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VDVsx 2010-04-05 10:44

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by saroneo (Post 595988)

I just want to bounce an idea here, probably discussed already elsewhere.

I would like to make my laptop keyboard an external bluetooth keyboard/mouse to a PS3 or any system that can take a bluetooth keyboard/mouse. My laptop runs Ubuntu. Somebody suggested BlueMaemo since its all linux and I started poking around a bit.

First is it possible to do that or is it something too crazy ?

I managed to set up an environment to compile stuff and I am new to maemo, python and the bluetooth stack. I got to a point where when I run I get these errors.


warning: x11-16 is not supported, fallback to x11

*** ECORE ERROR: Ecore Magic Check Failed!!!
*** IN FUNCTION: ecore_evas_data_set()
  Input handle pointer is NULL!
*** Now go fix your code. Tut tut tut!

I guess someone with more knowledge on the system would be able to do this setup.

Is anyone interested in doing with this ? Is this the right approach ? Any pointers with the error ?

Lol, nice error message, are you trying to run this inside sbox or directly inside ubuntu ?
Seems that the EFL code can't find a suitable display.
I must warn you that the blueetooth code needs a lot of changes in order to run outside maemo :)

saroneo 2010-04-05 12:23

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Lol, nice error message, are you trying to run this inside sbox or directly inside ubuntu ?
Seems that the EFL code can't find a suitable display.
I must warn you that the blueetooth code needs a lot of changes in order to run outside maemo
Inside Ubuntu directly. Am I crazy to think this could be possible ? :confused:

Any help/interest in this sort of support ?


VDVsx 2010-04-05 13:43

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by saroneo (Post 596143)
Inside Ubuntu directly. Am I crazy to think this could be possible ? :confused:

No you're not, it is possible but requires some work. I can't help you much at the moment, lots of stuff to do and also BlueMaemo needs some improvements.

stobbsc 2010-04-08 08:31

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Is it still possible to install this app?

I can't find it in any of the repo's any more :-(

VDVsx 2010-04-08 16:13

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by stobbsc (Post 600673)
Is it still possible to install this app?

I can't find it in any of the repo's any more :-(

It's in extras-devel:

eean 2010-04-14 23:08

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by VDVsx (Post 557927)
The HW Kb is not fully supported due to a bug in the UI library that I'm using, I'm a bit tired of wait for a fix(since I can't do it in a proper way), probably I'll have to write the UI using a more mainstream library :(.

The hardware keyboard doesn't work at all for me. Actually its a relief that its supposed to work, I figured you just went through all the trouble of developing the on-screen keyboard UI and forgot about the real keyboard. :D

Any idea why it wouldn't work? I'm using it as a keyboard for Linux (Kubuntu). The mouse and on-screen keyboard work great.


baron von bubba 2010-04-14 23:13

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by eean (Post 611017)
The hardware keyboard doesn't work at all for me. Actually its a relief that its supposed to work, I figured you just went through all the trouble of developing the on-screen keyboard UI and forgot about the real keyboard. :D

Any idea why it wouldn't work? I'm using it as a keyboard for Linux (Kubuntu). The mouse and on-screen keyboard work great.


press the power button to bring the menu up then click the screen to get rid of it.
hardware keyboard should work then! ;0)

DARKoo7 2010-04-26 05:14

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
i am trying to get it to work but i do not know what am i doing wrong .

n900 winVista ..... it just wont connect . the cell phone connect and transfer files perfectly can any one plz help .

peacekeper 2010-05-12 13:44

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
is it possible to use it with OS WIN7 HOME PREMIUM? cause i am trying to use it, it conects but after that when i want to work with it, it disconect again. what can i do?

baron von bubba 2010-05-13 10:58

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
i have windows 7 home and i can confirm bluemaemo works fine

the game pad function is a little pointless tho imho, as we have no multi touch, but the mouse/keyboard function is excellent!

peacekeper 2010-05-13 13:35

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
i dont know how to make it work, it conect but then disconect is there any other way to make it work, beside the aplication from app manager?

thommy 2010-05-13 13:48

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
just to throw it out there, i'm having similar connect and then disconnect issues on OSX. and i've tried it on two different macs running leopard.

aliirz 2010-05-15 08:06

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
same connect/disconnect issue here with windows 7. works fine on Fedora OS

peacekeper 2010-05-15 08:32

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
what i did is the following; i went to the bluetooth devices on my pc and remove the previuos configuration on my n900, after that i remove all the paired config of devices of my cell, then i switch off the bluetooth on my cell and pc, then i restarted the bluetooth on both devices (pc and cell) and open bluemaemo and paired them as ussually but this time i gave some time to the "waiting for connection" on the bluemaemo screen and the i look on my pc that when the device (cell) got connected to the pc it showed an icon like a keyboard instead of the cell icon that ussually appears, so after that on the cell appeared the screen where u can acces to all the differents actions (mouse,keyboard,presentations etc) now the cell was connected with bluemaemo and it works really really good, i can do everything with this.

something even better to follow:
1. delete the bluetooth phone entry on your pc if it's already there
2. delete the bluetooth pc entry on your phone if it's already there
(so afterwards both devices shouldn't "know" each other ^^)
3. make sure that bluetooth on both devices is disabled
4. start bluemaemo on n900
5. click on "wait for connection"
6. activate bluetooth on your pc and search for devices
(n900 should be recognized as "other" or "hid" - not as phone afaik)
7. pair both devices
8. the "waiting for connection..." window on the n900 should disappear and it should show the bluemaemo menu
9. now it should work properly ^^
(10. if not - maybe restart your pc and try again)
(11. if step 10 doesn't help make steps 1 - 9 again... i had to do it several times too before it worked for me)

gjasso 2010-05-15 17:28

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Hi, has anyone been able to successfully use BlueMaemo with Mac OS X 10.6.3? I have the following issues:

I can pair my Macbook with my N900 using the "waiting for connection" approach only, i.e. I click on Wait for connection in BlueMaemo and then Set up a new bluetooth device on my MB. I get the following results in Mac's Bluetooth Set up Assistant:

* Pairing was completed successfully
* Use as an audio output device
* Use as an audio input device
* Use as an input device on this computer
* Use to transfer files

And the following services can be seen in Bluetooth preferences:

* BlueZ HID Mouse & Keyboard
* File Transfer Server
* Hands-Free audio gateway
* Handset audio Gateway
* Nokia OBEX PC Suite Services
* Nokia SyncML Server
* Object Push Server
* SyncML Client

(Note: When setting up the N900 there is no dialog box where you can select which services do you want to use with the N900, e.g. disable headset features)

Then I can connect BueMaemo to my MB but nothing works, mouse, keyboard, media player, and when I start clicking buttons arround in BlueMaemo the device suddenly disconnects with the following warning:

Disconnected by the Remote Device

(also Keyboard Set up assista shows up for a sec when connecting)

I've followed most applicable suggestions in this thread and the wiki, but I haven't succeeded.

Any ideas?


magnunor 2010-06-01 16:11

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Very nice application :)

Would it be possible to have have other keyboard layouts? Using Norwegian Dvorak on my laptop at the moment, and the virtual keyboard in Bluemaemo doesn't match very well :p

In addition it seems like PR1.2 broke the hardware keyboard workaround

Bingley Joe 2010-06-02 13:04

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by gjasso (Post 659840)
Then I can connect BueMaemo to my MB but nothing works, mouse, keyboard, media player, and when I start clicking buttons arround in BlueMaemo the device suddenly disconnects with the following warning:

Disconnected by the Remote Device

(also Keyboard Set up assista shows up for a sec when connecting)

I've followed most applicable suggestions in this thread and the wiki, but I haven't succeeded.

Any ideas?


I'm having the exact same results as you (OS X 10.6). I've tried every possible means of getting it to work with the Mac without success.. I just doesn't seem to want to stay connected :(

I've noticed that if you keep BlueTooth prefs open while trying to get BlueMaemo to connect, the pref pane shows it connecting and then disconnecting a couple of seconds later (even before the message saying the remote device disconnected appears in BlueMaemo).

It's during that brief time that the Keyboard Setup window appears saying that the keyboard can't be used (and as soon as the device disconnects, the Keyboard window disappears as well).. I'm guessing there's something about the keyboard driver that's not getting along with OS X and causing it to give up trying to 'talk' to BlueMaemo (just a hunch though).

I'd love to have this working..

MaltedVomit 2010-06-07 19:57

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I had bluemaemo installed and working before PR1.2. now i cant get bluemaemo to install. i keep getting a libeina0 package conflict.

I've tried:
apt-get autoremove libeina0 (says not installed)
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install bluemaemo (broken packages)

any ideas?

brad112358 2010-06-18 22:02

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Just a couple of quick questions. I re-installed bluemaemo a few weeks after upgrading to PR1.2 and it works OK except now the work-around for getting the hardware keyboard going doesn't seem to make any difference. Any chance this might get fixed?

Also, I still don't see a way to send tab or alt-tab.

Thanks for a great application!

cstryon 2010-06-20 05:30

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I'm having trouble. I have windows seven, and an N810. they can pair over bt just fine, but when I open bluemaemo, I get 'waiting for connection', and it never connects. I tried searching through this thread but it's long. Is there an order I need to follow, or a process? If so can anyone help me to know what it is?

roodmurning 2010-06-21 17:31

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I've successfully paired bluemaemo with my MBP
but when I reconnect bluemaemo to my MBP this screen show up
then the connection lost (OS X 10.6.4)

Bingley Joe 2010-06-21 17:38

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by roodmurning (Post 723884)
I've successfully paired bluemaemo with my MBP
but when I reconnect bluemaemo to my MBP this screen show up
then the connection lost (OS X 10.6.4)

Same problem here, and others have noted this happening as well.

I can only conclude that it simply does not work with OS X :(

ear0wax 2010-07-08 08:21

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
any advice on getting this working on pr1.2? Im having the libeina0 error.

MaltedVomit 2010-07-08 15:24

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by ear0wax (Post 744608)
any advice on getting this working on pr1.2? Im having the libeina0 error.

Me too. I try to autoremove libeina0, it's the only thing removed nothing depends on it. apt-get install bluemaemo, broken packages.

apt-get install libeina0, it installs. apt-get install bluemaemo, broken packages.

I had bluemaemo working before PR1.2 and only had the libeina0 problem with trying to install enna, but now I get it for both. I flashed PR1.2 too.

This seems to be a rare problem that nobody knows how to fix since no suggestions that I have found work.

ear0wax 2010-07-14 07:29

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Is there any effort in getting this updated at for pr1.2

MaltedVomit 2010-07-21 22:06

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Just an update: I reflashed PR1.2 last night and tried to install bluemaemo first before I did anything else and I still get the libeina0 problem. I don't understand :(

imperiallight 2010-07-25 12:59

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Great, how bout extending this to allow for it as a wifi gamepad e.g wifipad.

Dr. Drips 2010-07-31 13:44

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
today I installed it and typing trough bluemeamo right now!
is it planned to make the hardware keyboard work?

well, great work so far!

F2thaK 2010-08-02 02:06

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
any chance of adding Wifi connection to this app?

I would pay for an app like salling clicker for maemo5

example vid

hussainmushahid 2010-08-02 15:48

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
New here so a noob question

I have extra devel and extra testing enabled in my n900's application manager but I still can't find bluemaemo.

I tried downloading from

but I get a error that "some application packages required for the installation are missing"

any solution?

si_wardo 2010-08-17 08:46

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
can anyone please help me here. im new to all this terminal stuff. dont really understand it all. ive managed to get bluemaemo installed and can get it to connect to my bluetooth on the computer. i then see the mouse icon keyboard presentation etc etc. if i click any of them the respective screen comes up but thats it it doesnt actually control my pc. or do anything on my pc for that matter.
also i get the message: disconnected by the remote device. Reconnect? yes no
any help or pointers would be much appreciated have i missed something out? aint got a clue what to do so please help. many thanks in advance

si_wardo 2010-08-17 08:54

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
sorry ignore my last post ive now sorted it thanks Surstroemming

si_wardo 2010-08-17 08:57

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
this app is stunning. perhaps the lef and right mouse buttos could be bigger. once had snatch server for the ipod touch the layout to that was very nifty. like the gui used here but buttons to small maybe if u made them into the shape of actual mouse buttons? just a thought.

loving the app anyway well done and thank you

si_wardo 2010-08-17 09:16

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
noticed a bug not sure if its been mentioned but when i leave bluemeamo running and then open another app or window byu the time i get back to bluemaemo the screen is balck and wont change from the black screen. the mouse cursor however still controls my pc. but to exit the app i have to hit the power button and hit end current task.
other than that as i said before outstanding app

cstryon 2010-08-19 02:15

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Using bluemaemo on n810. I want to control Windows 7 media center. I'm not sure which function would have all the needed buttons, but sliding the keyboard out it gives me more options. First I need to figure out the windows key, a page in the upper forties said to edit 'win' to what key I want, but looking at bluemaemo.conf, I see no option for 'win'. If I can set a windows key, I'd be able to do a combination of win + M to on one button to open Media center. Then I think just finding out the keyboard shortcuts for media center, I can config the rest of the buttons. Has anyone done this with there n810? Can anyone help me with adding the windows key?

Edit: Win +alt + enter opens mediacenter. Might make things a little more complicated.

Joseph.skb 2010-10-17 11:58

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Does anyone have a step-by-step guide to install Bluemaemo for N900? I'm interested to use it for powerpoint control.

I'm new with the devel stuff and need some help. Thanks.

stevomanu 2010-10-22 18:58

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
i am not able to get this workin with my ps3 all seems fine it connects but nothin happens not matter what i press anubody have anyideas as to the problem

turbowei 2010-11-02 03:32

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Does bluemaemo still work with PR 1.3?

Dami 2010-11-02 04:02

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
yeah im using it now, tho i did have to repair my device. not sure if its related

droll 2010-11-02 04:51

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
yes it does.

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