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zeez 2008-04-09 22:21

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
Because it is unrealistic... Unfortunately you can't pause physics i real life either - but it would make it a lot easier, just like the game. Just saying it is hard to design levels that are an actual challenge if you can just pause...

Benson 2008-04-09 22:22

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
I'm no rogue-like fan, but think voluntary challenges, or whatever they call them; like going vegetarian or completely foodless, etc. You don't have to, but if you want to, you can.

My favorite challenge is to try to play levels with one stroke, and without pausing the physics. (Deleting the stroke is OK, and often necessary.) The tree level (In the original pack) is especially challenging, but possible. I did it exactly once.

What I wouldn't give for demo record/playback...

I am in favor of not being able to undo parts of the level when not in editor mode, though.

superstar 2008-04-10 00:12

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
You can leave the undo untouched, those that do not want to undo it won't get affected if it is untouched unlike the ones that want to undo will be affected if touched, did that sound like a riddle? :)

GeneralAntilles 2008-04-10 00:22

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by zeez (Post 167677)
Because it is unrealistic...

Right . . . because drawing pictures on a piece of paper and having them move around with accurate physics is realistic. :rolleyes:

I'm with Benson. If you want to self-impose a higher difficulty, then more power to you, but the fun for me lies less in trying to draw out a structure to get the ball to the goal before it hits the ground, than taking my time and putting together cool and elegant solutions (like catapults, trebuchets, levels and machinery).

Above all, it's a cool physics simulation. Bound yourself with arbitrary limitations if you want, but it's more fun for me making cool stuff.

qole 2008-04-10 00:24

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
The level-object-undo is a known bug.

Simple workaround solution to the level-object-undo bug: Make the red object the last object in the level's object list, so if you delete too far, you delete your red ball, and then you have to start over again.

And as I said before, I think it would be best to have some sort of scoring system that gives bonuses if you can do things like no-pause or no-delete or one-stroke-win, rather than taking those things away.

Bundyo 2008-04-10 08:08

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
If anyone wonders - the new save game directory of the SVN version is:


Which is easily accessible from the file browser in


jemaliahz 2008-04-10 09:19

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
Would it be a dead idea if ppls creating levels would somehow mark if level is meant to start example with pause / realtime mode? Like with mark to up left corner?


Greyghost 2008-04-10 15:34

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 167678)
What I wouldn't give for demo record/playback...

This is the one thing I'd ask I could show my wife what the hell I've been 'doing over there' for the past week;)

Texrat 2008-04-10 15:42

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
I second what qole said!

This is developing into an ugly trend...

jhoff80 2008-04-10 20:19

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
I have a few suggestions, don't know how possible they are or not, but still:

First of all, I'm having a ton of issues making things intentionally hinge around an axis, for seesaws and that sort of thing. Is there any way to simplify this?

Secondly, this might be possible but I couldn't figure out how, a way to just start with an entirely blank slate, no ground, ball, or star would be nice, for when I just want to play around in a sandbox.

Third, the undo is useful, but if it would be possible to make an eraser instead, to choose which to get rid of.

Fourth, this is similar to the hinging thing I mentioned before, is it possible to make wheels that spin around a set axis?

Finally, this one is the one that is probably the most impossible of all my ideas, but I would love if there was a way to make a line a string instead of a stiff line. (This sort of ties in with the wheels because I was thinking for pulley type mechanisms, but probably too complicated.)

If it was possible to do the string idea, and expanding upon the whole crayon theme of the basis for this, it could be a different color. But instead of pressing a button to make that menu come up with the color options, maybe a skinny border around the entire screen made of crayons of different colors and to choose the one you'd like, just tap on it?

Like I said, some of them would probably be difficult or impossible, but just ideas.

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