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giannoug 2010-07-13 10:18

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
No white spots on my 7 month old N900. Not much physical stress on the device (from jean pocket etc).

jd4200 2010-07-13 12:28

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
Got one white streak, about 1CM long, in the top right hand corner; it is very noticable when using xterm, or anything with a white background.

Might pop into Nokia tomorrow and get their opinion.

slaapliedje 2010-07-13 12:46

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
I started another thread about this, because I had sent mine off for a repair and it doesn't look like they did anything except remove my screen protector and flash my phone to default settings.

Still same few scratches on the outside screen, and the white spots are in the same relative space as before.

Now when I first booted it up, it didn't look like they were there, but maybe they were. Or maybe after less than a day of use they came back.

Anyone else have an experience of sending your phone off to Nokia, having it be there for less than a day, and having it sent back without actually being fixed?

I thought that if they had decided the warranty didn't cover it, they would have simply called me and said so and asked if I wanted to be charged for the repair.

Now that I actually read the letter they wrote (when I posted my other thread, I was more pissed off than anything) it says they couldn't find a problem with the display after they had done a software upgrade and phone reset.... It was all updated and I simply forgot to re-flash it to factory when I sent it in.

Could it be an actual App that is causing this? When I first booted it up, it didn't look like anything was there.

I did re-flash it last night and I still see the bright spots, but I don't think I really saw them before I restored my backup when I got the phone back, but did see them after I did a fresh flash last night...

Argh, this is bugging me now.

Duffer 2010-07-13 13:00

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
Damn, I should have taken a photo of my N900 with a white background and showing the white patches and included it before sending back to Nokia. It sounds like Nokia engineers are either blind or towing a company line.

It's all very well for them to say we couldn't find a problem with the display , but try and sell the device with the patches present.

GameboyRMH 2010-07-13 13:29

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
Had my phone for 4 months, no screen problems at all so far.

slaapliedje 2010-07-13 14:19

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
It has occurred to me that it could be as simple as a battery issue. It heats up, distorts the screen, etc. If they had a different battery (they request that you send it without the battery or other accessories) and they put in a nice shiny new battery, the problem goes away (after being cooled for X period of time).

When I had turned it off last night, then this morning turned it back on the bright spot wasn't as bright. So this could be a sound theory.

I think next time I'll just test it with the battery out, just use my old phone for a day or two and see if I can boot it up and the spot is gone.

As a side note, where is a good place to order a second battery?


F2thaK 2010-07-13 14:33

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
got a bright spot on my second N900, first one just has tiny black speck as does second one :mad:

ndi 2010-07-14 02:37

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
I have those too, but only visible on completely white screen, so, I use a dark theme. Solved. You, know, so-I-won't-get-an-ulcer sort of fix. Just like I fixed the proximity issue by apologizing to people I hang up on, as well as as people I bother during calls because N900 doesn't tell me I'm waiting. All I have to do is call them and explain I'm an idiot and I accidentally randomly hang up on people.

See? All fixed. Where's my medication?


ETA: The reason spots don't appear at boot time is because the phone is at higher brightness. AT 5/5, all my spots are gone. At 2/5, they reappear. Barely visible at 3.

Restoring backup restores settings.

killajatt23 2010-07-18 19:23

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
hey i had my phone since it first came out and theres no white spots on my phone but theres liek thsi blackish cloud here i took some pics u have to tilt ur screen upwardss to see it like going downwards the middle

maverick788us 2010-07-21 11:37

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD

Originally Posted by Mr. Incredible (Post 732357)
I have the exact same spots but had no water damage. My phone is getting very hot (51°C battery temp) due to overclocking.

Could it be that some things "melt" behind the screen?

I purchased my handset on June 12 and only tolday i was shocked to notice 3 white spots out of which 2 looks prominant.

Is this something which might keep on getting worse with th course of time? Do I have to worry. Because it only appears in white or any other light background

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