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The Arsonist 2010-03-10 15:39

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)

Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 561463)
To be honest I'm not entirely sure. Most of the actual communication is done via pianobar which opens a stream to the Pandora Radio. I haven't added any coded to deal with sound output, or integrate in with the N900 at all... it just uses whatever the system default sound configuration is.

Does the same skipping occur if you're playing an mp3? Or streaming from the website?

A better test might be listening to an online radio station? It could be something with the phone.. but I am unable to test any phone-specific issues as I don't have one. It seems like it could be related to threading and how the CPU handles multi-tasking.. as this is very noticeable on, say, the old N810. But how the default media player would work around it I don't know.

I'm glad that, for the most part, the app seems to do as you require.

Ok. So I apologize for not giving some of my test examples and such. If I'm using the built-in media player, I never have the audio freeze up or stall(unless I get a phone call obviously). When I use the built-in Internet Radio player, it doesn't freeze when locking or unlocking, but its not exactly the most reliable app but I honestly believe its because of T-Mobile's network(it will work fine for a stretch of time and then out of nowhere it will start buffering, playing one second of music, and then buffering again). I only have the streaming headaches during rush hour, its usually fine in the morning. But I never have problems with the Pandora streams that you have in PyPianoBar. The audio simply cuts out when and resumes fairly quickly whenever I lock the phone or doing anything with say: transitions or multi-tasking windows. The streams don't drop or anything(which was a big problem I had with the official Pandora app on rooted my G1 after the Android 2.1 update).

So I understand that these problems may all stem from the Backend. Maybe I should try the command line program first and see if I get the same issues.

fatalsaint 2010-03-10 16:03

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)

Originally Posted by The Arsonist (Post 562655)
So I understand that these problems may all stem from the Backend. Maybe I should try the command line program first and see if I get the same issues.

That would definitely help... it would let me know if the problem is in the Python UI somewhere or in pianobar itself.

Another test would be to try qtPianobar from Bratag and see if the same behavior occurs as his is in C++/Qt. If it happens in his and mine, and not in pianobar from the command line, then the problem may actually be in the implementation of QT... but we'll see.

Let me know what you find out.. I can't test any of this myself unfortunately. :(

sadfist 2010-03-11 06:13

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
I haven't tried running from the command line recently but I've had similar issues as The Arsonist running pianobar from the command line. Playback noticeably improved from your first release but it definitely skips every time you wake/sleep the display or anything like that.

fatalsaint 2010-03-11 14:40

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)

Originally Posted by sadfist (Post 563354)
I haven't tried running from the command line recently but I've had similar issues as The Arsonist running pianobar from the command line. Playback noticeably improved from your first release but it definitely skips every time you wake/sleep the display or anything like that.

This is interesting. It's got to be on some low level somewhere... wonder if it has to do with libao or the way it uses libmad..

I would wonder if compiling it to use libfaad2 and aac instead of mp3 would work better.. but libfaad2-dev seems to have missing dependencies in the repo's: (the i386 one works though... maybe it's possible.. I'll have to try it.)

Not really sure where to go from here.. I am not the original author of Pianobar, simply ported it (from GitHub), so I'm not intimately familiar with how it works internally.

If anyone has any suggestions where to look I'd appreciate the help.

The Arsonist 2010-03-12 01:15

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
So I also tried using QtPianobar and I got the same results, so like you said, it is all Pianobar applications, not just your's. Out of curiosity, who is the original creator of Pianobar? I did a Google search, to no avail. I do feel a bit bad that guy isn't getting any credit.

fatalsaint 2010-03-12 02:40

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
I linked it in the post above yours... PromyLOPh.

wako 2010-03-22 06:14

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Hey guys,

i would like to start out by thanking fatalsaint with this AMAZING program. It really has made my N900 complete.

However there has been a bug that I have discovered. Im not too sure if this is because of the phone or pyPianobar is doing something. However this is my findings; whenever I charge my N900 and have pyPianobar running while charging, the device begins to get warm (which normally doesnt do this when its charging). After a full night of charging (and is also pretty warm as well) with pyPianobar running throughout the night, the following day I will ALWAYS find my N900's battery life drain very quickly. Usually Im able to get a 12-15 hour charge out of the device quickly become a 3-4 hour charge out of it. Upon recharging it again after the device dies it goes back to normal.

Not blaming pyPianobar because it could simply be the N900 not charging properly when 3G is constantly being used when charging? Or maybe there is something wrong with Pianobar? I dunno. Anyone have had similar problem?

Oh and if I can put a suggestion is if we can choose which codec to choose? It would be nice if it could stream the higher bit rate :)

Again much thanks to the developer, hoping this can get resolved :D

fatalsaint 2010-03-22 13:08

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)

Originally Posted by wako (Post 576672)
However there has been a bug
Not blaming pyPianobar because it could simply be the N900 not charging properly when 3G is constantly being used when charging? Or maybe there is something wrong with Pianobar? I dunno. Anyone have had similar problem?

Oh and if I can put a suggestion is if we can choose which codec to choose? It would be nice if it could stream the higher bit rate :)

Again much thanks to the developer, hoping this can get resolved :D

For the bug, one way to test if it's just active 3G connection all night is to stream internet radio using the native app and see if something similar occurs. I have no idea what would be causing decreased battery usage. What if you streamed pandora from the website in the browser all night?

As to the codec's, currently only the one codec is compiled into pianobar. I've been meaning to submit a new one that compiles against both options but haven't had time - and I still haven't figured out the skipping problem.

Unfortunately, there's no real way for me to test any of these bugs :(. So fixing them is a little beyond my capabilities ATM.

Mustafa0319 2010-03-28 10:33

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Hey, thanks so much for this! Since I love pandora so much, and since you don't have your N900 yet, I made sure to add a little bit of money to your N900 piggy bank :)

The app has been working well for me so far (I just downloaded it earlier today), and if there's one issue i've been having its that i feel the "tired button" should not be a dash/minus sign. I hit it twice earlier without knowing what it did, and it skipped a couple of my songs. In my opinion, I really believe that you can either use the z's which you had been using in previous updates, or you can do like the Pandora web app, and just have the "I'm tired of this song" as an option in the menu....

But besides that one issue, its been absolutely amazing for me.... now i can change songs on pandora when i'm driving a lot easier than before :p

fatalsaint 2010-03-30 04:56

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)

Originally Posted by Mustafa0319 (Post 585259)
Hey, thanks so much for this! Since I love pandora so much, and since you don't have your N900 yet, I made sure to add a little bit of money to your N900 piggy bank :)

Thank you!!!!! This was greatly appreciated!!


The app has been working well for me so far (I just downloaded it earlier today), and if there's one issue i've been having its that i feel the "tired button" should not be a dash/minus sign. I hit it twice earlier without knowing what it did, and it skipped a couple of my songs. In my opinion, I really believe that you can either use the z's which you had been using in previous updates, or you can do like the Pandora web app, and just have the "I'm tired of this song" as an option in the menu....

But besides that one issue, its been absolutely amazing for me.... now i can change songs on pandora when i'm driving a lot easier than before :p
I am up for suggestions on anything other than the ZZZ's. ZZZ makes it look too much like a snooze/sleep mode which I have moved to the menu system. Everyone I showed the app to around me at work and such and asked them what they thought "ZZZ" was on a radio app they said Sleep.

If we can come up with a better icon I would gladly put it in place.

For now.. despite the minor annoyances above I do not see anything world-shattering that would prevent promotion of the current pyPianobar to extras and I just got the 10 needed votes!! yay!

Unfortunately, pianobar is also in the user section and it won't let me promote pyPianobar without promoting pianobar first! So please, I need 3 votes on pianobar so I can get them into extras and users enjoying pandora!

I am still looking at (albeit, have had significantly less time of late) trying to find the skipping problem when switching between things. Promy, the author, has contacted me on it and is equally unsure of how to fix it though he had some suggestions where to look. He seemed to think that it had to do with mp3 decoding being a bit processor intensive and may be a touch harsh on the phone: But we don't have an answer as to why the built-in player does not suffer the problem since both apps would need to do the decoding.

Obviously, however Nokia is doing it more optimized for the hardware.

However, both this and the battery consumption issue are beyond my ability to truly debug or work until I have something to reproduce the problem(s) with.

Thanks everyone for the feedback thus far and the support on this app. I truly hope it's helping you all enjoy your new Nokia phones that much more!

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