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woody14619 2013-01-29 21:29

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime

Originally Posted by Piotr (Post 1318923)
professional experience.
let's say that I used to work for them... :)

Lol... You're far from professional. You can't even tell the difference between a community and a support site. Anyone reading ANY of your past posts, in this thread or others, can see that.

I doubt you've worked for Nokia, ever. And even if you had, Nokia is no longer what it once was. I've worked at Xerox and Kodak, and have seen first hand what happens when companies implode. Services and support are generally the first things to go.

Regardless: You're ignorant of the facts of the matter. The services were paid for on contract with an external provider. The termination of those contracts was set before any transition plan was in place or presented to them. The service providers had already started to spin down when we approached them (and Nokia) about a community run system.

Believe whatever make believe you want in your head. Reality is reality. Your thinking otherwise won't change that.

Welcome to my ignore list.

joerg_rw 2013-01-29 21:39

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime

Originally Posted by Piotr (Post 1318832)
oh, OK - then sorry, I did not know that.

still: how many unpaid volunteers are needed to change a light bulb?
swapping a server is not a rocket science.
and most of all, there is a simple rule for swapping servers - do I need to state it?
it says: don't turn off a working server before making sure that the new one is working.
and that is why I see a big incompetence in here, in this specific process.

Listen, T*****AD!
Nokia switches off servers whenever THEY want - like the Akamai server farm for repositories (several 100 machines), WE are offering you backup servers like skeiron some of which I pay for from my own pocket. Meanwhile we're all waiting and watching for *Nemein* (paid by Nokia to do the migration and hand stuff over to community) to establish and debug a completely new hw-setup tailored to somewhat fit what we, the community, could afford. been tested before we asked Nokia to switch the DNS to point at it. We neither control the DNS (yet) nor do we have any control over the server farm and when it got switched down. You're asking for us to continue operating the Akamai serverfarm? Sure, give us the MONEY and MANPOWER to do so, and we'll happily do. [insert some other swearwords here]. I guess some 20000$/month might suffice. See and STFU!
I'm spending some imaginary infraction points on you, if that matters to chemist. Honestly, you are a disgrace

Best Regards

Piotr 2013-01-29 21:41

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime

Originally Posted by woody14619 (Post 1318925)
Lol... You're far from professional. You can't even tell the difference between a community and a support site. Anyone reading ANY of your past posts, in this thread or others, can see that.

I can bet that not anyone...


Originally Posted by woody14619 (Post 1318925)
I doubt you've worked for Nokia, ever. And even if you had, Nokia is no longer what it once was.

Actually, I said "lets say..."
All the western companies are the same - trust me.
You don't really need to work at Nokia to know what Nokia "thinks".


Originally Posted by woody14619 (Post 1318925)
I've worked at Xerox and Kodak, and have seen first hand what happens when companies implode. Services and support are generally the first things to go.

Yeah I believe that is how you got fired. But you know, IMHO the first to go are people without skills. :)


Originally Posted by woody14619 (Post 1318925)
Regardless: You're ignorant of the facts of the matter. The services were paid for on contract with an external provider. The termination of those contracts was set before any transition plan was in place or presented to them. The service providers had already started to spin down when we approached them (and Nokia) about a community run system.

I'm just saying that they were bluffing to lure you into taking over responsibility for the servers... And you it took over... but now, instead of fulfilling your obligations, you are showing to me why you got fired from a customer support...
Really, don't get it on me - I swear that it wasn't me who fired you!

But to be honest, I would have fired you, if I only had chance, seeing that you supporting skills are completely non existent. :)

Piotr 2013-01-29 21:44

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime

Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1318928)
Listen, T*****AD!
Nokia switches off servers whenever THEY want

Yeah - Nokia is God and they do not respond to anyone...
I believe you :)

Why wont you try with less swearing next time, if you want me to take you seriously?
I mean, I understand how fighting with a server for a second week can be frustrating, but don't take it up on me, man - like it was my fault that you cannot make it work :)

NiQ 2013-01-29 22:01

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime seems to be down so no CSS on any page except TMO.

michaaa62 2013-01-29 22:21

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime

Originally Posted by NiQ (Post 1318935) seems to be down so no CSS on any page except TMO.

Thanks for gracefully switching back to topic!!!;)

woody14619 2013-01-30 01:36

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime

Originally Posted by Piotr (Post 1318929)
Yeah I believe that is how you got fired.

In my 15+ years of corporate work, I've never been fired. But again, believe whatever fiction you want. Seems to be the Polish way...

Fact of the matter is, we are where we are. Help out, or shut up. Whining serves no purpose. Done.

Just out of curiosity: Is every guy named Piotr (Peter in Polish) an äss-hat? Or is it just the same guy, with multiple accounts again? :rolleyes:

PS: To the tagger... awesome tags. Will follow that advice now. ;)

woody14619 2013-01-30 01:43

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime

Originally Posted by NiQ (Post 1318935) seems to be down so no CSS on any page except TMO.

Hmm... I'm getting pages just fine. May have been a small glitch? :confused:

joerg_rw 2013-01-30 02:23

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime

Originally Posted by woody14619 (Post 1318974)
Hmm... I'm getting pages just fine. May have been a small glitch? :confused:

I rebooted FW just a ~2h ago, just in time before access via ssh became impossible. Our new wizard maemo sysop Falk tweaked some setting on same FW a few minutes later, which I hope will take effect from now on. I dunno if Nemein likes us messing around with their FW setup, but since we can do (since 2 days or so), we did. Will ask Eero about his take on that, tomorrow.


PWN900 2013-01-30 15:59

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime
{woo hoo}Go Rochester. I don't believe arguing is better than constructive criticisms in light of what is happening. I thought i was the only person in Rochester with a N900 :eek:

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