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TransTech 2011-08-20 09:14

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by MSameer (Post 1073355)
Translation is shaping nicely. I can now download translations and remove them again.

Still a long way to go.

I still don't know how to enable the hidden mode. I prefer reserving the tap for recitation.

I'll also add a button to the toolbar once translation has been enabled.

This button can have a short tap and a long tap. Perhaps we can find a way to use them.

I think i have an another idea to settle that one with two dock bars on both left and right containing all the icons this will appear when swiped left or right. (turning page can be done with their respective buttons on left and right much easier then swiping to turn page)

Now about the Translations and recitation tapping problem (only in hidden mode), i think it should be like this..

Translations Button: when selected and tapped on a verse shows translation, (this automaticlly goes off when recitation is selected)

Recitation Button: when selected and tapped on a verse reads its recitation.(this automaticlly goes off when translation is selected)

(And for full surah recitation a speaker icon at the start of the surah may be better)

Bookmark: Long press (same as at present)

For Tafsir: an option in setting will on or off that function. (no need for hidden mode there, i believe)

what do you think...

MSameer 2011-08-20 11:43

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
Why not make the page number clickable as it is now ? That saves an icon.

If we also move the search functionality to the index page then this saves another icon.

The result would be the current icons ;)

Upon start up. In most cases, you will want to resume reading from where you left. If you want to go to index then it's an extra click on the index button.

If we always ask the user what to do upon startup then the user has to take an extra action (Which is to tap on a button) to go to the last position. He will also have to tap on an icon in order to go to index.

This means that we introduced an extra tap for the common use case just for nothing :)

Theme support then. A set of icons and colors. The font is to remain unchanged.
I'm not going to ship SVGs with the default theme. I'll just convert them to PNG graphics without losing quality.

I'll try to sit down at some point and do the SVG icons hopefully.

MSameer 2011-08-20 11:48

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
If we need to fit more icons then I can return the row that had the page number. We can then populate it with extra icons. Problem is it will waste space especially in portrait mode.

If I disable the translation button when recitation is enabled and vice versa then I'm limiting the user to one function while the application can do both at the same time.
I'm not doing that. Both should be available.

The user should also be able to start the recitation from any part. If I'm at verse 50 then the recitation starts from verse 50 until the end.

Tafsir will work exactly like translations. It is available for download from the same pages. I don't see why it should be different.

You can download multiple translations and there will be a translation icon in the toolbar to cycle between them.

TransTech 2011-08-20 12:42

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
I totally agree with you.. i.e. you want to save the space at the tool bar and make the app simple and at the same time less cluttered.. and it should have all the possible functions.

for this i can only say that.. keep the toolbar as it is but for recitation and translation part i think this might work..
[Below idea is for hidden translation and tafsir only; the user has to select an option in settings for permanent translation and tafsir on/off]

A single tap for recitation (as you prefered)
A long tap on the verse should display translation, bookmark and tafsir buttons below the verse like a pop down menu or bar (i'll show an image afterwards) and the user selects the functions he/she wants, i.e. if he want to see translation with tafsir he can select those functions.

And if possible we can implement [in future] recitation for translation and tafsir [in different languages] through this method.

i also have one more suggestion that, is it possible to have two language translations, i.e. I want urdu and english, [ this can be set in the settings to select trasnlation language].

Now About the theme part, i think we need to put atleast 3 to 5 themes (different colors) embedded rather than externally because this removes any unwanted confusion for the user. we can make a color selection menu within the settings to select the color options (Blue, green, orange, white and black)

Thanks :)

TransTech 2011-08-21 10:35

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
Finally got a good software to create real .svg files... not like previous embeded one.. I'll show the results later.. :)

TransTech 2011-08-21 12:47

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
@MSameer: Here is a sample file to check the .svg file i created...


p.s. I'm still making the icons (they are square but not 50x50 pixels because svg and be scaled to fit) and other stuff...

MSameer 2011-08-21 13:33

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
The SVG seems fine but I'm not entirely sure.

Back to features:
Tafsir is treated exactly as translations. They are both the same from the app point of view. No separate buttons or menus or anything.

There are 2 Arabic tafseer texts available and both are found in the translations page and could be enabled.

The option to enable multiple texts will be there. The problem is how to cycle between text as only one will be shown in the UI (Space constrains).

I had the idea of adding a translations button to the toolbar and it could be used to cycle between enabled translations. The problem is I realized that swiping to reach the next and/or previous pages can be confused with up/down. Seems I need to bring back the old next/previous buttons... This consumes all the available space and kills the dedicated translations/recitations buttons.

I'm really stuck here. The only option is to move some options to the main menu or use your brilliant idea (Add such options to the long tap menu) :)

Let's brain storm themes:
1) We can ship multiple colors/themes.
2) Adding a new theme is just a matter of dropping a few icons and an ini file to a certain directory and then enable it from the settings page.

Is that OK ?

TransTech 2011-08-21 14:07

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by MSameer (Post 1074013)
The SVG seems fine but I'm not entirely sure.

Back to features:
Tafsir is treated exactly as translations. They are both the same from the app point of view. No separate buttons or menus or anything.

There are 2 Arabic tafseer texts available and both are found in the translations page and could be enabled.

The option to enable multiple texts will be there. The problem is how to cycle between text as only one will be shown in the UI (Space constrains).

I had the idea of adding a translations button to the toolbar and it could be used to cycle between enabled translations. The problem is I realized that swiping to reach the next and/or previous pages can be confused with up/down. Seems I need to bring back the old next/previous buttons... This consumes all the available space and kills the dedicated translations/recitations buttons.

I'm really stuck here. The only option is to move some options to the main menu or use your brilliant idea (Add such options to the long tap menu) :)

Let's brain storm themes:
1) We can ship multiple colors/themes.
2) Adding a new theme is just a matter of dropping a few icons and an ini file to a certain directory and then enable it from the settings page.

Is that OK ?

About the SVG i'll make some icons and post here (when completed) and you cn check them...

if you are implementing translations (meaning of a verse) and tafsir(detailed explaination with referance to historical events) together it doesnt require seperate buttons, but if the user only needs translation then the option to display only translation must be available in Settings (if and only if the tafsir is mixed with it.).

about the multiple tafsir text problem, there must be an option to select the desired tafsir text in the setting rather than cycling between them, (as this may cause confusions if pressed mistakenly).

now the next and previous problem, i think swiping to left side of the page should move sightly left and show a left icon(left arrow) to turn page left, and vice versa. this will save the space in the toolbar. (we can put a translation icon there if needed)

shipping multiple themes will be good and i agree, but adding few icons and an ini is not good for all of the public, because they cant make all the icons, nor the ini and pasting in right place is difficult. (for example: not quite possible on future phones n8,e7,c7,n9 etc (symbian/meego) )

what do you think?

MSameer 2011-08-21 14:29

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
Only 1 extra text can be displayed below the Arabic verse.
That text can be a translation or a tafsir. The application doesn't even care or know. You can cycle between the available extra texts somehow using a way I don't know yet :)

Let's say you downloaded 10 translations. You enabled only 3 of them. You can cycle between all of them.

Let's say text a, b and c are enabled.
If you cycle and choose a then a becomes the default one. Next time you close and open the app a will be there by default. and so on.

I don't really understand what you want to say regarding the previous and next problem.

If you don't want to make icons and/or the configuration file for the theme. How can you create an additional theme then ? The ini file is needed for defining colors at least.

TransTech 2011-08-21 15:57

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by MSameer (Post 1074043)
Only 1 extra text can be displayed below the Arabic verse.
That text can be a translation or a tafsir. The application doesn't even care or know. You can cycle between the available extra texts somehow using a way I don't know yet :)

Let's say you downloaded 10 translations. You enabled only 3 of them. You can cycle between all of them.

Let's say text a, b and c are enabled.
If you cycle and choose a then a becomes the default one. Next time you close and open the app a will be there by default. and so on.

I don't really understand what you want to say regarding the previous and next problem.

If you don't want to make icons and/or the configuration file for the theme. How can you create an additional theme then ? The ini file is needed for defining colors at least.

About cycling translation or tafsir, you can add a 'T' button in the toolbar which when pressed shows a menu like the arrow button does, and it gives the option to select A(Translation, B(Translation Language B), C (Tafsir), D (Tafsir Language B).

however only one text (any of the A,B,C,D options) will appear below the arabic text.

about the next previous problem i will show you with a mock-up.

I will be making the icons and designs of all the themes, but i dont know how to make the configuration file (can you make that one). Because i'm very bad at coding ;) ..... so you make the config file for all the themes and i will provide you all the icons, buttons, etc that you will need.

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