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AlMehdi 2012-01-23 01:04

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-5

Originally Posted by derliebewolf (Post 1153944)
Hi guys,

I used N9Tweak for a while and it worked fine. Somehow I installes QuickTewak the other day and my icon grid changed. I used to use the vaule "2" in the option "ico" and now the size of text and icons is as bevore (i.e. smaller than stock) but the grid changed to default value. The odd thing is that while the size will change accordingly, the grid allways stays the same. I even tried to use the reset option and apply the twaek again as well as uninstalling and reinstalling the tool but without luck.

Any ideas?

It's hard to say but probably because it changes the same files. Have you tried to run it from terminal to see if it show any errors?


sh /opt/n9tweak/n9tweak

derliebewolf 2012-01-23 09:34

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-5
running it from terminal does not show up an error at all. The script just goes through it's process (e.g. ico -> 2) and nothing changes as before. Are there logs available?

AlMehdi 2012-01-23 15:10

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-5
No, no logs.. when you used QTN9 it probably changed the file but it should not matter as when you do it again in n9tweak the file should be "corrected".

After you have enabled the "2" option.. could you do this command in terminal.

sed -n '830,841p' /usr/share/themes/blanco/meegotouch/meegotouchhome/style/meegotouchhome.css
And then copy the output here..

derliebewolf 2012-01-23 18:19

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-5
well, there is no output. busybox just offering the next command prompt. tried both root and user (both via ssh)

AlMehdi 2012-01-26 04:25

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-5

Originally Posted by derliebewolf (Post 1154538)
well, there is no output. busybox just offering the next command prompt. tried both root and user (both via ssh)

That means this file are not created probably. If it already exist it does not get created of safety reasons. It also "controls" the landscape option. I do this by copying the full file from the base theme but it can also be done by just take the section for landscape. So if you didn't use n9tweak to enable landscape this could be the case.

To look the file you could:

cat /usr/share/themes/blanco/meegotouch/meegotouchhome/style/meegotouchhome.css
removing it would probably fix it:

rm /usr/share/themes/blanco/meegotouch/meegotouchhome/style/meegotouchhome.css

Eminem 2012-01-26 19:01

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-4

Originally Posted by AlMehdi (Post 1139578)
New version out

0.2-5 * Fixed white correction text
* Added change applauncher icon size
* Added change applauncher text color
* Added change applauncher text size
* Added stretched space to vkb
* Fixed lock-screen landscape
* Fixed a root ssh bug

Which settings exactly did you use to get the 5 rows of icons?

AlMehdi 2012-01-27 08:15

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-4

Originally Posted by Eminem (Post 1156170)
Which settings exactly did you use to get the 5 rows of icons?

First chose "ico" and then "2".

ROne21 2012-01-27 08:54

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-4

Originally Posted by AlMehdi (Post 1156417)
First chose "ico" and then "2".

Where can one choose the 'ico'? Where is located?

derliebewolf 2012-01-27 09:33

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-4

Originally Posted by ROne21 (Post 1156428)
Where can one choose the 'ico'? Where is located?

if you start teh script it lists all options. just type "ico" and press enter, then choose one of the available option for this. Need to enter root passwd later...

Schturman 2012-01-27 10:30

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-5
Hi Almehdin
Can you help me please.. I tried to add Adhoc at startup to my script. I edited a little you commands, but this not work..
This is your bkock:


    # Add adhoc at startup
    [Aa][Hh] )

        echo ""
        echo "This will add adhoc at startup"
        echo ""

    read -p "Enter A to activate/install, D to deactivate
or R to remove: " ADR
        echo ""
    read -p "Password: " -s PASSWORD
        case $ADR in
            [Aa] ) echo $PASSWORD | devel-su -c "echo '# Description of the script, mandatory
            description \"Allow Adhoc script\"

            # Author e-mail address, mandatory
            author \"\"

            # stop when xsession is stopped
            stop on stopping xsession

            # stdout to /dev/null, use \"console output\" to direct stdout to console (optional)
            console none

            # Start myapp as user
            exec /bin/echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/wl1271/allow_adhoc' > /etc/init/apps/adhoc.conf" >/dev/null
            [Dd] ) echo $PASSWORD | devel-su -c "echo '# Description of the script, mandatory
            description \"Allow Adhoc script\"

            # Author e-mail address, mandatory
            author \"\"

            # stop when xsession is stopped
            stop on stopping xsession

            # stdout to /dev/null, use \"console output\" to direct stdout to console (optional)
            console none

            # Start myapp as user
            exec /bin/echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/wl1271/allow_adhoc' > /etc/init/apps/adhoc.conf" >/dev/null
            [Rr] ) echo $PASSWORD | devel-su -c 'rm /etc/init/apps/adhoc.conf'
        read -p "Done! Your change will be enabled after next reboot." end

And this what I edited:


    [cC][cC] )
        echo "This will add adhoc at startup"
        echo ""
        echo "1. Activate"
        echo "2. Deactivate"
        echo "3. Remove"
        echo ""

      read -p "Choose from 1 to 3: " ANS
        echo ""
        case $ANS in
            1 ) echo '# Description of the script, mandatory
description "Allow Adhoc script"

# Author e-mail address, mandatory
author ""

# stop when xsession is stopped
stop on stopping xsession

# stdout to /dev/null, use "console output" to direct stdout to console (optional)
console none

# Start myapp as user
exec /bin/echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/wl1271/allow_adhoc' > /etc/init/apps/adhoc.conf
/bin/echo 1 >/dev/null
            2 ) echo '# Description of the script, mandatory
description "Allow Adhoc script"

# Author e-mail address, mandatory
author ""

# stop when xsession is stopped
stop on stopping xsession

# stdout to /dev/null, use "console output" to direct stdout to console (optional)
console none

# Start myapp as user
exec /bin/echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/wl1271/allow_adhoc' > /etc/init/apps/adhoc.conf
/bin/echo 0 >/dev/null
            3 ) rm /etc/init/apps/adhoc.conf ;;
            * ) read -p "Just answer from 1 to 3. Aborting!" end; continue ;;
      echo "Your changes will take effect after Reboot. You want to reboot now ?"
      echo " "
    read -p "Choose Y or N: " inputline
      echo " "

  for carattere in $inputline; do
    case $carattere in
        [Yy] ) echo "Your phone will reboot now!"
              echo " "
              sleep 2 && /sbin/reboot ;;

          [Nn] ) echo "You chose to NOT reboot."
                echo " "

Both of them create a same file adhoc.conf in /etc/init/apps, but one guy who tested my version, said me this does not work.. I don't know why... :(

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