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dsmudger 2006-06-11 11:21

Well I just tried it out on the new 2006 OS (dude, you rule for getting it out so quicky :))

Disclaimer: I didn't use it under 2005 OS, so I might be missing a trick...

Well anyway, initial report:
[] Couldn't install it by clicking the .deb on Started downloading and quit unexpectedly every time (though this worked ok with Maemopad+ and SQLite). Downloaded it to internal memory and installed using the 'Install from file option in Application Manager. This worked without any problems.

[] On first start, Mapper insists on scanning for a GPS (don't have one, but want to use Mapper as a Google Maps browser) until you gove it a fake MAC address (I just used "Abc"). From then on, it doesn't scan when you go back into the options, vastly speeding things up (otherwise it's quite unresponsive while scanning).

[] Once I'd done that, I guessed that the way to go was to go to Maps and select "Download Area...". I figured the zero coordinates would be fine for a starting point esp. since the zoom tab defaults to a zoomed-out view. Unfortunately, pressing OK causes the app to quit.

[] Sometimes just going into the Settings causes the app to quit. Not a huge issue at this stage since startup is so fast.
Have I not done something that I should have during initial setup - do I need to enter or something into the URI prefix field?

Thanks and keep up the great work! :D

gnuite 2006-06-11 11:36

New 2005 OS Release: v0.2.4
New release: Maemo Mapper v0.2.4

Device-Installable .DEB File
Source Code

This release includes some minor bug fixes as well as support for rfcomm-based receiver input. You can now rfcomm bind or rfcomm connect your GPS receiver to a /dev device and specify the /dev device as your "MAC" in the Settings dialog box.

The 0.2.x line will continue the 2005 OS tradition (but probably not for much longer, considering everyone will be changing over soon).

The 1.x line, which I have released in a separate discussion thread, will support the 2006 OS.

dsmudger 2006-06-11 11:41


Originally Posted by dsmudger
Have I not done something that I should have during initial setup - do I need to enter or something into the URI prefix field?

Now as we all know, a little RTFM goes a long way ;)

So I tried

No luck with that - still quits when trying to download an initial location.

Still reading docs and catching up on 14 pages worth of thread on this app (perhaps there are other URIs somewhere that work better etc), so I'll check in again shortly...

dsmudger 2006-06-11 11:43


Originally Posted by gnuite
The 1.x line, which I have released in a separate discussion thread, will support the 2006 OS.

Oops - think maybe I should go there instead :o
Sorry, I'm getting all childishly overexcited now that there's another app out for 2006 OS :D

michaelalanjones 2006-06-11 17:53

Now I'm glad I didn't buy the Nokia BT GPS!
I was going to buy the NOKIA Bluetooth GPS unit - I thought it would be very practical. I also looked at a handheld GPS, which I bought. After OS 2006, I would not have been able to use the NOKIA Bluetooth GPS unit.

bradpitcher 2006-06-11 18:02


Originally Posted by michaelalanjones
After OS 2006, I would not have been able to use the NOKIA Bluetooth GPS unit.

I don't understand... :confused: Why wouldn't you be able to use it?

mph070770 2006-06-14 06:52

Dropping of bluetooth
Great software - but I'm not getting the best out of it.

I have version 0.2.4 of maemo-mapper and a Parrot CK3300 GPS carkit. The car kit works fine with my Vaio and Autoroute but, with mm I get (at best) around 4 minutes of operation before my position freezes. mm doesn't crash - I can still access menus etc but I don't get position info. I have to power down the 770 and reboot before it will start working again.

I'm not (yet) familar with the finer details of the 770 - how to get root priviledges etc - so I haven't tried the bluetooth reset script. Could this help me? Can anyone recommend the best way of doing this (is there a guide anywhere?) Is there any information that I should be trying to get from the 770 that may help debug this problem? I'm very keen to help you resolve this - both for personal gain and also to make this product more compatible with other users.



bradpitcher 2006-06-14 08:05

I have had the exact same problemI was afraid I was the only one. I am unable to reproduce this consistently, so I really have no idea what is going on. I don't know if this is related, but at one point when maemo mapper started searching for the bluetooth gps I would get disconnected from my bluetooth phone.

gnuite 2006-06-14 13:01


Originally Posted by mph070770
Great software - but I'm not getting the best out of it.

I have version 0.2.4 of maemo-mapper and a Parrot CK3300 GPS carkit. The car kit works fine with my Vaio and Autoroute but, with mm I get (at best) around 4 minutes of operation before my position freezes. mm doesn't crash - I can still access menus etc but I don't get position info. I have to power down the 770 and reboot before it will start working again.

I'm not (yet) familar with the finer details of the 770 - how to get root priviledges etc - so I haven't tried the bluetooth reset script. Could this help me? Can anyone recommend the best way of doing this (is there a guide anywhere?) Is there any information that I should be trying to get from the 770 that may help debug this problem? I'm very keen to help you resolve this - both for personal gain and also to make this product more compatible with other users.



This appears to be a relatively common issue that I don't think Maemo Mapper has complete control over - it may be a software bug in the operating system itself. I don't know if this helps, but I have not seen the issue yet while using Maemo Mapper on the 2006 OS, so upgrading to the 2006 OS (and Maemo Mapper v1.x) may make the problem go away.

Also, in the 2005 OS and Maemo Mapper v0.2.4, it may help to use rfcomm instead of allowing Maemo Mapper to manually connect to your GPS receiver. You can do this from the command line with a line like the following:


rfcomm connect 4 00:12:34:56:78:90
You would then enter "/dev/rfcomm4" as the MAC in Maemo Mapper (the 4's match, above, but you can use another "port" number if you want). I think you have to run the above line every time you start Maemo Mapper, unless you (with root access) use rfcomm bind instead of rfcomm connect.

9a6or 2006-06-14 16:01

I have lost the GPS receiver in 2006OS yesterday for the first time (iBlue receiver, Mm1.0.1). I pulled over to change the Auto-Center settings while connected and when I drove on I noticed that I lost the BT connection, the blue LED was constantly on. I had to reboot to reconnect again.

I suspect that changing the settings while connected might have caused it, I keep an eye on it.

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