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Laughing Man 2010-02-17 01:32

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by Le_Petit_Lapin (Post 531124)
meh...if the apps work on my phone I couldnt really care less what OS I'm using to be honest. More apps suits me just fine.

Well there's also bug fixes and enhancements to the built-in apps. But other then that, as long as they keep the QT and other libraries up to date, I could care less if N900 got MeeGo or not. As long as you can run applications developed on future MeeGo devices on the N900 and the bugs are ironed out.

FranzDages 2010-02-17 01:40

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by FranzDages (Post 528584)
Not to sound nasty about the whole NEED and MUST in there, but you do realize that unless your buying from some Government black ops, than wether you spend 6 Euro or 6000 Euro, by the time you take your knew device out of the box it is outdated and obsolete. You can't really demand inprovement. Yes, I hope we do get updates still for the N900 (I love mine).

I didn't mean to tick so many people off with my comment quoted above. It just seems to me that to be that emotional about a phone/mid/gadget/whatever is somewhat rediculous. Yes, the N900 doesn't do everything phones that have been around for a few years already do. Yes, that is a problem Nokia should have taken in to account. No, that doesn't mean any one of you, or all of us, can demand that Nokia fix the problem(s). On a lighter note, it was announced today that the LG GW900, which is Moblin based, will be getting MeeGo. That doesn't mean that the N900 will, but I would say it ups the chances considerably.

geohsia 2010-02-17 01:44

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by EMAD (Post 531057)
And I am interested in selling the phone after a year of use. You are telling me someone out there will pay a high price for a Maemo device when meego devices are rolled out with soooo much hype.

I think I will be lucky if I get a $100.

They just announced it, what hype?


Originally Posted by EMAD (Post 531057)
Before commenting on what I said, you should realize that I didn't buy the phone today when it is being sold for $499. I bought it right when it came out.

I'm sorry someone ripped you off and sold you a $600 phone for $800, but it's not Nokia's fault.


Originally Posted by EMAD (Post 531057)
Comeon, when you buy something that is as cool as the N900, you want the device to remain cool for sometime. I mean right now in my circle, there is nobody that owns an N900 and I don't think I will buy it... I will be a loaner with a N900 looking towards all the coolios with the iphone.

Maybe I'm lucky. My friends don't care what phone I have. I found what fits my needs and they have what fits theirs, and we're all happy for each other.


Originally Posted by EMAD (Post 531057)
So tell me who will buy my maemo phone next year for more than $200? Yet, the old iphone 3G still sells for more than $250 and that's a bargain price!

I think it's clear you wanted a cool device. Dump your N900 now, buy your $200 iPhone be a "coolio"(rapper from the '90s?) and be happy. Life is too short to get worked up over a phone.

Lazariaus 2010-02-17 02:34

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by geohsia (Post 531209)
I think it's clear you wanted a cool device. Dump your N900 now, buy your $200 iPhone be a "coolio"(rapper from the '90s?) and be happy. Life is too short to get worked up over a phone.

I gotta agree with you there. At least win you spend $200.00 as opposed to $500.00 you have the added benefit of knowing Mac isn't going to ditch support for your device to go on a joint venture with windows called win0x lol:eek:

All joking aside I love my N900. However, we shouldn't be left guessing either....bad pr on Nokia's part. I just would like to know where my device stands has it relates to meego. No meego, fine...getting it great! I would just like to know...

There is always a silver lining. I usually trade up device every year or so as it stands just for the simple reason the device of more than a year ago is under powered and out dated. With the latest chips nearly doubling our 600 mhz in a year our device will probably still be a good device just severly lacking compared to the new devices running meego or whatever. I imagine by the time meego is out of its infancy the ability for my n900 to use will probably be a non issue for me.

geohsia 2010-02-17 03:02

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by Lazariaus (Post 531268)
I gotta agree with you there. At least win you spend $200.00 as opposed to $500.00 you have the added benefit of knowing Mac isn't going to ditch support for your device to go on a joint venture with windows called win0x lol:eek:

Well, the $200 is subsidized so in the end you pay way more than the $500 unlocked N900.

Personally can't stand running one app at a time. I haven't done that since my old Palm III days, but to each his own. I'd rather throw in my lot with Linux / Noktel even though they're being lame about the N900 future. If QT is all its cracked up to be we'll soon rule the world!

kaitech 2010-02-17 03:46

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
I have to laugh at some of these replies, the following is just my .02 I do not think that the n900 is outdated just because of this "new" OS if anything I think it will help drive it further. The n900 is more then just a phone!!! It is a mini computer that fits in your pocket, no crackberry or iphone can do the things the n900 can. To me it was a worthy investment and I know it will get better but the gloom and doom is uncalled for.......

I think that this merger can be good and it can be bad, we as a community is what make the n900 so great, its not like nokia markets it well at all. I Love me device and will continue to use it it is not going anywhere.

So let work together to make it better.

EMAD 2010-02-17 05:32

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
I think you are taking my comments a bit too serious! :eek: I spent $800 because I had shipped to Canada which means paying taxes on top of the $650 original price plus expedited shipping... so I don't feel I got ripped off. It's just a matter of how much I spent to get this phone as quickly as possible in my hands.

In any case, I am not here to argue... just saying how I would feel IF the N900 became obsolete so quickly. I was really hoping that I get this phone and then everybody else I know would get this phone so we can all have more fun together. What's the fun in seeing all your friends with an iphone? I just wish they don't discontinue the N900. Just release meego on the N900 so more people will have the N900. Maybe my theory of one world phone is a bit far fetched but it would be really nice to see the N900 become the next iphone. I am not saying N900 forever but is it wrong to say N900 everywhere for at least two years :confused:

By the way, I don't really listen to rap music so don't you say that I am trying to be a rapper :cool:

I am glad your friends don't care what phone you have. But I am a caring person and I hate to see my friends suffering when trying to browse the Internet and multi-task on their phones. I wanna help them out :D


Originally Posted by geohsia (Post 531209)
They just announced it, what hype?

I'm sorry someone ripped you off and sold you a $600 phone for $800, but it's not Nokia's fault.

Maybe I'm lucky. My friends don't care what phone I have. I found what fits my needs and they have what fits theirs, and we're all happy for each other.

I think it's clear you wanted a cool device. Dump your N900 now, buy your $200 iPhone be a "coolio"(rapper from the '90s?) and be happy. Life is too short to get worked up over a phone.

qgil 2010-02-17 06:19

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
Hi, just merged several threads discussing basically "MeeGo in the N900". It will be a bit confusing today but less confusing than several parallel and overlapping discussions.

Posts discussing the same thing off-topic in another threads will also be moved here.

And no, I don't have an official answer for that question. My suggestion is: enjoy your N900 with the new apps and updates to come and wait for Harmattan/MeeGo releases to know about the mid term.

geohsia 2010-02-17 06:32

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by EMAD (Post 531479)
In any case, I am not here to argue... just saying how I would feel IF the N900 became obsolete so quickly. I was really hoping that I get this phone and then everybody else I know would get this phone so we can all have more fun together.

Fair enough. I think that day will come but it's going to be at least a year from now. I love my N900 but if I didn't have a unix background I'd have gone crazy weeks ago.


Originally Posted by EMAD (Post 531479)
Just release meego on the N900 so more people will have the N900. Maybe my theory of one world phone is a bit far fetched but it would be really nice to see the N900 become the next iphone. I am not saying N900 forever but is it wrong to say N900 everywhere for at least two years :confused:

I think the can be if Nokia ever settles down and stops restarting things over and over again. We need to see some QT magic.

Nokia has to make some hard decisions. Drop Maemo 5 and they invalidate immediately a ton of work done by the community. Keep Maemo 5 and they put on life support an OS with no future and reduce customer satisfaction. Either way someone's going to get pi$$ed off. Maemo doesn't have the luxury of years to deal with forward / backward compatibility.

Ultimately we won't know until Harmattan releases, then we'll see if we're missing out in terms of the core components (phone, media, system mgmt and etc).


Originally Posted by EMAD (Post 531479)
I am a caring person and I hate to see my friends suffering when trying to browse the Internet and multi-task on their phones. I wanna help them out :D

I love my system, but like I said, Nokia has a ton more work to do before I can recommend this to a non-techy friend. One day. :-)

Frappacino 2010-02-17 09:56

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
geeze, i just ordered a n900 and it hasnt even arrived yet, and this Meego stuff happens.

wtf is Nokia thinking? if they knew about the meego plans a while back, why release n900 at all if they had no plans to support it ?

yes i researched alot on n900 but i thought the next iteration will be progressive and so ppl will be much less inclined to "hold off" for the next device (i.e. there will alwasy be a next device, so buy the one u need now) and so community work will be done

this meego has a "big bang" perception that will make ppl wait before committing time effort and $$$ to the n900 (oh wait for this big one, because this change may be huge and if we early adopt we might as well early adopt after the big change)

are Nokia too clueless to realize what they are doing ? they have effectively shafted all existing buyers of n900. Yes I have read Ari's blog but his fancy verbal wording has convinced me there will be no official meego for n900 - let the community pick up the pieces yea cause the community works for free

unless some miracle annoucement happens, i will be returning my n900

yes this is a whine and ***** and yes its my fault i bought the device, but seriously I have 0 confidence in Nokia's common sense right now. At least google knows not to shaft ppl this badly

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