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jasonflemyng 2010-06-10 09:03

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Hello after the update I'm unable to open witter.. When I click it starts loading , it suddenly exits and returns to desktop.. Any ideas?

I do not have too many widgets on desktop..

Marlon 2010-06-10 09:29

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by jasonflemyng (Post 708416)
Hello after the update I'm unable to open witter.. When I click it starts loading , it suddenly exits and returns to desktop.. Any ideas?

I do not have too many widgets on desktop..

I had to remove the .witter files from /home/user/ to make mine work after a previous update. Not sure which fixes it as I removed all of them

jasonflemyng 2010-06-10 09:37

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Thanks for the reply but there is no .witter files at that directory...

demos 2010-06-10 10:03

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 707721)
I honestly don't know what causes this, I'm probably doing something wrong with gtk. It happens to all dialog boxes with input fields, as opposed to stacked windows etc.
I'm open to suggestions on what causes this and how I might fix it.

Yep, no matter how I've tried, I still haven't got one single twitpic posted on this application. It's a dealbreaker really. If it worked as Gravity did, easily and seamlessly, I might even buy it.

nosa101 2010-06-10 10:33

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by demos (Post 708500)
Yep, no matter how I've tried, I still haven't got one single twitpic posted on this application. It's a dealbreaker really. If it worked as Gravity did, easily and seamlessly, I might even buy it.

Or you could use the twit pic plugin through pixelpipe if it is such a big deal.


dwould 2010-06-11 17:39

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by jasonflemyng (Post 708416)
Hello after the update I'm unable to open witter.. When I click it starts loading , it suddenly exits and returns to desktop.. Any ideas?

I do not have too many widgets on desktop..

results of running witter from xterm? ( python2.5 /opt/witter/

without information I can't even begin to guess. sorry.

dwould 2010-06-11 17:44

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by demos (Post 708500)
Yep, no matter how I've tried, I still haven't got one single twitpic posted on this application. It's a dealbreaker really. If it worked as Gravity did, easily and seamlessly, I might even buy it.

so the problem with the dialog not oppening again doesn't stop you posting the first twit pic.

just enter the text you want to tweet with your picture, then go select your picture through the twitpic dialog and hit the twitpic button to submit. It works for me....

on another note, if this app worked as well as a pay-for app on symbian you 'might' consider buying it? that's not great incentive. I have provided a means for those that appreciate my efforts to 'but me a pint' via my blog, this in no way pays for the crazy amount of time I spend on this, but it does make me feel like that time is appreciated.
If you could tell me how to make the hildon file picker dialog actually work from python (which I've failed to do so far) that would help in making the twit pic thing work nicer.

dwould 2010-06-11 17:46

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by biggzy (Post 707789)
Hi dwould, here are the fixed user history icons for the touch theme.

Attachment 10838


cheers, the update will make it into the next version, just debugging some changes that allow for retaining search history as you repeat searches etc. and want to get a fix in for persisting the gesture preference setting.

dwould 2010-06-11 18:11

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by markusm (Post 708296)
Technically I have no idea - I'm a UI designer - not a programmer. But that's where they 'belong' ;)

If you checkout the pics that I made there is a 'refresh' button on the right side of the toolbar. As I said - moving the 'more' options to the end of the messagelist and eliminating the need for fullscreen frees up two buttons. In their place would be the text box toggle ('new tweet') and refresh.

If you get a chance make a private test with the icons on the bottom. You'll see that it's very handy - especially when you've got the keyboard open. Also if you were to remove the button graphics and replace them with only icons this would give skin makers even more possibilities.

But as you said stabilizing the code is key. Witter is already a remarkable piece of work especially while it's free. I'm just hoping that somewhere along the line there will be time to add some visual tweaks here and there to polish it it up ;)

The problem is that I'm using gtk, and there are limits to what I can configure, so for instance I can't remove the button graphic behind the icon. that's just a hildon button and I get no option.

so it's not really a case of 'tweaks' it would be a massive rewrite of the entire UI to use some technology that lets me draw it from the ground up, which given I have no idea how to do it, would probably take months before there was even anything really to show. In the meantime witter would get no new features.
maybe if someone can give me pointers in how to do more 'cool' ui stuff in Python to get me started.. that would help.

bcotton 2010-06-11 18:21

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 698617)
I assume you are using the vesion from the main extras repository. the latest versions in testing/devel have a vibrate and led flash alert for mentions and dm's (but still no sound yet)
i'm hoping to get a new version to the main repository in the next few weeks

Are you planning on including an option to disable this notification? I tend to leave witter running when I'm not really paying attention to the phone and don't necessarily want it buzzing (e.g. in a meeting). Also, the alert messages don't aggregate but appear individually, so if I've been away from the phone for a bit I might have 5 or 6 "you have received one new mention" messages on my screen, which seems excessive.

Overall, though, I like the improvements that witter has been seeing lately.

nosa101 2010-06-11 20:53

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by bcotton (Post 710961)
Are you planning on including an option to disable this notification? I tend to leave witter running when I'm not really paying attention to the phone and don't necessarily want it buzzing (e.g. in a meeting). Also, the alert messages don't aggregate but appear individually, so if I've been away from the phone for a bit I might have 5 or 6 "you have received one new mention" messages on my screen, which seems excessive.

Overall, though, I like the improvements that witter has been seeing lately.

Check your preferences. you'll see the option

yamsas 2010-06-11 23:03

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Hey don't know if this has been raised before, but configuring 0auth for an account opens a browser window to the twitter authorisation page. Version 0.3.4

dwould 2010-06-12 10:46

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by yamsas (Post 711405)
Hey don't know if this has been raised before, but configuring 0auth for an account opens a browser window to the twitter authorisation page. Version 0.3.4

I don't yet support oauth to accounts or indeed any non-twitter service. but I think the option only disappears after you've done initial config of the account.

bcotton 2010-06-14 13:22

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by nosa101 (Post 711204)
Check your preferences. you'll see the option

Got it, thanks! I guess I didn't associate it with "e-mail style notifications" :-)

dwould 2010-06-14 19:13

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by bcotton (Post 714431)
Got it, thanks! I guess I didn't associate it with "e-mail style notifications" :-)

possibly a slightly confusing naming , but from a code point of view you basically ask for an Email and IM type notification.

not sure how else to differentiate between that and the temporary popup banners that it does otherwise.

nosa101 2010-06-14 20:06

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Just curious, is it possible to make it run in the background like Modest or Conversations?

For instance, you get a DM or a mention and the notification pops up.You click the notification and Witter opens.

It is not exactly a necessity, I'm just curious

dwould 2010-06-14 20:18

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by nosa101 (Post 715049)
Just curious, is it possible to make it run in the background like Modest or Conversations?

For instance, you get a DM or a mention and the notification pops up.You click the notification and Witter opens.

It is not exactly a necessity, I'm just curious

erm... I suppose it would in theory be possible to just hide the entire ui, not sure whether it would be as simple as that.
I've not figured out how to make witter pop up and grab focus when notification is clicked yet anyway.

I think it would take significant rework with that specifically in mind to do anything worthwhile, rather than just hide the ui but still perform processing etc.

dwould 2010-06-14 20:26

Re: witter - a python twitter client
I currently know of no real bugs in witter 0.3.4-8 in extras-testing, (lots of stuff people would like to see added, but no actual bugs)
If this is true, then a vote in extras-testing will help me push this as a new update to Extras. If it is not true (much more likely) please let me know what issues really need to be fixed before pushing another version to Extras


virus 2010-06-16 03:05

Re: witter - a python twitter client
i havent been able to run witter on my n900 since i installed pr1.2... any help

dsawhney 2010-06-16 04:33

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 715085)
I currently know of no real bugs in witter 0.3.4-8 in extras-testing, (lots of stuff people would like to see added, but no actual bugs)
If this is true, then a vote in extras-testing will help me push this as a new update to Extras. If it is not true (much more likely) please let me know what issues really need to be fixed before pushing another version to Extras


I've one bug to report in the latest witter version. From time to time, witter will just hang while loading the timeline. Not sure if the issue is network or twitter related. It happens randomly and when it happens no control in witter will work. I've to kill witter to exit out of it.

Let me know how to collect any debug information.

rm53 2010-06-16 09:50

Re: witter - a python twitter client
I am using version 0.3.4
(Not sure if this is relevant for devel version.)

I have 2 problems with witter:
  • kinetic scrolling the tweets should not select/change selection, I think. Other hildon apps do not select or remove selection as soon as they recognize the gesture to be meant as (kinetic) scrolling.
    This is important because with some themes readability of the selected entry is bad. So I have to click on the next or prev entry in order to read the entry I am interested in, which is odd.
  • the "+" Options +20 +50 +100 +200 would be great but do nothing, even after pressing refresh (which should not be neccessary to press anyway), at least in "search" pane, which is what I am using most of the time: always only 20 search results

dwould 2010-06-16 21:04

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by virus (Post 716952)
i havent been able to run witter on my n900 since i installed pr1.2... any help

please run witter from the command line....the instructions are repeated throughout this thread and at the top of the witter page.
but for simplicities sake...

run x-term
then: python2.5 /opt/witter/

this will output lots of info that i will need to understand what it happening.
this is required from everyone that has a problem or bug they need to report.

dwould 2010-06-16 21:09

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by rm53 (Post 717289)
I am using version 0.3.4
(Not sure if this is relevant for devel version.)

I have 2 problems with witter:
  • kinetic scrolling the tweets should not select/change selection, I think. Other hildon apps do not select or remove selection as soon as they recognize the gesture to be meant as (kinetic) scrolling.
    This is important because with some themes readability of the selected entry is bad. So I have to click on the next or prev entry in order to read the entry I am interested in, which is odd.
  • the "+" Options +20 +50 +100 +200 would be great but do nothing, even after pressing refresh (which should not be neccessary to press anyway), at least in "search" pane, which is what I am using most of the time: always only 20 search results

i've not yet looked into how to stop the scrolling from selecting, can you tell me another python prog with kinetic scrolling that behaves 'correctly'?

search doesn't resport the plus options yet. it only just supports refresh adding new items rather than clearing results and just refetching the latest 20

maemomatic 2010-06-17 15:01

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 715085)
I currently know of no real bugs in witter 0.3.4-8 in extras-testing, (lots of stuff people would like to see added, but no actual bugs)
If this is true, then a vote in extras-testing will help me push this as a new update to Extras. If it is not true (much more likely) please let me know what issues really need to be fixed before pushing another version to Extras


I am encountering one bug with 0.3.4-8: if I choose full screen view, the timeline icon becomes unresponsive, no matter what theme or orientation I am using witter in.

I am also infrequently experiencing the 'hanging' of witter while retrieving the timeline, as reported by dsawhney.

In terms of feature requests: I really enjoy the + 50/100/200 feature, and think it would be very useful to be able to select in the settings the default number of tweets to retrieve at startup, so that if I prefer to have 100 instead than 20, I can always get 100 automatically.

Thanks for a great application!

gerrymoth 2010-07-05 10:16

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by virus (Post 716952)
i havent been able to run witter on my n900 since i installed pr1.2... any help

I'm the same as you, not been able to run witter since upgrading to PR1.2

Rob1n 2010-07-05 11:00

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by gerrymoth (Post 741091)
I'm the same as you, not been able to run witter since upgrading to PR1.2

Any errors if you run it from X-Terminal? (/opt/witter/

dwould 2010-07-05 12:10

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by gerrymoth (Post 741091)
I'm the same as you, not been able to run witter since upgrading to PR1.2

Have you tried to run from xterm? python2.5 /opt/witter/

At this point I really ought to put that in my sig ;-)

skr0 2010-07-08 06:59

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 715085)
I currently know of no real bugs in witter 0.3.4-8 in extras-testing, (lots of stuff people would like to see added, but no actual bugs)
If this is true, then a vote in extras-testing will help me push this as a new update to Extras. If it is not true (much more likely) please let me know what issues really need to be fixed before pushing another version to Extras


No Bugs noticed.
I do however notice that Witter hangs at random times, normally when launched, I do notice this with Gwibber as well and assume it is a Twitter or network thing and happy to put up with it.

anapospastos 2010-07-08 07:08

Re: witter - a python twitter client
I 've noticed that sometimes witter "loses" some tweets. Anyone else faced this problem?

dscobsct 2010-07-08 08:20

Re: witter - a python twitter client
love this app, and havent found any bugs, but the only thing that i can ask is that the scrolling be made smoother, its the only thing that lets the app down, its kind of the same choppy scrolling as conversations suffers from, is there anything you can do about it or is it limitation that you are faced with?

leojab 2010-07-08 09:43

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Thanks for this great and functional twitter app.
I have few comments:
1. Support multiple twitter search screens
2. Please support caching of twitter searches
3. Support manual rotation instead of auto rotation. Maybe we can have an option to disable auto-rotation in settings

dwould 2010-07-08 10:55

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by skr0 (Post 744544)
No Bugs noticed.
I do however notice that Witter hangs at random times, normally when launched, I do notice this with Gwibber as well and assume it is a Twitter or network thing and happy to put up with it.

In theory all requests to twitter happen on threads (accept sending a tweet) and so you should not experience a UI hang if twitter is unresponsive. this *may* be some horrendous coding fail on my part, but I choose to believe it is just the n900 occasionally not responding. I get similar freezes in all apps depending on what else if going on at the time.
If anyone is able to more directly point the finger at something specifically witter, then I will look at fixing it.

dwould 2010-07-08 10:58

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by anapospastos (Post 744549)
I 've noticed that sometimes witter "loses" some tweets. Anyone else faced this problem?

I've heard others complain about the same thing. The only thing I can think of is that twitter doesn't always give me every tweet I've asked for.
Witter works by remembering the most recent tweet it has in a given timeline. When you refresh it asks twitter for all tweets more recent that this id.
If it for some reason doesn't respond with every tweet, but I go get some. Then the 'most recent' id gets moved fowards and I don't see that there is any whole.
I'm not certain this is what happens, and certainly if it is, it raises the question of how other twitter apps get around this problem. If I figure out a way to definitely avoid this issue, then I will certainly fix it.

dwould 2010-07-08 11:02

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dscobsct (Post 744606)
love this app, and havent found any bugs, but the only thing that i can ask is that the scrolling be made smoother, its the only thing that lets the app down, its kind of the same choppy scrolling as conversations suffers from, is there anything you can do about it or is it limitation that you are faced with?

This is basically a limitation of the fact that I'm using stock GTK to implement the app. I use what's called a 'PannableArea' to provide the smooth scrolling. So there is no 'code' from my point of view to implement this, it's just provided by Maemo. Certainly if the same issue affects the build in conversations, then there is really not much I can do. Other than completely re-implement in C and learn how to write my own awesome smooth kinetic scrolling algorithm....(unlikely)

The only other thing I can think of is I could try to do some performance analysis to figure out if I'm doing unnecessary calculations during scrolling.

I'm open to ideas on optimising the performance of python code. If someone can categorically state that moving to QT rather than GTK will improve performance then I would certainly consider the effort in making the switch.

dwould 2010-07-08 11:07

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by leojab (Post 744669)
Thanks for this great and functional twitter app.
I have few comments:
1. Support multiple twitter search screens
2. Please support caching of twitter searches
3. Support manual rotation instead of auto rotation. Maybe we can have an option to disable auto-rotation in settings

1) it's something I'm mulling, as part of a larger consideration about supporting lists and other ways in which you might slice'n'dice the specific tweets you're looking at.

2) caching of twitter searches? you mean like I do for timeline/mention/dm or something else?

3) yeah yeah yeah....seems like every feature these days has some who love it, and some who just want me to switch it back off/make it configurable to switch off.
Next time I'm in the code I'll see if I can figure out an automatic/manual switch.

There has been little progress recently because
a) I've been very busy with actual real paid work
b) it's been summer, and I've had much better things to do with my evenings than sit in writing code
c) it's been summer, and I've had much better things to do with my weekends than sit in writing code.

If the weather is rubbish this weekend I might get some more done, but other than that I have a pretty hectic schedule for the next couple of months.

mscarrot 2010-07-11 22:05

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Hi Daniel,

I've been using Witter a long time but since a few days it crashes on me every time I wanna use it.
i start it and get a blanc screen with the waiting 'spinning' signal on top, after that it just vanish and bring me back to the last screen I was using...
Can you think of anything other then deinstalling and installing cause that didn't help.
Hope you can help me, am missing my favorite app so much !!

leojab 2010-07-11 22:21

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 744754)
1) it's something I'm mulling, as part of a larger consideration about supporting lists and other ways in which you might slice'n'dice the specific tweets you're looking at.
>>Thanks. maybe a list box wherein i can add and remove my twitter search text

2) caching of twitter searches? you mean like I do for timeline/mention/dm or something else?
>>Yes.. the same idea as in timeline

3) yeah yeah yeah....seems like every feature these days has some who love it, and some who just want me to switch it back off/make it configurable to switch off.
Next time I'm in the code I'll see if I can figure out an automatic/manual switch.

There has been little progress recently because
a) I've been very busy with actual real paid work
b) it's been summer, and I've had much better things to do with my evenings than sit in writing code
c) it's been summer, and I've had much better things to do with my weekends than sit in writing code.

If the weather is rubbish this weekend I might get some more done, but other than that I have a pretty hectic schedule for the next couple of months.

>>You have given as a wonderful app and I am really happy using it on my N900. Trust me I use this a lot, especially during summer time :)

dwould 2010-07-12 09:39

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by mscarrot (Post 748508)
Hi Daniel,

I've been using Witter a long time but since a few days it crashes on me every time I wanna use it.
i start it and get a blanc screen with the waiting 'spinning' signal on top, after that it just vanish and bring me back to the last screen I was using...
Can you think of anything other then deinstalling and installing cause that didn't help.
Hope you can help me, am missing my favorite app so much !!

I just updated my sig so that instructions are now visible every time I post ;-)

mscarrot 2010-07-12 22:50

Re: witter - a python twitter client

I've tried and it came back with:

Line 11: python2.5/opt/witter/ : not found ?????

Sorry can't make more of that??? hope it helps (i doubt it ...but hope it does)

dwould 2010-07-13 06:29

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by mscarrot (Post 749683)

I've tried and it came back with:

Line 11: python2.5/opt/witter/ : not found ?????

Sorry can't make more of that??? hope it helps (i doubt it ...but hope it does)

there needs to be a space between python2.5 and /opt/witter/

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