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Piotr 2013-01-29 20:32

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1318900)
I am sorry for you, but the facts are there. Please familiarize yourself with that before mouthing your opinions.

For Nokia, Maemo is end-of-life, there is nothing here to see any more. As for the current state of the company, N900 and it's ilk are embaressment for them. Currently it's all WP in the company, and they would rather forget their Linux legacy. (and indeed, have worked hard to eradict it totally...)

The way they see things, it causes no bad PR to leave the Maemo devices without support. As was stated before, the legal oblications have been filled. As for moral obligations... please :(

What facts? How can you be sure that they were not bluffing, just to trick "the community" into taking over their responsibilities?
The server was supposedly paid till end of 2012, but surprisingly it was still up in mid-January 2013. Hmmm...

I am not saying that it isn't end-of-life - it was end of life at the very moment when they made the deal with Microsoft.
But I am also saying that they would not dare to switch off the repos - not before the community agreed to take over the burden. Which was BTW a great deal for Nokia, so it comes as no surprise that they even founded you the new server, because it is still much cheaper for them.
My point is that I don't quite understand why I must be tankful. I paid them lots of money for the phone and they do me no favor to keep the repo servers running,. and knowing the business, I'm quite sure they would have kept it running, if nobody had volunteered to took it over. So yeah: thanks for doing me the favor that I haven't asked for! :)

qwazix 2013-01-29 20:41

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime
Would you take the risk? I wouldn't.

Especially given the previous Nokia track record ( not working on N900's since forever, shut down more than 1.5year ago, ovi files shut down with a month's notice, autobuilder/wiki down for months etc.)

BTW the reason it was running mid-January was that the migration was underway, and they accepted to keep it running until the move. The tmo invoice was expiring 20/01/2013 and we moved out on the 16th.

Piotr 2013-01-29 20:47

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime
I don't know if I would have taken the risk. I haven't spoken to them in person so I cannot say how likely it was that they were just bluffing.
But I know that until Nokia was responsible for the repos, the servers were up an running fine. And I also don't believe that they would have founded you the server without an actual business case. So what was the business case, if not a way of saving money?

Piotr 2013-01-29 20:57

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime
I mean guys, since we have to use mirrors anyway and none of you sees an issue with that, why not to let Nokia shut down the servers, if they will, and just switch our phones to the mirrors? And eventually move the forum to some other domain...
At the worse case, assuming that they did switch off the servers, wouldn't the final effect be quite the same for an end user of their phone?
if you don't know if its a bluff - why not to call it? :)

michaaa62 2013-01-29 21:08

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime
Like the way you are applauding yourself. :p
At least one is taking you serious :eek:
While unhiding from your 'rock of untold wisdom',...
Well, still it is just a rock you were proud of hiding behind. :cool:

Piotr 2013-01-29 21:10

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime

Originally Posted by michaaa62 (Post 1318916)
Like the way you are applauding yourself. :p
At least one is taking you serious :eek:
While unhiding from your 'rock of untold wisdom',...
Well, still it is just a rock you were proud of hiding behind. :cool:

Sorry - no speaking your language.
If you have something to tell me, you will need to express it in a way that I would be able to understand.

misiak 2013-01-29 21:10

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime
Piotr, you seem to be new here, and you are bringing up the topics that were discussed here over and over in detail over the past few months. If you just bought your N900, I'm sorry for you. If not, you're embarassing yourself a bit.

@Admins and Moderators - Guys, this thread reminded me of some interesting lecture I once watched online (that is only one of many out there on the Interwebz, but I found only this one right now) - . I think it could be of great use (well, I would expect a moderator to have a bit of knowledge on the subject of keeping the community clean of derailers, in the end moderator is someone like the policeman in here :P)

Piotr 2013-01-29 21:11

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime

Originally Posted by misiak (Post 1318918)
Piotr, you seem to be new here, and you are bringing up the topics that were discussed here over and over in detail over the past few months. If you just bought your N900, I'm sorry for you. If not, you're embarassing yourself a bit.

Oh, that's nice, but don't be sorry - my phone is probably older than you ;)
I'm just saying that Nokia wouldn't dare to switch off the repos, and you agreeing to take over also took over some responsibilities, so don't tell me now that I should beg you to put them back online.

woody14619 2013-01-29 21:19

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime

Originally Posted by Piotr (Post 1318832)
oh, OK - then sorry, I did not know that.

Despite people posting exactly that, several times, AND having it all detailed in the top post on this thread.

And then, in some sudden miracle, rather than shut up in your ignorance of what's happened, you proclaim to "know" all kinds of things, including:


Originally Posted by Piotr (Post 1318907)
What facts? How can you be sure that they were not bluffing, ... they would not dare to switch off the repos - not before the community agreed to take over the burden.

And you know this how?

I was on Council. I spoke to those at Nokia and at the companies running the servers. I know that before we had step one done on setting up a backup and transition plan, the server shut-off time was set in stone. The date for them to turn off equipment was extended by the company running it because we asked them, politely, and showed we had a plan in place to transition which was already well underway. Had we not, it would have simply been shut off and discarded, like many other services that are now gone (like scrathcbox).

My proof is direct talks with people in Nokia, as one of the contact points with Nokia and the service providers. What's your proof? None. You're full of opinions, and have NO facts to back up anything you're saying, other than your "knowing" things that you clearly have no understanding of.


Originally Posted by Piotr (Post 1318907)
So yeah: thanks for doing me the favor that I haven't asked for! :)

Tell you what, if you don't like it, we can fix that. We'll just place an IP ban in the firewall for your posting address. That way you can act as if Nokia had just shut everything down, as planned. Then you don't have to worry about us doing you any favors.

As for the mirrors: Those hosting the mirrors right now have limited bandwidth and resources. Handling the small load of users that are being extra careful not to pummel them without need is one thing. Handling everyone in the community for the long haul is quite another. And that's not even counting all the non-community N900 still out there.

I for one haven't switched either of my N900 to the backup repos, because I don't need to. Both are set to do monthly checks, but for now everything I need is on the device. I suspect lots of people in the know still haven't updated to the temp repos yet, because they don't have the need right now and don't want to strain that resource. As they find need, the user resources will likely not be enough.

You're so full of answers for someone who has no idea what's going on. And yet, despite seeming to know it all, you're not willing to do a single thing to help out. No contribution, no thanks, nothing but moaning and whining. There's a word for people like that: Leaches.

Take your self-centered drivel elsewhere. We have work to get done.

Piotr 2013-01-29 21:20

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime

Originally Posted by woody14619 (Post 1318922)
And you know this how?

professional experience.
let's say that I used to work for them... :)


Originally Posted by woody14619 (Post 1318922)
Tell you what, if you don't like it, we can fix that. We'll just place an IP ban in the firewall for your posting address. That way you can act as if Nokia had just shut everything down, as planned. Then you don't have to worry about us doing you any favors.

personal advise: never throw treats that you are unable to fulfill. it makes you look week..
and also, why wont you learn some manners? :)

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