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rabilon 2011-09-02 22:12

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT
Maybe this is a stupid question, but ...

Does this only block voice calls or will it also block SMS text messages? I keep getting annoying text messages (belong to previous owner of my mobile phone number). Since I'm cheap and using prepaid SIM, it costs me every time I get a bogus text.

Estel 2011-09-03 11:17

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT
It was answered many times before - it blocks *only* calls. Also, it may sound off-topic, but why You pay for sms received? 0_o

Changegames 2011-09-03 11:23

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT
because on eastcoast you pay to recieve txt msgs or incoming calls, i dont know why i have to pay to recieve but thats the way it is here and the rest of the world is free to get incoming msgs and calls.

onasre 2011-09-03 15:51

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT
there is already an APP to block messages , but never tried it called"Messageblocker"

fasza2 2011-10-12 23:51

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT

Originally Posted by rabilon (Post 1080871)
Maybe this is a stupid question, but ...

Does this only block voice calls or will it also block SMS text messages? I keep getting annoying text messages (belong to previous owner of my mobile phone number). Since I'm cheap and using prepaid SIM, it costs me every time I get a bogus text.

Even if you use a program to 'block' text msgs you'd have to pay for them since your N900 would recive them, though you wouldn't get notification and they would get deleted instantly. I think you're better off just getting a new prepaid sim.
Why it works like that in the US? Because operators can have lower prices on txt msges and calls while keeping the same profit, looks better on a sheet yet you pay the same. They are coining it mate.

prankster 2011-10-27 14:58

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT
this is a great application for N900
may i suggest a few things and i would love to have a reply on that pls.

if we could notice that if we block some number,how do we know if there was a call made from that number? there could be a notification or something like that only when you receive a call ( notification ) from a blocked number,so that you could count how many times that person called ya? ( notification again ) ;p ;p
can there be an option included for the whole country numbers to block? i am angry with my GF and she is in canada ,so i just want to block all calls from canada,how do i do that ?
could we have set another command other than that ( the person you are calling is busy at the moment ) ? as it could be ( the number you trying to reach is not available ) ( the phone is powered off ) ( number is out of service ) etc ?

Estel 2011-10-28 00:43

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT

Originally Posted by prankster (Post 1114605)
could we have set another command other than that ( the person you are calling is busy at the moment ) ? as it could be ( the number you trying to reach is not available ) ( the phone is powered off ) ( number is out of service ) etc ?

This application literally reject calls, as soon as blacklisted call shows up (if there is no lag for swap trashing, etc - in such rare situations, you may see/hear blocked call for a while). So, calls are already in Your "last calls" list, as rejected.

As for second questions, there is no userspace way to fool mobile operator, that it "thinks" Your phone is out of GSM reach (turned off, or out of range). Same apply for "busy" (on conversation). All you can get is "call rejected".

To be honest, it was asked and answered many times in this not-so-long thread ;)

satello 2011-10-29 15:59

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT
any chance that this can be timed using alarmed? i remember i had on my symbian phone advanced call manager in which there was a white list and a black list, and they could be switched depending on the time of the day.

so let's say that you do a white list with all the contacts that you want to be called from (let's say friends and family) and that goes from 7pm to 7am, and any number which is not in the list will be automatically rejected....

any chance? it's really the app that i most miss from the symbian... but i see that is getting there

don't think it's actually that hard basically just to compare the number calling against the list of contacts in a white list and if there will be allowed, if not will be rejected.. but i'm not a coder guys

Estel 2011-10-29 21:48

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT
I remember exactly same idea popping up, or even being realized - someone wanted to use whitelist during night (to allow his relatives contact him, but no one else), and blacklist during day. Unfortunately, I can't be more specific right now - You might browse through this thread, find it, and ask one that posted this if he succeed.

If it was not posted here, unfortunately, I'm no help, cause I can't seem to find it using forum search.

Still, it's nice idea, so, if it's not possible right now, or possible only using complicated mechanism, it would be great to add it into this great program :) So, +1 for OP consideration.


sixwheeledbeast 2011-12-13 19:21

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT
Firstly thank you for this great app.

Found that in the latest version, unknown numbers are not blocked without installing the GUI.
Even after editing the /.config to "true" as post 121
Also the true would go back to "false" after a reboot.

All seems to be working now with callerx and callerxui installed together.

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