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ranbaxy 2012-07-24 13:24

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by automagic68 (Post 1242206)
I saw a GS3 drop test video, it was pretty brutal to watch what happens when Samsung's 'cheap' plastic falls 4-5 ft. :eek: A few feet more and I think the phone would've broken in half like a candy bar. Not that I'm one to drop phones/electronics it still bothers me to know how minimal of a beating a Samsung product can take. :(


Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 1242211)
Well, there is this plasticky feeling, true, but I must admit that up to now I haven't had crackings or squeakings with the Note. The back cover fits well even if I have opened and closed it several times for battery changing, and the microusb port is still attached where it was meant to be (this hasn't been true for some other beloved devices :D ).

Then, we should admit that in order to have radio waves pass through it without attenuation, and to make it light and cheap, they must go plastics, and not metal, even if those peripheral electrons of metal atoms are sooo shiny and feel cool. Carbon fiber who knows?

I've used SGS2 for a couple of weeks (was using Nokia N8 previously). Didn't quite like the phone I don't know why - might be because I didn't want to go with the crowd (read Android :o) And during my short relationship with SGS2 (after using Nokia phones all through my life before that) this is what I felt.
  • Plasticky feel (as mentioned before)
  • Call quality was not upto the mark (when we compare it with Nokia)

Don't really want to mention the other drawbacks like that of the battery and other blah blah as I know those are not Samsung's problems, they comes with Android :p

Switched to Nokia N9 now and this is what I call a real smartphone :cool:

Cue 2012-07-24 14:51

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by ranbaxy (Post 1242216)
Don't really want to mention the other drawbacks like that of the battery and other blah blah as I know those are not Samsung's problems, they comes with Android :p

Switched to Nokia N9 now and this is what I call a real smartphone :cool:

But the S2 has comparable battery life to Nokia's latest smartphones and on top of that has a removable battery. The Note specifically has great battery performance, one of the best of any smartphone. Not sure why battery is a problem.

fpp 2012-07-24 19:13

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by automagic68 (Post 1242206)
I saw a GS3 drop test video, it was pretty brutal to watch what happens when Samsung's 'cheap' plastic falls 4-5 ft. :eek: A few feet more and I think the phone would've broken in half like a candy bar. Not that I'm one to drop phones/electronics it still bothers me to know how minimal of a beating a Samsung product can take. :(

I just took mine out of a cheap, noname cover case from DealExtreme which was already falling apart after a few months, and put into the Stilgut case/stand I just received today.

I feel a bit safer now :-)

Virtuality 2012-07-27 23:17

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Guys I've learned earlier that in the ICS the memory is considered as a one partition.Thus, the limited 2 gb for installation will no longer be available and the 16 gb present in the galaxy note (for example) will be considered as a memory for storage and installation.But, unfortunatly this is not what I found on my galaxy note ICS 4.0.3 and now the 2gb for installation are nearlly full because I am a heavy downloader of applications, medical apps, tools, dictionaries, games etc...
Isn,t there a way to enlarge the limited 2 gb for installation?

What about the ICS 4.0.4, did anybody try it or not yet? Is it worthy to upgrade from ics 4.0.3 to 4.0.4?

Kangal 2012-07-28 02:52

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Virtuality (Post 1243959)
Guys I've learned earlier that in the ICS the memory is considered as a one partition.Thus, the limited 2 gb for installation will no longer be available and the 16 gb present in the galaxy note (for example) will be considered as a memory for storage and installation.But, unfortunatly this is not what I found on my galaxy note ICS 4.0.3 and now the 2gb for installation are nearlly full because I am a heavy downloader of applications, medical apps, tools, dictionaries, games etc...
Isn,t there a way to enlarge the limited 2 gb for installation?

What about the ICS 4.0.4, did anybody try it or not yet? Is it worthy to upgrade from ics 4.0.3 to 4.0.4?

2.3 was "super optimized" by Samsung.
ICS 4.0.3 was rushed, as Samsung clearly focussed R&D on the S3.
4.0.4 fixes many bugs from 403, not all.
I think [2.3.7] < [4.0.3] << [4.0.4]

And now there are 4.1.0/4.1.1 ROMs by the way

debernardis 2012-07-28 07:26

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Virtuality (Post 1243959)
Isn,t there a way to enlarge the limited 2 gb for installation?

What about the ICS 4.0.4, did anybody try it or not yet? Is it worthy to upgrade from ics 4.0.3 to 4.0.4?

4.0.4 does not relieve this limit.
However, at least, moving several applications to the sd card doesn't bootlooping.any more, at least on my device.

Edit: moving S-Note to the sd card (through titanium backup) frees 90 megabytes in a single move!

Dave999 2012-08-03 17:34

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Galaxy note 2 is less than a month away from announcement.

Dave999 2012-08-07 23:04

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Cue 2012-08-08 03:31

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
where did you get the image/concept from?

Kangal 2012-08-08 09:11

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Its a "mock up" from a Pocket Now Article.

Kangal 2012-08-08 11:22

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
The official design of the "Samsung Galaxy NOTE 2" you say?

Here, I found it:

As posted by Samsung on Facebook.

edit: As (swiftly) removed from Facebook by Samsung!

mscion 2012-08-08 13:20

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1249078)
The official design of the "Samsung Galaxy NOTE 2" you say?

Here, I found it:

As posted by Samsung on Facebook.

edit: As (swiftly) removed from Facebook by Samsung!

Quite possible. For this design, the home button is likely in the screen. Therefore going to the 5.5 inch screen doesn't increase device size.

Cue 2012-08-08 14:27

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
that looks like the smallest bezel I've seen in a phone.Looks really nice. Not sure I like the different radius of curvature between the bottom and top though.

Dave999 2012-08-08 14:38

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I really dont want to have screen buttons. I think its fake.

mscion 2012-08-08 17:53

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1249152)
I really dont want to have screen buttons. I think its fake.

Well, 23 days left to find out. But who's counting...

EDIT: Oops! I meant 21 days...

Kangal 2012-08-09 13:16

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1249152)
I really dont want to have screen buttons. I think its fake.

Normally I'd agree with you. But...!

- Samsung's Physical Home + Capacitive Menu/Back isn't that great
- SONY (X10) makes the best buttons
- The Gnex and N9 without front buttons looks great, the iPhone has one button and looks great
- The S PEN will support On-Screen buttons, not the alternatives

PS, the slight curvature on the Galaxy Nexus is a great feature, I wished Samsung would adopt it... it would also help them differentiate themselves from Apple's (amorally) patented design.

Dave999 2012-08-09 13:36

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
other things...

Does samsung ever print logotype on the bottom? No?
Front camera is on the wrong side?
the screen never cover the hole body from side to side?

I doubt I switch from GNote to GNote II...still looking forward to the presentation.

Kangal 2012-08-10 03:50

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1249527)
other things...

Does samsung ever print logotype on the bottom? No?
Front camera is on the wrong side?
the screen never cover the hole body from side to side?

I doubt I switch from GNote to GNote II...still looking forward to the presentation.

You're right.
I think Samsung's Tweeted that this isn't the Note2. Other's were quick to point out it was a "leak" for the S3.... so pretty much confirmed this isn't it.

Nonetheless, I think putting the SAMSUNG logo on the bottom is a better utilising the space instead of extending the bezel. And the display can't be edge-to-edge but it can be pretty darn close.

I hope the Note2 has some ques from this picture, and comes with specs that are worth upgrading to. Otherwise, I'll stick with rev1 thank you.

Dave999 2012-08-16 17:31

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I heard samsung can repair new galaxy screens for about 40-60 Euro in some European countries. Anyone know if its possible to send them and where it is? Cant find the information @

I have broke screen since yesterday :(

I might have to buy a Galaxy Note II :D

Kangal 2012-08-17 03:51

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Damn that sucks. How did it break?

Is it just the digitizer?
The screen and the digitizer?
SAMOLED Screen only?

Sorry I got no info on that, just Google for it.
Otherwise, send a query to your local Samsung by email or phone. You might be surprised by the response.

Otherwise, go to those Middle-Eastern dodgy phone places. They will try to rip you off, however, they may be able to fix it. Be weary, but they can Unbrick various Hard-bricked devices and change iPhone entire screens so its not impossible.

PS I dropped mine from 1 metre height, but not just "dropped" it, I sort of launched it heavily at the ground. My phone's got an old screen protector and the TPU Kickstand case. It landed on the screen part towards the corner onto solid Tile floor. No damage visual : )

Dave999 2012-08-18 12:37

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Dropped it on the floor, Have a few black pixels on the side. I can still use it but it's not fun so I have to fix it or buy another.

Samsung Mobile Premium Service is the name, but can't find any solid news about changing screens. Rumor might be fake :(

debernardis 2012-08-18 12:48

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Maybe tweet @samsungmobile, they might know

Dave999 2012-08-18 12:50

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I have sent a mail to samsung.

Dave999 2012-08-19 14:45

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Kangal 2012-08-19 21:47

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
It's a fake. Confirmed by the original artist.

So far, Samsung's done an EXCELLENT job of hiding the build, specs, and info on the NOTE 2. Like they did with the S3, sort of like Apple and their iPhone 4S.

Now I'm getting real excited.
I'm thinking the NOTE 2 will be as revolutionary as the Gnex or the NOTE 1 when they debut.
Or it could be that its as ugly as the S3, so they "had" to hide it before the unveiling.

vivmak 2012-08-19 22:07

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I like this

Dave999 2012-08-20 08:14

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
SGNote II teaser...

Dave999 2012-08-22 07:48

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
What is this? :D

Kangal 2012-08-22 08:56

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

PS Why would you use a tiny pen for gigantic squares?

Cue 2012-08-22 14:41

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1254458)

PS Why would you use a tiny pen for gigantic squares?

Definitely Photoshop. The perspective is way out.
Samsung may still release a Windows RT variant (Samsung have been known to use bad Photoshop pics officially) but that picture is most definitely been Photoshopped. By who, we would have to find out.

It wasn't you Dave was it? You and your Windows promoting ways and all.

daperl 2012-08-22 15:07

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1254443)

Lumiaman's wet dream.

Dave999 2012-08-22 15:09

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

The first one to post a picture of the REAL galaxy note II wins...let the game begin!

Dave999 2012-08-22 21:08

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Note vs note II

IsaacDFP 2012-08-22 22:47

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
But it still only has only 1GB of Ram... One of the main perks why I personally think the S3 will remain King for the moment, even with it's dualcore cpu...

HELLASISGREECE 2012-08-22 22:52

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by IsaacDFP (Post 1254656)
But it still only has only 1GB of Ram... One of the main perks why I personally think the S3 will remain King for the moment, even with it's dualcore cpu...

you know GS3 is quad core in the rest of the world... right?

Kangal 2012-08-23 04:16

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1254553)

The first one to post a picture of the REAL galaxy note II wins...let the game begin!

That actually looks like a possible REAL shot of the NOTE2.
It's got some cues from S3's "pebble design" though not blown out of proportions and still looks somewhat handsome.

Not as handsome as the Original Gangster n7k though.

mscion 2012-08-23 12:51

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1254639)

Assuming the comparison is correct:
For typing in portrait I would probably prefer the Note over Note 2 as it is a little wider. Also, the Note 2 would be a bit too wide in landscape. Might have to use a split keyboard here. If the ram is increased to at least 1.5GB then most mutitasking issues should be resolved (at least for me).

Less than a week to go!

Dave999 2012-08-23 13:16

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Personally I think that is how the note 2 will looks like. Longer and thinner. Looks good according to me. Not sure how it would be to hold it.

Dave999 2012-08-24 15:11

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
5 days to go until the biggest, greatest, most awesome phone in the universe can be found.

I have the money ready and so do you. Lets buy it!

dylanemcgregor 2012-08-24 16:18

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
So is there a reason that Samsung won't give us a dedicated app switching button on their devices? The Note 2 seems like it will be pretty appealing, but I'd really like that 4th button.

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