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KotCzarny 2015-03-11 06:12

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
and if you don't want to recreate config, you can do cp /opt/oscp/share/images/skin/* ~/.oscp/skin/

totalizator 2015-03-11 16:33

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
1 Attachment(s)
LOOK! It's Winamp... It's XMMS... Naaah, it's oscp!

KotCzarny 2015-03-11 16:39

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
* Options panel added.
* Fixed missing gtk stock icons on n900.

options are now clickable. no excuses, try them all, review them all. and spread the word

KotCzarny 2015-03-11 16:51

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
ok. falstart. 0.9.7-25. forgot to change one word that broke skin mode. works now

xes 2015-03-12 08:21

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
2 Attachment(s)
Skin? For me, since years, xmms has only one skin: Frozen!

endsormeans 2015-03-12 11:44

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
1 Attachment(s)
I have soooo many of the oldies-but-goodies ...
lot of hard to find ones too.
I just threw 3 of my fav's up in a zip
and cathedral
another classic...don't know where I put the silly thing ...
is "manuscript"
...lovely one.
got a lot of modern, retro, classic, antique, and old amplifier skins too.

as well for the jaded there is ..
yay! :D
one of my fav progs.
turn anything into a skin.
great lil' quick program.
do some pretty good ones with it too.

KotCzarny 2015-03-12 12:05

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
those skins are nice. gonna find out the glitches in endsormeans's ones. totalizator wondered why bother with winamp skin feature, but it appears they are still used and faved

KotCzarny 2015-03-12 12:34

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
btw. uploaded oscp package (i586mmx) to sourceforge that will run on pentium-mmx linux. having old dusty thinclient box? now you can turn it into audio/network radio player and control it from n900 via oscp-remote :)

KotCzarny 2015-03-12 17:24

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
@endsormeans: two of your skins have empty monoster.bmp which results in glitched display. maybe i should add some code to make things transparent in such case

KotCzarny 2015-03-12 19:36

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
@endsormeans: upped 0.9.7-27. missing images should be now transparent

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