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karlitos 2012-08-19 12:00

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
Big thanks to everyone, my phone is booting again. I reflashed the kernel and expect for the overclocking is everything as I lef it before.

So my question is : what to do next ? I still would like to try Nemo, Nitdroid, that is the reason i bought a SD card. I guess I should restore the power-kernel before I try to set up the U-Boot again.

But I am not sure what went wrong last time. To be honest I do not get the steps mentioned in the first post. I just want to try the booting from the SD card, to have the possibility to boot into the power-kernel and to access the backupmenu.

Could anyone give me some hints please ?

precioso77 2012-08-25 12:39

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
thank u all for the great work.. i tried going through all the posts.. still very confused.. my current installation works boots the default kernels well (stock PR1.3 and stock PR1.3 with framebuffer) and i re-partitioned my emmc (as per this guide) and wud like to play around with Nemo, meego, nitdroid and kubuntu..

but always seems to be getting an error "can't find kernel image"

so many questions with regards to understanding the logic.. it seems most of the guides are outdated or using varying methods or jumping steps and i cant keep up..

1- im guessing that u-boot-gen-combined and fiasco-gen is only needed if you want to create a combined image which u dont need if you follow normal u-boot item creation and u-boot-update-bootmenu ?? am i right ?

2- mkimage is used to convert the kernel to u-boot format uImage but do we need to manually copy boot.scr or is this copied by u-boot-update-bootmenu ?
what is the difference between zImage and uImage ?? the tar.gz archive is in zImage format while documentation refers to uImage sometimes..

3- when is the folder /user/MyDocs/bootmenu.img.d/ used ??

4- the kernel will be placed into /boot/ folder and i want to use p5 in my eMMC.. is this the right variables

wud appreciate any input on this :)

caveman 2012-08-26 10:32

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

1- im guessing that u-boot-gen-combined and fiasco-gen is only needed if you want to create a combined image which u dont need if you follow normal u-boot item creation and u-boot-update-bootmenu ?? am i right ?
if i understand it correctly, the combined image is the one attached to u-boot. You only need this if you want to change the default kernel from maemo to kp, for instance.


2- mkimage is used to convert the kernel to u-boot format uImage but do we need to manually copy boot.scr or is this copied by u-boot-update-bootmenu ?
what is the difference between zImage and uImage ?? the tar.gz archive is in zImage format while documentation refers to uImage sometimes..
u-boot-update-bootmenu does the conversion to uImage if necessary, and places the files automagically.

however, if you want to play with several kernels, it may be wise to make the conversion yourself and choose different names for the uImages, since u-boot seems to always use the same name.


3- when is the folder /user/MyDocs/bootmenu.img.d/ used ??
i would love to know that as well :-)


4- the kernel will be placed into /boot/ folder and i want to use p5 in my eMMC.. is this the right variables
you do not need ITEM_DEVICE if your kernel is in /boot. the above variable points to a kernel in the eMMC, not in /boot.

I have been using the following procedure with fair success: manually convert the kernel images to uImages with a name that identifies the kernel, and place them at the root of the device. For instance, to boot from the uSD p2 using kernel vmlinuz-xxx I manually create uImage-xxx in uSD p2, and point u-boot to it.

precioso77 2012-08-30 18:39

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
Thx a million @caveman im getting closer.. now my kernels get loaded but the root system does not mount.. kernel panic..

here is some of my configs:
kernel is /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.28.NIT.07

the configuration file im using is

ITEM_CMDLINE="snd-soc-rx51.hp_lim=42 snd-soc-tlv320aic3x.hp_dac_lim=6 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p6 rw rootdelay=10 init=/init panic=20 debug"

- on the u-boot command i ran ext2ls mmc 1:6 and it correctly showed the android file system

i ran u-boot-update-bootmenu but im getting a kernel panic with the following message..

i saw that someone else had a similar problem here but im not sure it offers a solution


List of all partitions:
No filesystem could mount root, tried:  ubifs
Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0)

any ideas guys ??

misiak 2012-08-30 18:57

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by precioso77 (Post 1258073)
Thx a million @caveman im getting closer.. now my kernels get loaded but the root system does not mount.. kernel panic..

here is some of my configs:
kernel is /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.28.NIT.07

the configuration file im using is

ITEM_CMDLINE="snd-soc-rx51.hp_lim=42 snd-soc-tlv320aic3x.hp_dac_lim=6 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p6 rw rootdelay=10 init=/init panic=20 debug"

- on the u-boot command i ran ext2ls mmc 1:6 and it correctly showed the android file system

i ran u-boot-update-bootmenu but im getting a kernel panic with the following message..

i saw that someone else had a similar problem here but im not sure it offers a solution


List of all partitions:
No filesystem could mount root, tried:  ubifs
Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0)

any ideas guys ??

Are you sure you don't need line

or similar? Your error says

No filesystem could mount root, tried: ubifs
while i doubt your android root is formatted with ubifs ;)

octave 2012-08-31 23:33

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
has anyone successfully boot nemo using the latest version of u-boot.if yes pls i d like 2 know how

aeon_light 2012-09-01 05:54

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
Well, I tried installing 0.4-2 with kernel-power-bootimg, and it promptly bricks my n900 (the same issue with booting being stuck at "Starting Kernel"). However, the N900 boots off the SD card just fine. Is there any way to flash the kernel from there? Or better, is there any way to fix this from the command line (I'm currently in Nemo)?

Edit: Further clarification: My USB port doesn't work correctly for flashing - the computer doesn't see the device in flashing mode.

Edit 2: I've read somewhere that starting RescueOS with U-Boot works. However, writing the RescueOS img onto an SD card (using dd) and then using "run sdboot" doesn't work (U-Boot doesn't recognize that the card is bootable). Any ideas?

precioso77 2012-09-01 10:10

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by misiak (Post 1258086)
Are you sure you don't need line

or similar?

added.. same error


Originally Posted by misiak (Post 1258086)
Your error says while i doubt your android root is formatted with ubifs ;)

it might be the problem.. can u please explain how to do it.. i looked at all of the guides that i found (a, b and c) but cant remember seeing how to do that format..

many thanks

octave 2012-09-01 12:46

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
@aeon how do i get nemo to work pls

aeon_light 2012-09-01 15:27

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
See the Nemo wiki. In essence, if you already have a working U-Boot, just write the image to the SD card using dd or whatever tool your OS uses for doing this, put the SD card in your N900, boot with keyboard open, go to the console, and type in "run sdboot". Note that if you're trying to use it as a rescue system, it doesn't contain mtdutils (and for some reason, it wouldn't connect to my WPA-PSK network properly...)

Edit: Oh, and the RescueOS issue was a major oops on my part - it's not actually a bootable image, but an initrd file. Anyways, I'll reformat the card to fat32 and try again, but is there any way to specify the use of an initrd file to U-Boot for an SD boot?

octave 2012-09-01 15:37

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by aeon_light (Post 1259228)
See the Nemo wiki. In essence, if you already have a working U-Boot, just write the image to the SD card using dd or whatever tool your OS uses for doing this, put the SD card in your N900, boot with keyboard open, go to the console, and type in "run sdboot". Note that if you're trying to use it as a rescue system, it doesn't contain mtdutils (and for some reason, it wouldn't connect to my WPA-PSK network properly...)

Edit: Oh, and the RescueOS issue was a major oops on my part - it's not actually a bootable image, but an initrd file. Anyways, I'll reformat the card to fat32 and try again, but is there any way to specify the use of an initrd file to U-Boot for an SD boot?

how does ur item file look like.........cant ansa ya question.....tanks

aeon_light 2012-09-01 16:49

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
I actually didn't use an item file to boot Nemo (wouldn't have been possible since I don't have access to the eMMC without starting Nemo).

peterleinchen 2012-09-01 18:08

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
I am actually not sure whether I used item file or run sdboot.
But here is my item file:

~ $ cat /etc/bootmenu.d/21-Nemo-2.6.37.item
ITEM_NAME="Nemo with kernel 2.6.37-12.2"

Did you copy the kernel (exactly named as in item file) to /etc/bootmenu.d and ran u-boot-update-bootmenu?

aeon_light 2012-09-01 21:03

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
Extended question (might be a bit off topic): How would I boot RescueOS off of the SD card using U-Boot?

Edit: Got it. Slightly complicated, though. And for some odd reason, I can't mount rootfs (it complains about "no such device", though the device is clearly there...)

Generate uImages for both the kernel and the initrd images. Copy those onto the SD card, then put in the SD card and boot. Choose console when asked. Then, type:
(assuming SD card is fat32 formatted):

mmc dev 0
fatload mmc0 0 0x82000000 (path to kernel file)
fatload mmc0 0 0x83000000 (path to initrd file)
setenv bootargs 'rootdelay root=/dev/ram0'
bootm 0x82000000 0x83000000

It should then load. Still need to figure out how to modify rootfs, though.

Edit 2: I wonder, if one could load the maemo kernel and bypass whatever's causing the crash that way...

Edit 3: Tried it with the kernel image in eMMC under bootmenu.img.d. Didn't work. Next step: See if I can get a kernel + maemo rootfs onto an SD card and boot it that way. Probably not, but it's worth a shot (and if it works, the SD card would contain flasher, and I can reflash the kernel at last...)

Edit 4: Tried booting the framebuffer kernel. It seems to boot, but gets stuck at "waiting for root device /dev/mmcblk0p1" (primarily because I had the "rootwait" parameter in place to avoid the kernel crashing from not find the rootfs). As the main rootfs now has Kernel Power v51r1 (and so I can't get it to boot with the framebuffer kernel - and even if I could, I have a feeling it would crash instantly on startup since I also have CSSU-Thumb), this might be tricky. Does Kernel Power support framebuffering? If so, does anyone have a copy I could load from an SD card? (not a fiasco image - that doesn't really work for this purpose).

Edit 5: Unsurprisingly, it can't find root if I don't put in that option. Slightly annoying. Well, time to see if I can try something else...

Edit 6: Could it be possible that the latest version of U-boot doesn't initialize rootfs on certain hardware correctly? Upon trying to mount it, I get:
cannot open ubi0:rootfs, error -19
And the kernel panics afterwards. This is before the kernel modules even come online, which is quite interesting.

Edit 7: Just did a kernel compile with ext2, ext3, fat, mmc, etc., built in, as per: It starts without boot options, but seems to just stall after recognizing the sd card and the internal mmc (and eventually, the N900 shuts down). Will specify own boot options later.

Edit 8: It actually sees the mmc card, but it gets stuck at waiting for the rootfs - despite the fact that the rootfs at that time had already loaded. Odd.

Edit 9: Turns out that I forgot to compile in MMC Block drivers into the kernel (as oppose to it being a module). Oh well. Another recompile, coming up.

Edit 10: Got it to start! However, it crashed afterwards with a "Device Malfunction" error. Something about the preinit not being able to create a file in /sys. Well...

Edit 11: It's complaining about missing stuff on /proc and /sys. Strangely enough, my backupmenu backups don't contain the contents of these two folders (they're completely blank in the backup), and neither does the blank backupmenu image provided at the backupmenu site. I'd probably need a full rootfs clone, but those evidently aren't actually provided.

Edit 12: I managed to skip preinit after replacing /sbin/preinit with /bin/sh. While this does load a shell, it somehow doesn't turn off the watchdog/whatever that shuts the device off after 15 seconds. I tried running flasher without its arguments (to have it print a list of possible switches), and it randomly switched off after having printed this. My guess is that something must be loaded for that sequence to switch off? (As having /sbin/preinit run doesn't cause the same issue). Keymaps are also a bit messed up - I can't type in numbers at all, and so I can't switch init states to see if that's the cause.

Also, before I continue any further with this: Does flasher rely on anything which occurs after /sbin/preinit (such that I could, say, permanently brick the device if I decided to flash another a fiasco image with it without running preinit)?

precioso77 2012-09-02 21:03

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by misiak (Post 1258086)
Are you sure you don't need line

or similar? Your error says while i doubt your android root is formatted with ubifs ;)

added ITEM_FSTYPE="ext4".. same error

it might be the problem.. can u please explain how to do it.. i looked at all of the guides that i found (a, b and c) but cant remember seeing how to do that format..

many thanks

Fabry 2012-09-02 23:14

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by aeon_light (Post 1259408)
Extended question (might be a bit off topic): How would I boot RescueOS off of the SD card using U-Boot?

Never tried but with bootmenu .item file, I suppose you can obtain what you want configuring the entries:

From U-Boot console you have already found out the correct commands.


Edit 4: Tried booting the framebuffer kernel. It seems to boot, but gets stuck at "waiting for root device /dev/mmcblk0p1" (primarily because I had the "rootwait" parameter in place to avoid the kernel crashing from not find the rootfs). As the main rootfs now has Kernel Power v51r1 (and so I can't get it to boot with the framebuffer kernel - and even if I could, I have a feeling it would crash instantly on startup since I also have CSSU-Thumb), this might be tricky. Does Kernel Power support framebuffering?
Yes PKv51 supports FB, but it is a loadable module (insmod, modprobe) so you must boot from an initrd to load the module, or you must recompile a PKv51 with FB embedded.


Edit 6: Could it be possible that the latest version of U-boot doesn't initialize rootfs on certain hardware correctly? Upon trying to mount it, I get:
cannot open ubi0:rootfs, error -19
And the kernel panics afterwards. This is before the kernel modules even come online, which is quite interesting.
You are the second man with this error, please read at this thread from post 437.

So your supposition could be be true.

On my HW rev 2101 I have no problems with rootfs and last u-boot.

sicelo 2012-09-03 21:08

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
Latest nemo kernel booting happily, finally :)
I still can't boot omap1 or any other kernel due to the same problem as reinob had,

@reinob: do you have any idea how i can get Maemo to boot? i'm getting the same ubifs_get_sb and unknown_block(0,0) etc

reinob 2012-09-04 07:49

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by aeon_light (Post 1259408)
Edit 10: Got it to start! However, it crashed afterwards with a "Device Malfunction" error. Something about the preinit not being able to create a file in /sys. Well...

Edit 11: It's complaining about missing stuff on /proc and /sys. Strangely enough, my backupmenu backups don't contain the contents of these two folders (they're completely blank in the backup), and neither does the blank backupmenu image provided at the backupmenu site. I'd probably need a full rootfs clone, but those evidently aren't actually provided.

/sys and /proc are not normal folders. They are exposed by the kernel and mounted by /sbin/preinit:


mount -t proc none /proc
mount -t sysfs none /sys
mount -t tmpfs none -o size=512K /tmp


Originally Posted by aeon_light (Post 1259408)
Edit 12: I managed to skip preinit after replacing /sbin/preinit with /bin/sh. While this does load a shell, it somehow doesn't turn off the watchdog/whatever that shuts the device off after 15 seconds. I tried running flasher without its arguments (to have it print a list of possible switches), and it randomly switched off after having printed this. My guess is that something must be loaded for that sequence to switch off? (As having /sbin/preinit run doesn't cause the same issue). Keymaps are also a bit messed up - I can't type in numbers at all, and so I can't switch init states to see if that's the cause.

You need to disable the watchdogs (use the flasher, on the PC)


Originally Posted by aeon_light (Post 1259408)
Also, before I continue any further with this: Does flasher rely on anything which occurs after /sbin/preinit (such that I could, say, permanently brick the device if I decided to flash another a fiasco image with it without running preinit)?

The flasher just sends the rootfs to NOLO which does the flashing itself. Meaning whatever you break on the rootfs (as well as the kernel partition) you can always flash again, that is, assuming that your USB port is working OK :)

Good luck, and keep us posted!

reinob 2012-09-04 07:54

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by qhubekela (Post 1260514)
Latest nemo kernel booting happily, finally :)
I still can't boot omap1 or any other kernel due to the same problem as reinob had,

@reinob: do you have any idea how i can get Maemo to boot? i'm getting the same ubifs_get_sb and unknown_block(0,0) etc

Frankly, I don't know what the problem is. My bricked N900 is currently sitting in a drawer, until I find the chance to continue trying to unbrick it (may be months :)

In any case, on my "problematic" N900 I have U-boot 2012.04-1 (i.e. not the very latest version), and both OMAP and KP51 kernels load OK (using the standard .item files). They even mount the rootfs fine. My problem is that /sbin/preinit is broken so I can't continue from there.

I get those ubifs-related errors when I try booting the kernel "manually" from U-boot, i.e. giving manually a command line to the kernel. It may be that I made a typo, or that I didn't fully type the full command line (I tend to be overconfident when deciding what's relevant and what's not :), or it may actually be a bug in U-boot when manually setting the kernel command line. I don't know at the moment.

Obviously my post is not very helpful :). I do hope that you or anyone having this problem and/or the curiosity will have the time to investigate this stuff and post any findings here! :)

neomarky 2012-09-06 08:05

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
i cant install pali's uboot.. it said "unable to install uboot tools incompatible application package.."
am i missing something..? Tia..

reinob 2012-09-06 08:16

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by neomarky (Post 1261996)
i cant install pali's uboot.. it said "unable to install uboot tools incompatible application package.."
am i missing something..? Tia..

Yes, you are missing something. You did not read the first post where the installation instructions are given.

Plus, *we* are missing something from you, namely the exact (error) output when you run dpkg to install u-boot.

aeon_light 2012-09-06 21:03

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by reinob (Post 1260703)

Meaning whatever you break on the rootfs (as well as the kernel partition) you can always flash again, that is, assuming that your USB port is working OK :)

If the USB port actually worked, I wouldn't have to go through all of this just to reflash the kernel ;).

I just tried using flasher built into the n900 image by adding it to a custom boot script (keymap doesn't let me type the dash symbol). I'm getting "Unable to enumerate USB ports" or something of that sort. I'm probably missing modules of some kind (phonet? As that seems to be what makes flasher on PCs work). Will try to modprobe that and see...

mongrol 2012-09-07 00:10

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by neomarky (Post 1261996)
i cant install pali's uboot.. it said "unable to install uboot tools incompatible application package.."
am i missing something..? Tia..

Don't use application manager. Install it from the commandline using dpkg.

neomarky 2012-09-07 13:18

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by mongrol (Post 1262407)
Don't use application manager. Install it from the commandline using dpkg.

you're right i did use HAM.. it's working now.. thank you for your help.. :)

reinob 2012-09-07 13:41

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by aeon_light (Post 1262367)
If the USB port actually worked, I wouldn't have to go through all of this just to reflash the kernel ;).

I just tried using flasher built into the n900 image by adding it to a custom boot script (keymap doesn't let me type the dash symbol). I'm getting "Unable to enumerate USB ports" or something of that sort. I'm probably missing modules of some kind (phonet? As that seems to be what makes flasher on PCs work). Will try to modprobe that and see...

AFAIK the way to locally flash a kernel is


softupd --local & flasher -k image --local -f

[ OR, have a look at the postint script for kernel-flasher or kernel-power-flasher. Can't do that at the moment (work PC) ]

Good luck!

ExLuzZziVo 2012-09-07 17:27

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
How can I use u-boot with ext4 MyDocs partition? u-boot-update-bootmenu says that i need fat32 MyDocs partition:confused:

aeon_light 2012-09-07 22:13

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by reinob (Post 1262646)
AFAIK the way to locally flash a kernel is


softupd --local & flasher -k image --local -f

[ OR, have a look at the postint script for kernel-flasher or kernel-power-flasher. Can't do that at the moment (work PC) ]

Good luck!

I got "could not connect to" before the execution of flasher when using softupd - after which flasher came up with the same error. Kernel-power-flasher's postinit uses fiasco-image-update in sbin, which might work better, but I'm actually a bit hesitant to flash the kernel directly from the script without enabling R&D mode and turning off the watchdogs first, since this could result in the N900 getting shut down by the watchdog in the middle of a flash, which would leave me with no way to back out without fixing the USB port.

Edit 1: fiasco-image-update is apparently just a script running the commands from before. Oh well. I'm probably still just missing some module that it expects to be loaded... Well, that or a script that's supposed to be run after preinit.

Edit 2: Can I flash a kernel locally from a chroot? (Say, I started RescueOS, extracted a rootfs backup to what would be my /home directory on the N900, mount all necessary dev, sys, and tmpfs stuff and then chroot and flash.)

Fabry 2012-09-08 19:51

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by reinob (Post 1262646)
AFAIK the way to locally flash a kernel is


softupd --local & flasher -k image --local -f

[ OR, have a look at the postint script for kernel-flasher or kernel-power-flasher. Can't do that at the moment (work PC) ]

Good luck!

You need also loopback device to flash locally.

Correct script is shown here :

pali 2012-09-11 19:41

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
Here is bootmenu item file for rescue os:


ITEM_CMDLINE="rootdelay root=/dev/ram0"

Above file was edited. Store rescue os files to /boot and run:
$ u-boot-update-bootmenu

ade 2012-09-11 21:01

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Just to be sure: I can remove the images from /boot once images are generated in /home/user/MyDocs/bootmenu.img.d after the u-boot-update-bootmenu command? Especially the rescueOS image eats too much from my rootfs....

pali 2012-09-11 21:17

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
@ade, no, they must be in /boot. But you can store it in /opt and make symlink to /boot

aeon_light 2012-09-11 22:13

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by Fabry (Post 1263330)
You need also loopback device to flash locally.

Correct script is shown here :

Tried that. Got something rather odd:

sysinfo: Phone info (block phone-info) read failed (-1)
CMT: cannot open phonet0: no such device
Waiting for messages...

And it just hangs there.

Modprobe phonet (before everything else comes up) doesn't seem to do anything.

Edit 1: Apparently modprobe phonet0 doesn't actually create the phonet interface in /dev. Any clue how that's created?

Edit 2: Seems like you can just bring up the interface via ifconfig. Will try that when I get back.

Edit 3: Doesn't help. It just complains "No such device", even with the phonet module loaded..

Edit 4: I just got a copy of a u-boot bootable Backupmenu, and by studying its interface file, I think I might have a shadow of a clue on how to get phonet0 to start - apparently loading g_nokia and then configuring USB networking might do it. Not sure, though.

Edit 5: I apparently forgot to read through the scripts again. There's a netif-up script in /lib/phonet-utils which might do the trick.

Edit 6: That didn't work either. netif-up phonet0 gave me "Interface phonet0 not found". Loading g_nokia didn't help either.

Edit 7:
Got a few more errors after mounting sysfs and such:
CAL ERROR: open(/dev/mtd1): no such device.

Edit 8: I have a feeling I might not be able to fix this without fixing the USB port, sadly (which will be a while - I don't have access to a soldering iron, and won't for a few months - and it hasn't actually broken off yet, which slightly complicates things). The bootable backupmenu image does have a working (as far as I can tell) phonet0, but chrooting into a Maemo rootfs or trying to replicate its setup might be quite complex - and then it might not be able to open mtd1, which would be another complication.

Edit 9: Noticed another module I missed: omap_ssi. Maybe this will help?

Edit 10: So apparently inserting g_softupd (and skipping g_nokia) got me slightly further. I don't have the issues with phonet0 anymore. Unfortunately, I still get sysinfo: Phone info (block phone-info) read failed (-1) and CAL ERROR: open(/dev/mtd1): no such device, followed by a hang at Waiting for Messages.

Edit 11: In regards to MTD: does the hardware require some kind of offset to it be passed by kernel paramters? I've noticed something here:

Edit 12: Found something odd. In U-Boot, executing the command "mtdparts" (which is supposed to list the MTD partitions available) gives me "onenand: partitioning exceeds flash size".

Edit 13: There is definitely something wrong with U-Boot here. Somehow, mtdparts thinks that the size of onenand0 is 0. Therefore, any partition would be "too large".

Edit 14: Oddly enough, I'm able to read from any offset, though trying to specify size doesn't work, as it will just complain that I'm trying to read more than the chip size. Not specifying size, it just crashes. Trying to get it to dump a page from any offset also crashes U-Boot.

Edit 15: Checked dmesg messages. Interesting part relating to onenand:
omap2-onenand omap2-onenand: initializing on XS0, phys base 0x20000000, virtual base d1040000
onenand_wait: timeout! state 23 ctrl 0x0000 intr 0x8080
OneNAND Manufacturer: Unknown (0xa0)

mauron85 2012-10-02 19:16

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu

Originally Posted by Fabry (Post 1150871)

The link on that page is dead. Could possibly somebody reupload. Thanks. I wish I know how to make initfs / uboot version of backupmenu myself :-)

aeon_light 2012-10-04 04:13

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
I think that's the right file...

bharathkumarst 2012-10-04 10:15

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
@Any friend

I need ur help pl! I followed the entire process in First Post. I have KPV51 with CSSU-Thumb3. I installed kernel-power-bootimg also. I also ensured that whether it is available in /etc/bootmenu.d. Then I tried to reboot. All entries are displayed: KP51, Omap1, Omap1-fb, Nemo, Nitdroid, Kubuntu.

I am unable to boot into maemo KP51! When I boot nemo for the first time, it worked from sdboot. But later when I tried again to boot into nemo, it failed.

And when I connect to the charger I am getting a boot loo..

I am not a advanced user. Pl help ASAP!

Thanks in advance.

int_ua 2012-10-04 10:58

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by bharathkumarst (Post 1276189)
I am unable to boot into maemo KP51! When I boot nemo for the first time, it worked from sdboot. But later when I tried again to boot into nemo, it failed.

If you have a backup of all your data - try reflsashing the phone. Or use flasher on the PC to try booting into some kernel.
Also, try #maemo or #maemo-ssu IRC channels at freenode.

bharathkumarst 2012-10-04 14:19

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by int_ua (Post 1276211)
If you have a backup of all your data - try reflsashing the phone.

thanks a lot. Fortunately i had backup. and hence i reflashed again for the fourth time within 3 days...! :(


Originally Posted by int_ua (Post 1276211)
Or use flasher on the PC to try booting into some kernel.
Also, try #maemo or #maemo-ssu IRC channels at freenode.

sorry i am not an advanced user. So i do not understand what have u suggested. is ther any post that is in detail to do these? thanks in advance.

Nobless 2012-10-04 14:53

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by bharathkumarst (Post 1276333)
sorry i am not an advanced user. So i do not understand what have u suggested. is ther any post that is in detail to do these? thanks in advance.

15jamie20 2012-10-06 10:00

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
I seem to be having the same problem as mongrol was: It finds the kernel then says "Starting kernel ...", hangs for about 30 seconds then switches off.

Mongrol's solution was to install uboot 4-1 instead of 4-2. Is there anywhere I can find the 4-1 packages to install?


Nobless 2012-10-13 16:44

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by 15jamie20 (Post 1277178)
I seem to be having the same problem as mongrol was: It finds the kernel then says "Starting kernel ...", hangs for about 30 seconds then switches off.

Mongrol's solution was to install uboot 4-1 instead of 4-2. Is there anywhere I can find the 4-1 packages to install?


Read last few pages it was posted already in this thread.

Pali, if you have free time could you check your last realised 4-2 version, because there is really something wrong with that version, many people can't boot with mentioned version, while with 4-1 everything works fine.
Also, if you not going to fix it then can you add 4-1 version to first post. Thanks.

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