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jedi 2010-06-28 12:54

Re: iphone4 vs N900
Jeez, kids! "My Daddy is bigger than your Daddy", etc. What is the point?

tom4_u 2010-06-28 12:56

Re: iphone4 vs N900
I just want to let him know n900 is the best and he woudnt agree
and over that he is crucifying me because i bought n900 and not iphone

cjp 2010-06-28 12:58

Re: iphone4 vs N900
If you are even considering which is better, then the iPhone is better for you.

gerbick 2010-06-28 12:58

Re: iphone4 vs N900
iPhone 3GS vs. N900 and iPhone 4 vs. N900. This topic has been covered a bit, just search for "iPhone4", sans quotation marks and you will find many other discussions about this very same topic.

Coming to a Maemo forum and asking this; I'm going to assume that you want the N900 to be the winner. And allow me to say this as an iPhone owner, customization in quite a few areas is where the N900 wins.

Words like "better" though, matters on perspective. Read up about the "Simple stuff iPhone should do, but N900 does" to read more commentary that's gone on about this subject too. I'm sure it will help your argument.

Take care.

jedi 2010-06-28 12:58

Re: iphone4 vs N900
Use the search feature on this forum. There's plenty of threads discussing the pros and cons of both phones. No need to start yet another one...

[edit] Beaten to it by others!

thearcane 2010-06-28 12:59

Re: iphone4 vs N900
Yeah, it's kind of a pointless argument. Those are really different devices and are difficult to compare directly. Still, if he says "customizability", you can remind him that this is the first iPhone ever to get the ability to change the desktop wallpaper :)

tswindell 2010-06-28 12:59

Re: iphone4 vs N900
Ask him to install a load of theme's and then see if he still thinks it's "customisable". Ask him to touch the stupid external antennas and watch as his signal drops like a brick and tell him, why the **** did you buy such a poorly designed and built phone. Show him several web browser windows open and loading different pages simultanously from the task switcher/dashbard and gloat, that's multitasking baby!

NokiaRocks 2010-06-28 13:00

Re: iphone4 vs N900
I had to lol when I today saw the Iphone 4 with 1 bars edge lying beside my N95 with 5 bars 3G. (Same Mobile operator - T-Mobile)

pantera1989 2010-06-28 13:02

Re: iphone4 vs N900
The N900 can bake pies and the iPhone can't.

gerbick 2010-06-28 13:03

Re: iphone4 vs N900

Originally Posted by pantera1989 (Post 732604)
The N900 can bake pies and the iPhone can't.

Dude. That's all you had to say to convince me.

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