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nieldk 2014-01-24 20:11

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
why not. make a development team, and those of us interrested buy shares - in development - not the product. ?

Rauha 2014-01-24 21:10

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Kimmoli really should become a hardware mogul.

Just because world deserves a corporate logo based on his face doodle. And truckloads of products with that logo.

kimmoli 2014-01-24 21:26

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1408734)
why not. make a development team, and those of us interrested buy shares - in development - not the product. ?

It is not so easy to do things like this here in Finland...


Originally Posted by Rauha (Post 1408751)
Kimmoli really should become a hardware mogul.

Just because world deserves a corporate logo based on his face doodle. And truckloads of products with that logo.

Really - i did LOL...

It is not so big investment to get eagle standard upgraded from hobby version. I'll go for that.

I should get the proximity sensor parts early next week, then write some code for it (if dirkvl doesn't keep me busy with keyboard).

Kabouik 2014-01-24 21:57

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display

Originally Posted by kimmoli (Post 1408719)
Latest print finished...

Total phone thickness now 11.5 mm (original by spec 9.9mm)

bezel is now three layers (0.3mm) thick:

Really thin 2-sided tape used to fix pcb to printed part. oled might need to be glued in place:

I must say I do not regret having raised my hand when you told about the first 5 OHOLED 40 € each. :)

Too bad the Sculpteo parts have a minimal thickness of 0.5 mm (even though total thickness of the OH remains unchanged), this may trap more dust and look a little bit less good. But there are constraints and that OH will be awesome anyway! Impressive work!

F2thaK 2014-01-25 07:39

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display

Originally Posted by kimmoli (Post 1408719)
Latest print finished...

Total phone thickness now 11.5 mm (original by spec 9.9mm)

bezel is now three layers (0.3mm) thick:

Really thin 2-sided tape used to fix pcb to printed part. oled might need to be glued in place:

wow! shame about the license.

nodevel 2014-01-25 09:08

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
The last version is almost perfect! Seriously considering this.

Just one question: Is the 'TOHOLED' text and your logo going to be on the final model as well?
I think it would be cool to have it on the pcb as seen on the pictures, but I like to have the back of my phone as clean as possible. :)

kimmoli 2014-01-25 09:56

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display

Originally Posted by nodevel (Post 1408811)
The last version is almost perfect! Seriously considering this.

Thank you

Originally Posted by nodevel (Post 1408811)
Just one question: Is the 'TOHOLED' text and your logo going to be on the final model as well?

Next version will have these on inside. It has been easier to check that the print starts ok with some details instead of just a large flat area. (first layer is sometimes tricky)

ATM these are negative, so they make the plastic thin and fragile on those places.
I could easily push my finger through the 'derp' (then it looks like this

MaemoUser 2014-01-25 16:19

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display (POLL!!!)
Will you offer it in different colors? And which informations do you plan to show on the OLED?

kimmoli 2014-01-25 16:24

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display (POLL!!!)

Originally Posted by MaemoUser (Post 1408890)
Will you offer it in different colors? And which informations do you plan to show on the OLED?

color is good question ... check sculpteo polished plastic selection

displays now clock, battery % , and new SMS.
need some coding to get more...

Rauha 2014-01-25 19:45

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display (POLL!!!)

Originally Posted by kimmoli (Post 1408891)

displays now clock, battery % , and new SMS.
need some coding to get more...

Add new email and thats all I need


Originally Posted by kimmoli (Post 1408891)
color is good question ... check sculpteo polished plastic selection

White, black, red, green, blue or yellow, they say. Black is not an option to me. I'm sort of used to Jolla meaning phone with dual colors.

Will it be possible to change the colour of numbers/text on the OHOLED.(?) I think I'll go with yellow plastics, if the blue OLED text in your pics can be changed. (Assuming that you'll take more orders later)


Originally Posted by nodevel (Post 1408811)
I think it would be cool to have it on the pcb as seen on the pictures, but I like to have the back of my phone as clean as possible.


Originally Posted by kimmoli (Post 1408821)
ATM these are negative, so they make the plastic thin and fragile on those places.

Dammit, I want that freaky face doodle logo!

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