6.28-omap1 is not supported
Please make sure that kernel power .....blablabla........
WTH Im doing wrong!

bakuur 2011-01-07 16:38

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
you are using a the script on the stock nokia kernel!!
you need to boot into the power40 or 42

tryed reinstalling the kernel?

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