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Kevven 2010-01-14 14:06

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)
There! My N900 is now up to date!
Things ive noticed:

Seems snappier in general.
Icons in alphabetical order under the "more" button.
SuperTux runs smoother.
Porttrait in browser works and is a nice feature.
Browser is smoother in page loading and scrolling.

One thing ive noticed is that my calendar widget only shows my notes for one day at a time. Before the update i was able to see events that were at least a month away.

Not sure if this is a bug after the update, or if it was a bug before the update though :P

Has anyone else noticed the same?

noobmonkey 2010-01-14 14:06

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)

Originally Posted by Snaps (Post 470840)
WTF, i select the update in app manager and it tells me:

WTF I thought its going to be done through the 3G internet?


i did mine over the air :) - so no idea what they are saying......

sjgadsby 2010-01-14 14:07

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)
The thread "How Many Rootfs needed for PR 1.1 Update" with thirteen posts has been merged into this thread.

rmarcus 2010-01-14 14:07

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)

Originally Posted by phgerin (Post 470688)
Its not fixed :(

What problem? I have noticed that there is a change in the widget button...they are bigger.

rewt 2010-01-14 14:07

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)
I used the app manager to update, and took notice that afterwards there were still 5 packages from Nokia official repos which there were updates available for: maemo-launcher, feedservice, feedservice-plugin-fb, feedservice-utils, and sharing-service-facebook. These 5 updates were not listed in the app manager, only apt-get - were they supposed to be part of the PR1.1 update? I am certain that none of these updates were available yesterday, so they were released at the same time as PR1.1.

Snaps 2010-01-14 14:08

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)

Originally Posted by noobmonkey (Post 470848)
i did mine over the air :) - so no idea what they are saying......

Thats exactly what I thought! I did the PR1.0.1 over the air. But now its asking me to install Nokia Software Updated :O

WHY!!! OH WHY!!! I mean im doing it now, but any ideas as to why its asking me to do this?

Serbia 2010-01-14 14:08

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)
Just to be sure 2.2009.52.1 update is that PR1.1?? please answer

cddiede 2010-01-14 14:08

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)
I'm in the USA and just got the new firmware notice showing up in my Application Manager.

However, when I click on it I'm told that I must update via the NSU desktop software. OTA doesn't seem to be an option.

Does anyone know why NSU is being mandated? I thought all OS updates were OTA capable these days??

gusch5 2010-01-14 14:09

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)
Update runs well and smooth.

I only hoped that Ovi synchronisation of contacts and calendar would work now :(

sjgadsby 2010-01-14 14:09

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)
The thread "not enough memory in target location" with three posts has been merged into this thread.

koivjann 2010-01-14 14:10

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)
Update went well and no problems so far

In Maps application the dot is dark red when the GPS is locked. Routing is also developed. No voice navigation


msa 2010-01-14 14:11

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)
download was quite fast, but installation took around 15 to 20 minutes. i thought its stuck but it was progressing pixel for pixel.

now its done and to be honest, there isnt too much obvious difference to be seen. i just hope the overall performance has been improved.

also, special numbers still dont work (*100# for example, which german t-mobile prepaid-users use to check their left credit on the simcard)

krk969 2010-01-14 14:11

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)

Originally Posted by Snaps (Post 470840)
WTF, i select the update in app manager and it tells me:

WTF I thought its going to be done through the 3G internet?


apt-get dist-updgrade

try that as root, thats how i got the PR1.0.1

I get the same error as you through app store, so just in case you cant wait to find the reason :)

chainreaction 2010-01-14 14:11

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)
The reason why you're told to update through NSU is because you don't have enough free space in your rootfs. Therefore try to uninstall some/all testing/devel applications and disable the repositories. Rebooting could also work.

Go to terminal and type in command "df -h". This shows how much rootfs free space you have.

Stefan- 2010-01-14 14:12

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)

Originally Posted by Snaps (Post 470840)
WTF, i select the update in app manager and it tells me:

WTF I thought its going to be done through the 3G internet?


The problem could be that you don't have the previous update. Last week I installed the first small update, and today the new big update. All via the N900 and through the 3G internet. It all worked fine.

krk969 2010-01-14 14:13

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)

Originally Posted by chainreaction (Post 470868)
The reason why you're told to update through NSU is because you don't have enough free space in your rootfs. Therefore uninstall testing/devel applications and disable the repositories.

Go to terminal and type in command "df -h". This shows how much rootfs free space you have.

thanks but could you pls explain
how come the apt-get dist-updgrade is downloading the 90MB update.
just curious :confused:

bbns 2010-01-14 14:15

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)
dist-upgrade is the command of updating whole system which exactly what Application Manager update doing.

ZackMorris 2010-01-14 14:16

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)
Whew...when downloading the update OTA it stopped at about 95% and said Downloading Maemo 5 failed. I freaked out, and I was ok give it on more shot, then it downloaded the remaining 5mb. Went thru installation process and installed fine! I'm guessing wifi dropped during download as Im on the far side of my office where signal isn't the strongest and my radio settings are turned down, but no problems, update went smooth. I am hoping that the WIFI bug is indeed fixed because I hate having to reboot everytime I disconnect or leave my office or home. Good job with the roll out Maemo team!

HoX 2010-01-14 14:16

OTA Update without Windows
Today I try to install the new firmware for the N900 (PR1.1), but it ask me to use the Nokia Software Update.
I search for it and obviously it is only for Windows, but I haven't Windows, only Linux. How can I update it? Am I obliged to use the flasher? Or there is some other solution?

krk969 2010-01-14 14:16

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)

Originally Posted by bbns (Post 470876)
dist-upgrade is the command of updating whole system which exactly what Application Manager update doing.

yeah but my point is when i do it using the app manager it asks me to go through NSU but on the command line, apt-get is getting me the new firmware.

so how does no space , as somebody mentioned above, be the cause I was wondering.:confused:

Snaps 2010-01-14 14:18

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)

Originally Posted by chainreaction (Post 470868)
The reason why you're told to update through NSU is because you don't have enough free space in your rootfs. Therefore try to uninstall some/all testing/devel applications and disable the repositories. Rebooting could also work.

Go to terminal and type in command "df -h". This shows how much rootfs free space you have.

I have 58Mb free or 74%. I was told this is enough?

Dancairo 2010-01-14 14:19

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)

Originally Posted by thundead (Post 470776)
3 Uk sim card still rejected.... is anyone also experiencing this ? sooo disappointed...

my uk 3 sim now working!

sjgadsby 2010-01-14 14:19

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)
The thread "OTA Update without Windows" with one post has been merged into this thread.

ZackMorris 2010-01-14 14:19

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)
Just noticed in the Mirror app before updating, that there was greenish colored hue to the right hand side of the screen, like a vertical bar that took up about 10% of the right hand side of the screen using that app. That is gone now. So it looks like some sort of update has been done to the front facing camera.

Arrancamos 2010-01-14 14:20

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)
Perú (GMT-5) ^^ yea I got it xD, OTA updated done successfully in this morning.

Snaps 2010-01-14 14:21

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)
OK I tried doing apt-get and get this error:


Need to get 99.6Mb of archives.

After this operation, 7238Kb disk space will be freed.

e: you dont have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/
So does this mean, I need 99.6Mb free in rootfs?? I have 58Mb at the minute?

heybige 2010-01-14 14:22

Re: not enough memory in target location

Originally Posted by Barts (Post 470784)
just tried to install the new maemo 5 update on my N900, and it has come up with not enough memory in target location. any ideas how i rectify this?

Ran into the same issue - this will help:

Scroll down to the section:
"Q: It says I don't have enough memory, what do I do?"

Bratag 2010-01-14 14:22

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)
Ok so I know this is a little off topic - but I have just read 51 pages of this thread and the number of postings asking the same question over and over and over again is mind numbing. Does nobody read anymore? Even the first post?

This is why red pill mode was removed :)

Moloch 2010-01-14 14:22

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)

Originally Posted by Arrancamos (Post 470891)
Perú (GMT-5) ^^ yea I got it xD, OTA updated done successfully in this morning.

:( can't update un Perú yet....

NvyUs 2010-01-14 14:23

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)
the reason your told to go to NSU is caused by a conflicting package.
if it was memory problem your told Not enough memory to install

krk969 2010-01-14 14:25

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)

Originally Posted by Snaps (Post 470892)
OK I tried doing apt-get and get this error:

So does this mean, I need 99.6Mb free in rootfs?? I have 58Mb at the minute?

my rootfs was 62% full when I ran apt-get dist-upgrade and it worked fine.

so looks like you dont need exactly 90MB , maybe some kind of compression exists in rootfs.
Anybody with more knowledge can comment

Snaps 2010-01-14 14:25

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)

Originally Posted by NvyUs (Post 470900)
the reason your told to go to NSU is caused by a conflicting package.
if it was memory problem your told Not enough memory to install

OK, what package could it be??? Shall I list you my installed packages?

Snaps 2010-01-14 14:26

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)

Originally Posted by krk969 (Post 470907)
my rootfs was 62% full when I ran apt-get dist-upgrade and it worked fine.

so looks like you dont need exactly 90MB , maybe some kind of compression exists in rootfs.
Anybody with more knowledge can comment

I read you only need 45Mb?

x61 2010-01-14 14:26

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)
The USSD (allows you to dial * and # in front of a number to check your minutes, balance, etc) that was promised to be fixed is not fixed in the PR1.1. Anybody else notice this?

tissot 2010-01-14 14:28

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 470898)
Ok so I know this is a little off topic - but I have just read 51 pages of this thread and the number of postings asking the same question over and over and over again is mind numbing. Does nobody read anymore? Even the first post?

This is why red pill mode was removed :)

Indeed. There is way too many who think that example extra-dev is for anybody.
Anyways all gone smooth here. Update did take about 10 minutes and made fast device even faster and smoother in the menus and in the browser.

Dancairo 2010-01-14 14:29

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)
just a heads up...some people have noted that there rootfs looses 10mb after update, mine went from 47.7 free to 47.9!!!

krk969 2010-01-14 14:30

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)

Originally Posted by NvyUs (Post 470900)
the reason your told to go to NSU is caused by a conflicting package.
if it was memory problem your told Not enough memory to install

is there a way to know the packages that conflict with the 51.1 upgrade.
Any command line ?

that way it would be easier to know which ones i need to uninstall before the app manager can upgrade OTA.


real_per 2010-01-14 14:31

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)

Originally Posted by Strickmabil (Post 470837)
suxalot having to input text in wide mode while browser is in portrait mode.

Completely agree.
Can you even navigate back/forward and bookmarks when in portrait mode ? I can't find it..

It seems strange to put this in an update when it doesn't really do anything.

NvyUs 2010-01-14 14:31

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)
theres a couple different ones they are listed in this thread somewhere
removing IOQuake and OpenArena fixed problem for some

noobmonkey 2010-01-14 14:32

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.1 released today (January 14)

Originally Posted by sjgadsby (Post 470888)
The thread "OTA Update without Windows" with one post has been merged into this thread.

Doing a good job there gadsby :)

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