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felbutss 2010-06-17 09:33

Re: [hildon-home] locking up and becoming unresponsive frequently
well just take a look at my idea

there is always going to be a bug in something. the bugs get fixed a new app comes with a new bug.

this has been a issue since i had the n900 from October last year and the way the n900 works this issue is never going to go away. this is bad as its a open source device but has no fail-safe at all.

greenflaw 2010-09-15 15:10

Re: [hildon-home] locking up and becoming unresponsive frequently
does anyone know how to restart hildon-home?? killing it from the terminal will work but all the widgets will be lost.
Rebooting works but, that would not be an appropiate solution. :(

evad 2010-09-16 13:22

Re: [hildon-home] locking up and becoming unresponsive frequently

Originally Posted by greenflaw (Post 816931)
does anyone know how to restart hildon-home?? killing it from the terminal will work but all the widgets will be lost.
Rebooting works but, that would not be an appropiate solution. :(

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