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mikecomputing 2011-02-16 20:22

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by pelago (Post 946152)
Does anyone know where Alberto Torres has gone to?

I don't know the guy, but what do you think of the possibility of him setting up a new MeeGo/Qt-based company and poaching a load of ex-Nokia developers? Maybe I'm just dreaming...

Make me wonder what did happen to the webOS guy that replaced Jaaksi? Peter skillman if I remember right. Maybe he started to work on WP7 lol

rm42 2011-02-16 20:41

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 948299)


We are working on making this MeeGo based device great.
I assume that device will be a phone, right? I would love to know the specs... :D

zimon 2011-02-19 00:05

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?
Meego needs Dalvik VM so Java-developers can transfer from Android to Meego and also Meego would have enough applications to go over "critical mass" at once.

I know couple of Android-developers, who never did like Qt-ecosystem because they couldn't use modern language like Java. Nokia made a mistake with QtJambi to ignore it. QtQuick, QT+QTML+C++ is a mess with two syntaxes and C++ itself is error prone and usually 1/2 as productive as Java or 1/4 as productive as Python.

If there is a modern (2011) hardware; dual-core >1Ghz CPU with 1GB RAM memory and stuff (see Samsung Galaxy S2 hardware) it wouldn't matter if essential OS applications would be coded with QtPython or with QtJambi instead of C++. And nothing else would sell anyway if Nokia is looking to the high end with its Meego device.

WP7 won't even support dual-core platforms, and it's very likely WP8 won't be ready in the start of 2012 as planned.

Nothing forbids having Android-apps in Ovi either.

One solution is to have FOSS-Dalvik to be developed (summer job) or then just buy Alien Dalvik license to every Meego phone. It surely is cheaper than WP-license from Microsoft.

mikecomputing 2011-02-19 00:48

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by zimon (Post 950177)
Meego needs Dalvik VM so Java-developers can transfer from Android to Meego and also Meego would have enough applications to go over "critical mass" at once.

I know couple of Android-developers, who never did like Qt-ecosystem because they couldn't use modern language like Java. Nokia made a mistake with QtJambi to ignore it. QtQuick, QT+QTML+C++ is a mess with two syntaxes and C++ itself is error prone and usually 1/2 as effective as Java or 1/4 as effective as Python.

If there is a modern (2011) hardware; dual-core >1Ghz CPU with 1GB RAM memory and stuff (see Samsung Galaxy S2 hardware) it wouldn't matter if essential OS applications would be coded with QtPython or with QtJambi instead of C++. And nothing else would sell anyway if Nokia is looking to the high end with its Meego device.

WP7 won't even support dual-core platforms, and it's very likely WP8 won't be ready in the start of 2012 as planned.

Nothing forbids having Android-apps in Ovi either.

One solution is to have FOSS-Dalvik to be developed (summer job) or then just buy Alien Dalvik license to every Meego phone. It surely is cheaper than WP-license from Microsoft.

Dalvik is no go. if devels cant learn c++/python thats theyr problem not Qt/meego fault. You may think Qt is something new but it is not soo I am sure there is hell lot of Qt devs outthere or atleast was until Elop started too scare them. But I am sure they will be back.

Dalvik on Meego would just harm the platform its not that simple tooo integrate. two different beasts.

And by saying android devels knows best is like saying Microsoft knows best. and dont forget tghat more advanced games is still written in C++ anyway including Android.

and about wp license issues Microsoft infact PAYED nokia too use wp7. bussines as usual

nwerneck 2011-02-19 02:05

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by zimon (Post 950177)
WP7 won't even support dual-core platforms, and it's very likely WP8 won't be ready in the start of 2012 as planned.

I haven't heard of that limitation before, is this true? And not planned for the upcoming update that will already bring cut-paste and other stuff?...

If WP7 will not run on dual-core systems at first, that I can really see it substituting Symbian while MeeGo is reserved for more powerful/future devices...

gerbick 2011-02-19 02:20

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by zimon (Post 950177)
WP7 won't even support dual-core platforms, and it's very likely WP8 won't be ready in the start of 2012 as planned.

Not that I'm doubting you; I'm just kindly requesting that you supply a link that supports this.

onethreealpha 2011-02-19 02:37

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?
I thought I'd put my two bob in......
The answer to the question in the thread title; "and where is the people from Nokia who worked in Maemo and Meego?"

They all killed themselves after being made by some marketing wanker to use the word "ecosystem" repeatedly.

Just how many points is this word worth when playing ******** Bingo?

lma 2011-02-19 06:16

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 948329)
Make me wonder what did happen to the webOS guy that replaced Jaaksi? Peter skillman if I remember right.

The person who replaced Ari Jaaksi was Alberto Torres, who resigned last week. Peter Skillman was hired as UX chief.

zimon 2011-02-19 08:35

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by nwerneck (Post 950213)
I haven't heard of that limitation before, is this true? And not planned for the upcoming update that will already bring cut-paste and other stuff?...

If WP7 will not run on dual-core systems at first, that I can really see it substituting Symbian while MeeGo is reserved for more powerful/future devices...

With Windows Phone 7, Microsoft took the Window CE kernel and built a tightly controlled and carefully managed environment around it. Microsoft also rigidly specifies what kind of devices OEMs can build. It must have three buttons, not four. WP7 currently supports just one CPU and one screen size. And WP7 is very much a greenfield site: a large number of features supported by the competition are also missing. The list is pretty daunting.
The so called "Mango" update, WP7 -> WP7.5 (?) probably won't have multi-core support either because also multitasking is restricted in that upgrade version. Only like music player or Microsoft selected applications will run in the background, other "normal" applications will be stopped when in the background.

As with Symbian, multi-core support first comes to kernel and later the user space processes. So WP7.5 may have multi-core support in kernel already, but I doubt not in user processes still.

WP8 is planned in the first half of 2012. Rather long time for Nokia to wait to get a "flag ship" device out. We all know IT-projects also are delayed and postponed, so wouldn't be surprised if WP8 comes end of the 2012. MS Vista was delayed several years. And in Linux, back of the days, having all OS code thread-safe took years.

So thinking all that, I do not understand Elop's point at all. Yes, it may still be long way to Meego phone GUI, but WP-plaform is far from ready and surely takes more than 12 months. If Nokia will bring low end smart phone as its first WP-phone, it will fail most likely. And nothing but dual-core >1GHz, 1GB RAM and (well just see Samsung Galaxy S2 what has to be there) will make a "flag ship" device now 2011.

The so called "plan B" was much more wiser, because in that Microsoft has responsibility to get their **** together. Nokia will provide the hardware and then WP-phones are tested in North-America if they work or not. Nokia should just say what it needs and Microsoft should provide if they want their WP-platform to survive.

But Nokia should concentrate fully in its own software development to its own plaform, Meego UX. If Microsoft fails, the time has not been wasted. But as long as Elop is CEO, I doubt he will allow any high end hardware to end up in Meego phone, because it would be a thread to his next MS-CEO plans. Also having Dalvik VM in the first Nokia Meego-phone would be a killer solution and many Android-developers would transfer to Meego, but once again Elop prolly won't allow it to happen because it would be a thread to his MS-ecosystem.

kyllerbuzcut 2011-02-19 09:28

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?
They all went to live on a nice big farm out in the countryside.
Don't worry, they will be very happy there and will have lots of room to run around, coding and programming in the fields there.

You want to go and see them? um, well you see the farmer is very busy and it is a very long way away. By the time we got there they would all be asleep, and you would probably be asleep too and we'd have to come straight back. So, don't worry, just think of gthem being happy and that will make you happy too.

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