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meizirkki 2009-03-08 09:27

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

any hope with this :rolleyes:

Jaffa 2009-03-08 09:44

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by meizirkki (Post 269770)

Given there are no ARM debs, that there's only an x86 JavaScript JIT and that there's no new information about an ARM port... no - no hope from the Chromium team's PPA :-/

allnameswereout 2009-03-08 14:22

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
The JS JIT already works on ARM:


V8 is written in C++ [...]

V8 implements ECMAScript as specified in ECMA-262, 3rd edition, and runs on Windows XP and Vista, Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard), and Linux systems that use IA-32 or ARM processors.
Quoted from

You can bet this will be backported to WebKit which is also ported to ARM already. So that it can be used in S60browser, Safari, and all the other browsers using WebKit on ARM.

Question is when.

Those folks who port it to Ubuntu probably don't care about ARM. They just want to get Chrome on their Ubuntu x86 desktop first.

Bundyo 2009-03-08 14:28

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 269790)
You can bet this will be backported to WebKit which is also ported to ARM already. So that it can be used in S60browser, Safari, and all the other browsers using WebKit on ARM.

V8 and Squirrelfish are different things.

allnameswereout 2009-10-17 16:36

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
Every browser/rendering_engine tab/window different PID is interesting from 2 perspectives: 1) security (like a sandbox) 2) stability (won't bring whole browser down).

The former is important because mobile platform has these features:
* GSM/GPRS (3G); dialer/sms/mms/data scam target
* Device behind NAT; no services listening on ports; not a vector
* Browser is a main interaction with the web and therefore also a main target for evil people.
* We previously ran vulnerable Gecko engine (and probably Flash as well) on Maemo.

Stability wise, my MicroB on N810/Maemo4 crawled (usually with swap) and/or crashed (usually without swap) sometimes. All windows gone. Not good.

The Linux/ARM instructions to build Chromium are here they are written for Ubuntu/ARM so must keep scratchbox in mind they're still useful though because contains changes to be applied to Chromium built options specific to ARM. Haven't tried yet.

chrisp7 2009-11-08 12:40

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
Wont the latest hardware (ie N900) be able to cope with native Chromium?

Katzburg 2009-12-10 09:20

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 219991)
They don't have linux support yet... ARM probably even after that.

The Linux version of Chrome is now (10 december 2009) available. Is it possible to port it now?

Bundyo 2009-12-10 21:12

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
Well, I don't know :)

meizirkki 2009-12-12 12:12

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by Katzburg (Post 420385)
The Linux version of Chrome is now (10 december 2009) available. Is it possible to port it now?

There's a video on youtube of Chromium running on a Beagle Board. But every time i try to build it for arm it fails. :(

Petteri 2009-12-12 14:16

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by meizirkki (Post 424287)
There's a video on youtube of Chromium running on a Beagle Board. But every time i try to build it for arm it fails. :(

I would like also to see Chromium running on n900. How do you build it, do you follow googles instructions or what?

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