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mscion 2013-10-22 21:08

Re: Will the tablet world change now?
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1381874)
Let's say you visiting a website on your Ipad mini. There is a video stream that you like to see or Atleast listen to. But when you are switching tab to TMO to see what the great and powerful dave999 has written the sound disappears. How do you solve that on Ipad mini?

How can windows be worse than That...

On the Note 3 I can simultaneously watch CNN, a You Tube video and bask in the radiance of Dave999's wisdom. Ouch! I'm getting sunburned!

gerbick 2013-10-22 21:10

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1381878)
Even so I think windows will eat some market shares. Slowly but steady...

That hasn't happened yet. Anyway, I'll let you continue on with your speculation(s). Reality has been totally different so far.

Dave999 2013-10-22 21:10

Re: Will the tablet world change now?
I know me too... That's why the iPad is so 90s even if it was announced today:D

Did I mention it came with 3 GB.

Btw. Android experimenting with all application in windows. That would mean that you will soon be able to run 10 apps per screen if you like. Similar to note but build into android. If you could save the coordinates like poker tables it would be awesome. Or even send links and screen settings to open image ,mail and video at receaver screen.

Gerbick, windows growing slowly...even if we want it or not.

gerbick 2013-10-22 21:55

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1381886)
Gerbick, windows growing slowly...even if we want it or not.

Oh really? Too bad more people disagree than agree.

Dave999 2013-10-23 04:48

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1381896)

Oh really? Too bad more people disagree than agree.

That's an guestimate and not the truth... And if you read gartners report. Windows have higher number 2014 than 2013. But gartners estimate decline of windows overall decline 4,3%. This is pc/macs/cromebooks including as well. Android rules even more since windows losing since pc market get exchanged to mobile devices where windows is not that strong. But still increasing mobile wise. . But Android sales is too superior, Compared to that Windows increase next to nothing. Same goes for iOS/OSx, slightly better(increased sales) than Windows but nothing compared with Android. BlackBerry falling...

Sorry. Only time will tell.

When will tablets, phones replace laptops as workstation in office?

gerbick 2013-10-25 03:15

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1381910)
When will tablets, phones replace laptops as workstation in office?

When battery technology and user input/experience catches up.

ARJWright 2013-10-27 22:57

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1381884)
On the Note 3 I can simultaneously watch CNN, a You Tube video and bask in the radiance of Dave999's wisdom. Ouch! I'm getting sunburned!

Look, I'm as much a fan of multi-everything as anyone here. But, there's nothing polished about the quoted multi-tasking display. Powerful? Maybe... if power is disorganized windows. Versatile? Yes. But being versatile doesn't equal power.

One of the things that Apple has done well, is that they aren't adding so much to the primary UX that its disrupting their own ethos. Amongst companng them and everyone else, their not-quite-multasking UX has meant they concentrate on opimizing touch response time, speed of screen refreshes, and other small details that really just mean "its not so powerful but dang is it smooth." They aren't running the specs game exactly. And at the same time they are. They are basically saying that they can make a cleaner experience with their cards than you can with yours. And to that, they are #winning.

MS is learning that aspect of things, and to some degree working towards the same aims. But, in doing so, they are losing some of their inherent advantages. They do multi-tasking well on these new tablets, but that's not translating to anything more than "its just as powerful as a laptop." They can't/won't do that on their phones, even though that's where the UI would shine (gesture up/down to search/open new app and switch between - seriously easy transition given WP's UI direction).

Jolla's UX misses on this, as does FirefoxOS, and a few other shells out there. Its not about the shiny, nor the features. Its paying attention to the details that will only matter in the end as something consumers will just "feel" as better. Even when they don't have the words to say "yea, that looks cool, but it feels so complicated." - person looking at the quoted screenshot but responding based on gut, not on tech knowledge.

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