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luketanti 2010-09-25 22:40

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
You must type root before beginning from the start.

luketanti 2010-09-25 22:42

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
With this kernel My camera will not work. I have to revert to default or OC kernel.

Kymera76 2010-09-25 22:44

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by luketanti (Post 826310)
You must type root before beginning from the start.

root or sudo gainroot?
This is different on my n900...

I have try but is not difference... i cant' install it....

luketanti 2010-09-25 22:46

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by Kymera76 (Post 826315)
root or sudo gainroot?
This is different on my n900...

I did root.

Kymera76 2010-09-25 22:53

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by luketanti (Post 826317)
I did root.

Nope... don' install it...

I'm desperate.

MohammadAG 2010-09-25 23:02

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
This is really a prealpha kernel, I've asked for logs in the first post and detailed how to provide them in further posts, unfortunately some of you think this is a final release for some reason.

We're not sure if it would conflict with kernel-power if we add the patch to it, and that's not really a priority.

Matan 2010-09-25 23:03

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 826183)

You seem to repeat the mistake of distributing GPL'd binaries without accompanying source. Please correct this issue.

MohammadAG 2010-09-25 23:57

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by Matan (Post 826323)
You seem to repeat the mistake of distributing GPL'd binaries without accompanying source. Please correct this issue.

I usually make mistakes only once.
You made the mistake of not checking h-e-n's garage page :)
Apply to the stock kernel source (nokia's stock kernel) and build

johnel 2010-09-26 01:01

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
I followed MohammadAG's instructions and my transcend 1gb flash disk worked fine.

Just a couple of points:
(1) Ensure you have the devel repos enabled.
(2) I used the command 'root' before I did anything
(3) ic2-tools will now install because of point 1.

When I can spend some quality time with my N900 I will provide log files. I intend to try my usb hub and logitech wireless keyboard (not bluetooth compatible) to see if I can persuade them to work.

Thanks to MohammadAG & developers who managed to get things this far. There is still a lot of work to be done so be patient.

Remember this is PRE-ALPHA software and is highly experimental.

techno2001 2010-09-26 03:19

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by pedram_noei_a (Post 826249)
hi again
i have problem with installing kernel
i have installed nitdroid and power kernal so when i press power button i see 3 lines on bootmenu
1-main kernel
2-power kernel
i have tested every thing to add 4 th line with name of hostmode but there is no luck
i cant install the hostmode kernel
is there any idea for help?

I have the same problem!!!:confused:

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