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elemental 2012-02-03 18:42

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
@Kdib Thank you, I noted everything, I will do my best to make it better. In SNES sprite hiding is caused probably by the fact that you have frameskip set to 1. Set to 0 and should be ok.

Kdib 2012-02-03 20:31

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1160048)
@Kdib Thank you, I noted everything, I will do my best to make it better. In SNES sprite hiding is caused probably by the fact that you have frameskip set to 1. Set to 0 and should be ok.

Thanks for the tip! Set frameskip to 0 and it worked like a charm - sprite blinked like it should.

BTW, why is it set to 1 by default? Aladdin still runs very smooth and fast without frameskip.

elemental 2012-02-03 20:49

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2

Originally Posted by Kdib (Post 1160107)
BTW, why is it set to 1 by default? Aladdin still runs very smooth and fast without frameskip.

It was not that good in the first releases. I haven't noticed it is still 1 by default, I will change it to 0(Auto) in the next release.

Sniper_swe 2012-02-05 16:49

Is there any way u could implement this step of sixaxis config:

(~ # killall bluetoothd
killall: bluetoothd: no process killed
~ # /usr/sbin/hciconfig hci0 up
~ # /usr/sbin/hciconfig hci0 lm master
~ # /usr/sbin/hciconfig hci0 piscan )

To a button of some sort in the emumaster app or maybe an icon on home screen that executes this code so we dont need to type it terminal after every reboot?

elemental 2012-02-05 17:05

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
I can make an icon but you will still have to type the root password.

Sniper_swe 2012-02-05 17:14

Thats okay. Takes alot less time:) thx

Acidspunk 2012-02-05 17:18

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
Hi elemental. Is there a chance for a maemo 5 version? I'd like to try this.

elemental 2012-02-05 17:31

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
In fact I made version for fremantle already, but:
- it's really hard to get qt-components and all graphics from harmattan working on n900
- psx emulation is not working
- I don't know why I must show QDeclarativeView with qt-components first, so settings appears first, you press back, and the emulation starts, it take some time to load qml with qt-components and they are rather slow
I will publish it, but not now, I have no time today,sorry. Next week, OK?

Acidspunk 2012-02-05 18:37

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
Sure, whenever you find the time, of course. Thank you! :)

tachi 2012-02-06 07:30

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
so elemental whats ur next plans for the emumaster ? ur gonna get working on the genesis games coz not all games work ? or ur gonna fix psx emulation or ur adding new system ? o.o and about the sixaxis controller not all ppl knows how to do the codes and it takes time could u make a shortcut that does the job without writing the codes it'll be alot easier for us .. and i've been wondering is it possible to emulate DreamCast ? coz i think the n9 can do it

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