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gerbick 2012-07-17 07:48

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
I think it's high time that the bickering done here in the public is taken to private conversations with the goal of sorting things out and the resolutions made pubic.

Even I have to say (ironic or not) that it ultimately weakens the community.

lma 2012-07-17 08:58

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
Yeah, this isn't even entertaining :-(

(Texrat: I stand corrected)

ZogG 2012-07-17 14:03

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
i think it's good. As before not everyone understood who Estel is, now he is showing more and more his true face.

P.S. i always wonder about whom he is talking while always saying "now community can see the truth" and things like that. Does he still believe people actually would trust him after all he did/said?

misterc 2012-07-17 19:55

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1238582)
I think it's high time that the bickering done here in the public is taken to private conversations with the goal of sorting things out and the resolutions made pubic.

Even I have to say (ironic or not) that it ultimately weakens the community.

trolling in private is called harassment...
isn't there already a law against that @ least :eek:

what's pitiful with this case is that it involves directly the Council; this indeed does nothing to further the cause of the Community :(

misterc 2012-07-17 20:19

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by ZogG (Post 1238725)
i think it's good. As before not everyone understood who Estel is, now he is showing more and more his true face.

P.S. i always wonder about whom he is talking while always saying "now community can see the truth" and things like that. Does he still believe people actually would trust him after all he did/said?

patent case of person being delusional...

Dave999 2012-07-18 09:21

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
I think its time for you "serious" people to think what you post around here. I have to say personally that you made a mess of nothing, sure you are allowed to make points if you find something you don't agree with, but you forces this small snowball to a big ice cliff. and for what? when does it end?

If you don't agree with something, vote for someone else in the next election and stop backstabbing, talk about other people and why they have done or said stuff you don't have a clue about. You are acting really unprofessional and you are hurting the community much more than you know.

I lose faith in most of you here and I cant say that even if i like to post useless posts and strange things I would never go after someone like you do, I maybe post my critics against someone when i think its necessary, like now. But when I made my point I move on. You should all do the same.

You think you all are right all the time. Take a step back and ask yourself what you trying to achieve with this never ending story. Be the bigger man and give in and move on.

You act like Rookies...

...I don't want see another post in this thread or simular thread from any of you unless it's contructive. Good day!

misterc 2012-07-18 17:40

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1239161)

...I don't want see another post in this thread or simular thread from any of you unless it's contructive. Good day!

i may simply point out to you that nobody forces you to read the posts but obviously on a Council thread posts should be Community related, indeed and not about one person only...
unless that person is a member of the Council who posts a lot of garbage on the thread.

that's why i suggested a few days ago that this "Council" thread is shut down & a new one started, to close the chapter :rolleyes:

still an option, mind yourself :D

woody14619 2012-07-18 18:03

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1238520)
Council's internal mail (for which, I still have - unfortunately - access, despite my kind request to remove me, send to current chair, if this function even still exist at all...)?

The request was forwarded, but took a couple days to process. We got confirmation yesterday, so if you continue to get Council mail now, please let us know so we can look into it.

Our focus is now fully on the community. Foremost on our agenda is creating a foundation for the continuation of the community as support from Nokia spins down. We presented an initial draft of bylaws for the new entity on the community ML last week, and will be posting an updated version to the blog, TMO, and possibly the wiki for further discussion in the very near future.

There's a lot to do, and limited time to do it in. Anyone who would like to contribute (on any of the multiple projects going on) is welcomed to join in. How would one do that you ask? :)

Council holds weekly open meetings on Fridays @ 18:00UTC (Freenode, #maemo-meeting). All are welcome to attend and contribute. If you are unable to attend but would like a topic introduced or discussed, or would like to volunteer for projects, you may always mail Council {at} with your topic, concern, or request. I also prepare minutes for each meeting and post them to the Council Blog with links to the raw channel log within a few days of the meeting.

kojacker 2012-07-18 18:33

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
Dear council, with all the changes ahead can you see any in the pipeline that could affect the voting mechanism for the coding competition? As we did with last year's competition, we would like to use the council voting functionality for deciding winners and ranking entrants. The competition runs to early September and we're aiming for voting to commence a week after.

Thanks for looking into this for us :)

ivgalvez 2012-07-19 06:26

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by kojacker (Post 1239370)
Dear council, with all the changes ahead can you see any in the pipeline that could affect the voting mechanism for the coding competition? As we did with last year's competition, we would like to use the council voting functionality for deciding winners and ranking entrants. The competition runs to early September and we're aiming for voting to commence a week after.

Thanks for looking into this for us :)

We have the compromise from Nokia to maintain the servers until end of year, so it shouldn't be a problem.

In fact, the idea is to use the same mechanism for next Council election.

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