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gianko 2012-02-07 12:10

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
removed folders .waze purged,reinstalled and tried again

got another error


/home/user # cd /opt/waze/bin
/opt/waze/bin # ./waze
Maemo applications must be run with the script!
QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme.
13:06:55.174 s..debug.. ../waze/qt/, line 50 roadmap_backlight_initialize() - Current setting : no        [File: '../waze/qt/'; Line: 50]
13:06:55.178 s..debug.. ../waze/qt/, line 78 roadmap_set_backlight() - Current setting : no        [File: '../waze/qt/'; Line: 78]
13:06:55.179 s..debug.. ../waze/roadmap_power.c, line 97 Starting the periodic for power. Period: 30000.        [File: '../waze/roadmap_power.c'; Line: 97]
13:06:55.180 s..debug.. ../waze/roadmap_map_settings.c, line 116 intialiazing map settings        [File: '../waze/roadmap_map_settings.c'; Line: 116]
13:06:55.181 s..debug.. ../waze/roadmap_download_settings.c, line 85 intialiazing map settings        [File: '../waze/roadmap_download_settings.c'; Line: 85]
Segmentation fault

gianko 2012-02-07 12:16

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by damagedspline (Post 1161252)
Edit 2: I totally forgot, you should copy /opt/waze/data as /home/user/MyDocs/.waze after removing it - Sorry.

so i have to remove /home/user/MyDocs/.waze

and then

cp /opt/waze/data /home/user/MyDocs/.waze


damagedspline 2012-02-07 15:21

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by gianko (Post 1161640)
so i have to remove /home/user/MyDocs/.waze

and then

cp /opt/waze/data /home/user/MyDocs/.waze


More like:

mkdir /home/user/MyDocs/.waze
cp -r /opt/waze/data/* /home/user/MyDocs/.waze/

But since you reinstalled you dont have to as the installation does that copy automatically.

Returning to my previous question, is your N900 overclocked by any chance?

damagedspline 2012-02-08 09:41

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
I will be far from a dev machine for the next week so I will release a new version either tonight or tomorrow night without the planned camera integration.

gianko 2012-02-08 10:41

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by damagedspline (Post 1161714)
More like:

mkdir /home/user/MyDocs/.waze
cp -r /opt/waze/data/* /home/user/MyDocs/.waze/

But since you reinstalled you dont have to as the installation does that copy automatically.

Returning to my previous question, is your N900 overclocked by any chance?

i have kp49 but no overclock, i use the standard clock value plus smartreflex, vdd1,vdd2 and powersafebias=20 for a long lasting battery

damagedspline 2012-02-08 20:40

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by gianko (Post 1162056)
i have kp49 but no overclock, i use the standard clock value plus smartreflex, vdd1,vdd2 and powersafebias=20 for a long lasting battery

Tried your configuration (with cpu = 600 & cpu = 850) and it worked OK so that isn't it (actually I was impressed with the performance in the 850).

damagedspline 2012-02-08 20:43

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
v0.0.6 is out - see first post

drucula 2012-02-08 23:16

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Thanks for bringing back life to my N900!

gianko 2012-02-09 11:20

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by damagedspline (Post 1162380)
Tried your configuration (with cpu = 600 & cpu = 850) and it worked OK so that isn't it (actually I was impressed with the performance in the 850).

lucky you. my phone seems to be allergic to waze

damagedspline 2012-02-09 11:51

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by gianko (Post 1162588)
lucky you. my phone seems to be allergic to waze

Have you encountered similar crushes with any other app?

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