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ricardo8 2010-07-09 01:23

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard
wow! this is really great. can anyone show us the link how to download this except fr0m the extra devel repository in our mobile. would u mind to post it here? thanks

saxen 2010-07-09 13:48

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard
why don't you add pseudo-T9 support like in FastSMS application?! that would be great!!!

fw190 2010-07-09 14:41

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard
Is there still a possibility to have a switch to turn on and off the portrait keyboard?

godofwar424 2010-07-09 20:18

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard
What is going on with this project? Have you guys given up or just busy with other things? I really think a QWERTY feature should be implemented into it at least then we have a more usable portrait function,

T9 would be AMAZING but the multi tap input is painful and unpractical to use :( so QWERTY is needed :)

ricardo8 2010-07-12 03:32

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard
i tried it and i like it. but i think qwerty in portrait would be the best. any update?

ossipena 2010-07-12 04:53

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard

Originally Posted by ricardo8 (Post 745590)
wow! this is really great. can anyone show us the link how to download this except fr0m the extra devel repository in our mobile. would u mind to post it here? thanks

what difference does poisonous fruits have when you eat one @home and another @work?

ricardo8 2010-07-12 05:58

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 748760)
what difference does poisonous fruits have when you eat one @home and another @work?

coz this application is useful for me when i am travelling. then when im just at h0me,i prefer to use the default qwerty keyboard in landscape. but if ever there is a qwerty keyboard in portrait,thats the best! install-uninstall-install.... gets?

ossipena 2010-07-12 06:07

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard

Originally Posted by ricardo8 (Post 748792)
coz this application is useful for me when i am travelling. then when im just at h0me,i prefer to use the default qwerty keyboard in landscape. but if ever there is a qwerty keyboard in portrait,thats the best! install-uninstall-install.... gets?

you must have huge difficulties understanding metaphors?

e: I'll help you a bit:

what difference does it make to install potentially dangerous software from extras-devel (@work) and some 3rd party repository (@home)?

Mentalist Traceur 2010-07-18 16:00

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard
Ricardo, just enable extras-devel, DON'T update anything until you disable Extras-Devel, go to the downloads in app-manager, find "Portrait-Keyboard", install that, and then disable extras-devel. You're more at risk having someone slip you bad software by asking for links then if you go into's official repositories, I think.

As for everyone asking about what's going on with this project: Read the first post. There's a link in it to where it's being worked on:

Latest change was Sunday, June 27th. So it's sorta stagnated, but not long enough to believe that it's not going to get done at all. (Though it does look like a few other people are working on it more than the original posters. *Shrug*)

bachagabriel 2010-07-18 16:06

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard
Would it be possible to have a keyboard like the one in Opera


Originally Posted by bachagabriel (Post 708347)
The on-screen keyboard in Opera mini is perfect.

I still don't understand why don't we have a portrait QWERTY keyboard

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