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KotCzarny 2015-03-09 16:47

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
* remote config is now in ~/.oscp-remote.conf (will be created if missing or old version)
* remote now autodetects device type, so if something goes wrong see above file
* oscc - new tool, remote will automatically use it to cut winamp classic .zip skin into ~/.oscp/skin/.
* you can now change skin on-the-fly (press top-left button in style_me=3 window)

what does it mean? grab some skins in .zip format and have fun!

ps. also updated oscp-pkg-x86-linux.tar.gz on sf page

KotCzarny 2015-03-09 19:52

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
* Fixed core mp3(lav) duration bug (seeking works for mp3s now)

KotCzarny 2015-03-10 17:20

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
* Reworked gui and config. Added few iconsets.

config file (~/.oscp-remote.conf) has grown quite a bit, so it's no longer needed to set options in /opt. also it will reinit if missing or old version. check iconset=-4 and iconset=-5 options. you can also create your own iconset now, put it in /opt/oscp/share/images/icons6 and set with iconset=-6.

KotCzarny 2015-03-10 17:40

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
@endsormeans, everyone: have you tested your skin collection with oscp? it's been a while and no one commented if there are any issues

KotCzarny 2015-03-10 17:52

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
you don't have to uninstal when installing new version of the same package, system takes care of that (and it doesn't matter if you install via dpkg -i or app manager). also, waiting for reviews, thanks in advance :)

nokiabot 2015-03-11 03:20

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1463643)
I've been waiting for a lull in the updated version releases ...:D
Every time I go to mess with it ... you release a new and improved version!
So I wait for it to show ...uninstall the existing version and install the new's been a bugger keeping up with the whirlwind pace you set! :D
Good thing n8x0 skillz were atrophying I swear. :D
So yeah... I haven't had a chance to test out the last couple... yet.
I promise to do so this evening Kot. ....pinky-swear.

same with me here keeping pace with updates is nightmare :p
downloading new version

KotCzarny 2015-03-11 05:43

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
well, someone on irc said 'make package, release early, release often', so i did

endsormeans 2015-03-11 06:00

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
actually concerning the skins...
which directory did you say the original pygtk skin was in again?
I've trapped myself in a maze of my own winamp skins!

KotCzarny 2015-03-11 06:04

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
well, i have written osc (audio visualizer with pixel engine where you can write your own algos and convert math to eye candies), oscv (picture viewer that can show animated gifs and browse through pdfs), kccp (tiny http/https/ftp proxy with url matching to block ads/unwanted stuff). and some more. just haven't released them to the world yet. early version of osc (with osc-pix) is in repo. needs some instructions to dive into all features. some videos of it but it's just a tiny bit of what it can do

KotCzarny 2015-03-11 06:09

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1463697)
actually concerning the skins...
which directory did you say the original pygtk skin was in again?
I've trapped myself in a maze of my own winamp skins!

you can always delete ~/.oscp-remote.conf. and the original dir has already cutted and prepared skin. i've attached it there as a zip. ariel-clean-skin was entirely created by me and has one tiny bug i'll brush out later

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