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zail 2010-04-01 10:31

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 590553)
Does the built-in conversation app is open while is happens? If it does, that's the reason. Also, sending SMS to yourself will not cause the notification.

Yep, now that you mention it i think the conversation window was open in background.. personally i would like the app to give me sms notification unless the converation window for that person is active but can see that might be hard to achieve and you may not want to. Tested this morn with missed call and then sms- sms notification clears the call one so it is working as you intended :) Haven't gone to next version yet but will later today and will feedback if anything changes :)

nicolai 2010-04-01 11:02

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 591090)
You can copy the code below the line "# The code below is just for testing purposes." from , but the applet won't show up in the status menu (even if it is fully working anyway). You may be able to see error messages, though.

Yes, the script runs, no errormesage. It checks for missing calls every 5 secons.


If you don't mind rebooting, I used to see what error messages a different Python applet was throwing as the N900 started.

Best Regards,
Thank you for this trick, but sadly, no result. I redirect the error message to a file but there are no messages.
I am pretty sure this plugin isn't called at all.
I would like to test other python status-menu plugins, any ideas
which status-menu plugins are there, in python of course.


calvin_42 2010-04-01 11:54

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 590140)
thanks, I ment hildon-desktop.

You mean you don't have that in line 16? Then it means you have an older version.
What does the app manager shows? which version?
Can you try to uninstall and reinstall?

I've installed the version 0.0.5-3 and it now works. But the led isn't winkling anymore and the menu button on the top left isn't hightligted anymore after a miss called.

I have all the options checked in the settings.

qwerty12 2010-04-01 12:26

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 591160)
I would like to test other python status-menu plugins, any ideas
which status-menu plugins are there, in python of course.

Desktop Activity Manager springs to mind.

That said, omeriko9's latest version is working fine for me. :) (As always, thanks)

omeriko9 2010-04-01 12:32

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by calvin_42 (Post 591218)
I've installed the version 0.0.5-3 and it now works. But the led isn't winkling anymore and the menu button on the top left isn't hightligted anymore after a miss called.

I have all the options checked in the settings.

Do you mean that there is no led notification after a missed call?
And I'm not sure what you mean by "menu button on the top left"?

jer006 2010-04-01 13:19

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Is there any way to stop the notification from dissapearing when you close the maemo notification window for an SMS?

When you close the maemo notification it does not mark the sms message as read in conversations until you actually open the conversations app and read it there?

More often that not I find myself closing the maemo notification only to forget that I still have the new SMS message sitting in my inbox in the conversations application which I need to reply to...

If the call notify notification would remain until there are no unread sms messages in the inbox it would be great - or if this was a configurable setting.

omeriko9 2010-04-01 19:46

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by jer006 (Post 591333)
Is there any way to stop the notification from dissapearing when you close the maemo notification window for an SMS?

When you close the maemo notification it does not mark the sms message as read in conversations until you actually open the conversations app and read it there?

More often that not I find myself closing the maemo notification only to forget that I still have the new SMS message sitting in my inbox in the conversations application which I need to reply to...

If the call notify notification would remain until there are no unread sms messages in the inbox it would be great - or if this was a configurable setting.

@jer006, thank you for your proposal. This indeed how you would expect the standard behavior of such feature. For example, in symbian (all versions AFAIK), an unread message is marked as such even if you read other messages, and even if you have several unread SMSs. and you read one - it says you still have n-1 number of unread messages.

This could be a great enhancement, but for now I'm concentrating on keeping it stable as-is, and making sure it's installable on all kind of costumed maemos, at least until we'll have a production release in extras.

But I agree, this is a great direction for future development.

calvin_42 2010-04-01 20:28

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 591268)
Do you mean that there is no led notification after a missed call?
And I'm not sure what you mean by "menu button on the top left"?

Yes no more led notification.

Concerning the button, I am talking about the menu button (which is displayed on the top left of your screen).

omeriko9 2010-04-01 20:54

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by calvin_42 (Post 591872)
Yes no more led notification.

Concerning the button, I am talking about the menu button (which is displayed on the top left of your screen).

Oh, ok, thank you for the clarification.

Can you please go to the X-term, root yourself and run:
killall hildon-status-menu
And tell me if that solved it?


calvin_42 2010-04-02 02:15

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 591912)
Oh, ok, thank you for the clarification.

Can you please go to the X-term, root yourself and run:
killall hildon-status-menu
And tell me if that solved it?


I have reinstalled the app and everything works now. Thanks for your help. I will keep you in touch if the problem occurs again.

And thanks for having made this great app! :)

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