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BluesLee 2015-07-03 05:34

Re: SailfishOS on Nexus 5
Huge progress on Gps is reported. As root do within alpha12

zypper ref
zypper dup
zypper in geoclue geoclue-provider-hybris-community

and use gpsinfo from warehouse. AGps is not supported yet. Thanks to mal writing the gps-glue.

p.s. Confirmed, works with all native GPS apps. Great.

nh1402 2015-07-06 13:55

Re: SailfishOS on Nexus 5
Some android app for sailfish progress has been made but we need your help! Click here to see petals redux working on the Nexus 5 on Sailfish!

KylliOrvokki 2015-07-20 18:21

Re: SailfishOS on Nexus 5
Seems that Sledges and the whole posse working on this are on fire!

Unfortunately my Nexus 5 power button broke down.
Any hints where to find new/old Nexus 5 with smallest amount of money?

itdoesntmatt 2015-07-20 18:25

Re: SailfishOS on Nexus 5
I suppose you had better to fix it!!

KylliOrvokki 2015-07-20 18:37

Re: SailfishOS on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by itdoesntmatt (Post 1477394)
I suppose you had better to fix it!!

Well f... + 10 chars.

I have already fixed/changed - one motherboard and usb-power-flex-cable twice (one from amazon which was faulty as phone could not find network) and now this. I checked weldering instructions and I am most likely to burn that phone than been successful of changing that power button. I am getting too old for this s...

Edit: And forgot to mention that I also changed ear speaker.

itdoesntmatt 2015-07-20 18:42

Re: SailfishOS on Nexus 5
But you have broken the power button connection to motherboard? I thought only the phisical button

KylliOrvokki 2015-07-20 18:52

Re: SailfishOS on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by itdoesntmatt (Post 1477396)
But you have broken the power button connection to motherboard? I thought only the phisical button

It seems that I would need to change the button.

TemeV 2015-07-20 20:18

Re: SailfishOS on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by KylliOrvokki (Post 1477398)
It seems that I would need to change the button.

Sorry about off topic but...
How could you find repairing instructions that is nicely written text with clear pictures. Always when I search for something like that, I can only find Youtube videos recorded with a potato.

That button doesn't seem to be too hard to solder though. My recommended way for removing it would be to use SMD removal alloy like this (I don't know if that one is the best or the cheapest, it was the first hit in Ebay). Remove the solder with solder wick, apply some of that stuff and pick up the component.

gerbick 2015-07-20 20:57

Re: SailfishOS on Nexus 5
Does this make phone calls yet?

jalyst 2015-07-20 21:58

Re: SailfishOS on Nexus 5
Long time ago now IIRC, some good threads at xda-dev too:

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