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Ancelad 2013-12-12 11:51

Re: [Release][N9] iOS7 Full Theme

Originally Posted by Ta76eem (Post 1395439)
battery percentage doesn't appear ...
installed from unrestricted system UI
That's what I meant

go to /usr/share/themes/base/meegotouch/sysuid/sysuid.conf and change

default = StatusIndicatorIconView


default = StatusIndicatorLabelView

And restart sysuid. Some Magic... :D

dak_sriv 2013-12-12 14:31

Okay, so I reinstalled the deb.. Via warehouse this time.. It installed without any trouble.. But these two things came up. They're self elaborative. I'll try to install via terminal & see if it makes a difference. =/
It installed nicely the last time =/

DJJonosound 2013-12-12 23:53

Ouch. I should have an update out within the next few days (I'm on holidays). Including an aegis manifest. In the mean time I will PM you a link to a zip file with the theme :)
Next update contains better gsm icons, lighter folder icons and textedit menu changes. However I did change the line in the CSS suggested by mk99 and it made no difference :(

MK99 2013-12-13 06:36

Re: [Release][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
1 Attachment(s)
You need to copy also libmeegotouchviews.css to
/usr/share/themes/Full iOS 7 theme/meegotouch/libmeegotouchviews/style

Quick mod ;):

dak_sriv 2013-12-15 09:46

So, I was talking about this. The icons' quality tends to decrease when applying this theme.. I see the screenshots by you, & their very crisp. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Gizamkd 2013-12-16 03:41

Re: [Release][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
There bug in lock screen, 24h format clock not showing.
theres like :41

DJJonosound 2013-12-16 13:59

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
Dak_sriv - Yes. That is a little issue. I boosted the icon size, and since my icons are higher quality then the stock standard, it enlarges badly. (80x80px standard size, my icons are 105x105px to make it look better.) I can fork versions in the next update if you want the standard size icons. I just thought it looked better on the whole having larger icons like in ios :)

Gizamkd - I was trying to get rid of am/pm indicators in 12hr time, so a special time format is used on the lockscreen. If you wish to fix, edit and remove the highlighted code in /usr/share/themes/Full iOS7 theme/meegotouch/libsysuid-screenlock-nokia/style/libsysuid-screenlock-nokia.css

LockScreenHeader ScreenLockClockStyle#LockScreenHeaderClock {
    time-format: "%l:%M";
    horizontal-align: center;

DJJonosound 2013-12-17 02:20

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
@MK99 could you post or pm me the exact css files and tags you modified to change the texteditor color? I have been fiddling a lot and still have had no success :(

DJJonosound 2013-12-18 06:40

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
Update coming soon. In the mean time, here is something that will work on every version from now on.
Check the first post for the download links.

MK99 2013-12-18 07:17

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by DJJonosound (Post 1397388)
@MK99 could you post or pm me the exact css files and tags you modified to change the texteditor color? I have been fiddling a lot and still have had no success :(

Here you are. ;)

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