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Tha DocX 2010-11-04 13:41

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by jacobkorf (Post 863227)
for what serves the line cp / home / user / MyDocs / applications / driver.ini / etc / powervr.d
driver.ini when I have saved in etc / powervr.d / driver.ini?

to copy driver.ini from MyDocs (which is accessible by your pc) to /home/user/ (which is not accessible).

xD sorry I do not understand now where I put up the driver.ini? to powervr.d? or where?
I am so so slovak xD

jedi 2010-11-04 13:46

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by javispedro (Post 863231)
No, I said "change the windowing system".

Actually it was

Change the windowing system there and Maemo no longer boots.
...which is why I pointed out I'd changed the file and Maemo still boots.

Anyway, I'm glad we've got this sorted now (haven't we?)

And I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for your work with Preenv, and for opening up a new library of games for us to use on our beloved N900's :)


morto 2010-11-04 13:53

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
EDIT: Problem with resource transportation in Settlers is caused either by missing/corrupted files or wrong permissions.

I took the ipk file from a friend and now it works.


Originally Posted by Magik (Post 858871)
Yay Settlers work very good, but I can't get past first mission.
Gold smelter doesn't smelt gold :p The workers stand and do not bring him the coal... anyone else got this bug?

javispedro 2010-11-04 13:54

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by jedi (Post 863236)
which is why I pointed out I'd changed the file and Maemo still boots.

Windowing system is the "WindowSystem=" line on powervr.ini, which is one the few documented ones in the N8x0 MBX driver.


Originally Posted by jedi (Post 863236)
Anyway, I'm glad we've got this sorted now (haven't we?)

Yes, thanks, I will remove the warning from the wiki.

jedi 2010-11-04 13:56

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by javispedro (Post 863242)
Yes, thanks, I will remove the warning from the wiki.

Already done ;)

crash16 2010-11-04 14:31

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
are there any applications which are working? not just games....


Tha DocX 2010-11-04 18:11

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
when I give install libgles1, writes that we subprocess error or what

AgogData 2010-11-04 18:52

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
any1 fixed the graphical issues in shrek karting ? replacing the .ini file didn't do it !!

toxaris 2010-11-04 20:55

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by AgogData (Post 863532)
any1 fixed the graphical issues in shrek karting ? replacing the .ini file didn't do it !!

Didint work for me either.

Bazza 2010-11-04 21:06

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Searched high and low and cannot find a solution, if there is one and i have missed it was just overlooked not down to being lazy.

trying to install libsdl package for nova with this:-

$ sudo gainroot
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install libsdl-net1.2

and i am getting this message:-

WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!
Install these packages without verification [y/n] ?

If i press yes or no it makes no difference the game will not load.

Any ideas ?

GuitarGuru 2010-11-04 21:10

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by Bazza (Post 863656)
Searched high and low and cannot find a solution, if there is one and i have missed it was just overlooked not down to being lazy.

trying to install libsdl package for nova with this:-

$ sudo gainroot
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install libsdl-net1.2

and i am getting this message:-

WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!
Install these packages without verification [y/n] ?

If i press yes or no it makes no difference the game will not load.

Any ideas ?

Try hitting enter key...

Bazza 2010-11-04 21:14

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Oh s@~t yeah didn't think of that.............................:D:D:D

Any sensible ideas out there..:)

toxaris 2010-11-04 21:28

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by AgogData (Post 863532)
any1 fixed the graphical issues in shrek karting ? replacing the .ini file didn't do it !!

Hmm, after some reading I found that the ShrekKarting.ini should contain two empty lines after:
<- empty line
<- empty line

It acually make a difference, but the gfx isnt perfect, lightning doesnt work, and you get white boxes around powerups and so on.
I do think we need to wait for Javis to make some improvments on Preenv.

GuitarGuru 2010-11-04 21:29

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by Bazza (Post 863669)
Oh s@~t yeah didn't think of that.............................:D:D:D

Any sensible ideas out there..:)

suit yourself, but just hitting enter key worked for me...

Bazza 2010-11-04 21:33

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by GuitarGuru (Post 863688)
suit yourself, but just hitting enter key worked for me...

I thought you were being sarcastic.:)

So just press enter instead of y or n ?

Tha DocX 2010-11-04 21:34

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by jacobkorf (Post 863163)
Thanks. I hope there will be a solution for me and Tha DocX in futur:)

empty line --

driver works x)

GuitarGuru 2010-11-04 21:37

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by Bazza (Post 863693)
I thought you were being sarcastic.:)

So just press enter instead of y or n ?

thats what I did

Bazza 2010-11-04 21:42

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Omg.....You just wouldn't believe it,

I was trying to update the packages without an internet connection.

Anyone want a piece of my humble pie i have loads left.:D

Tha DocX 2010-11-04 21:43

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
hawx not working help pls
I turn on my game and then it closes

GuitarGuru 2010-11-04 21:49

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by bazza (Post 863701) just wouldn't believe it,

i was trying to update the packages without an internet connection.

Anyone want a piece of my humble pie i have loads left.:d


Tha DocX 2010-11-04 22:01

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by persianprez (Post 859289)
Heres how to make hawx work (translated from some chinese site)

gaps are where ????? This is a tutorial?:confused:

CepiPerez 2010-11-04 23:58

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
who said that real tennis needs libamrnb to work?
I've compiled this lib and that's not the problem
I always get segmentation fault, with or without this lib

AgogData 2010-11-05 01:17

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by toxaris (Post 863687)
Hmm, after some reading I found that the ShrekKarting.ini should contain two empty lines after:
<- empty line
<- empty line

It acually make a difference, but the gfx isnt perfect, lightning doesnt work, and you get white boxes around powerups and so on.
I do think we need to wait for Javis to make some improvments on Preenv.

still the same, hope Javis make his move and also put keyboard conf. to help with the multitouch problem

Bazza 2010-11-05 01:51

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
On Driver i am still getting black graphics and can't start from icon (it crashes).

what do steps 4 and 5 mean on this fix.

1. Create a blank file, name it driver.ini
2. Content for driver.ini:


3. Copy it to your device, location: /etc/powervr.d/driver.ini
4. ??
5. profit

and also to install the libs does it have to be

apt-get install libgles1 preenv

or just

apt-get install libgles1

Thanks in advance

AgogData 2010-11-05 02:33

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
step 4 and 5 are nothing,, just a joke
and i have the newest libgles1, i think you have it too if you entered apt-get instal libgles*

Bazza 2010-11-05 02:48

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by AgogData (Post 863929)
step 4 and 5 are nothing,, just a joke
and i have the newest libgles1, i think you have it too if you entered apt-get instal libgles*

1. does it have to be apt-get install libgles 1 preenv or apt-get install libgles 1
2. does you're driver game work

AgogData 2010-11-05 02:56

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
1. apt-get install libGLES*
2. i didn't try driver cuz it require multitouch

Bazza 2010-11-05 03:03

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by AgogData (Post 863940)
1. apt-get install libGLES*
2. i didn't try driver cuz it require multitouch

Thanks for you're help

Is there any significance with the capitals in libGLES and what does the * mean at the end of what you wrote?

AgogData 2010-11-05 03:08

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
i don't really know about the * but i think its for all types/versions of libGLES..but its a must,,try it with and without the capitals, no harm at all

maxximuscool 2010-11-05 03:13

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
When is the keyboard support coming to Preenv? I am so keen to buy the game required multitouch support :D but using keyboard instead.

RenaldoTT 2010-11-05 03:24

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Guys who play NOVA and other games online even COD and so forth or anyone who knows a general range of ports to open so I can play games online, specifically NOVA please tell me.

It will be much appreciated :)

Bratag 2010-11-05 04:35

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Anyone know how the hell I open the first locked door in NOVA - gone up to the damn console and it keeps going red when i get to it ... shot it etc - still doesnt open the damn door.

RenaldoTT 2010-11-05 04:39

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
There's probably a bad guy in the room somewhere walk around you'll find him

Bratag 2010-11-05 04:45

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by RenaldoTT (Post 863989)
There's probably a bad guy in the room somewhere walk around you'll find him

Give it a shot ... havent found the sneaky bugger yet :) Thanks

Bazza 2010-11-05 05:13

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Still can't start from icon and from x term i get the black graphics glitch

I have the latest lib


i got it by:-


1. root
2, apt-get install libgles1

Then i created a file on pc with notepad named it driver.ini

and put inside it


with filebox on phone i copied the driver.ini file into /etc/powervr.d/ and it sits next to hildon-desktop.ini

and then with x-terminal i installed the game with:-

1 sudo gainroot
2 cd game-folder
3 chmod a+x filename

and ran the game from x-terminal with:-

1 preenv
2 ./filename

Why is it not working and have I missed anything out?

J4ZZ 2010-11-05 06:58

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Here'a again how to get HAWX working.

Copy gamefolder to home/user (I used filebox)

then entered xterm;


sudo gainroot

mkdir -p /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications

ln -s /home/user/ /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications/

cd /home/user/

chown -R user:users /home/user/

chmod +rwx hawx

chmod -R 777 /home/user/


desktopgen /home/user/
and then started from desktop icon


godcyber123 2010-11-05 09:05

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
how i can install asphalt5

error cd can t plss tell me how to install it

went i use xterminal
mkdir -p /home/user/webos/gamesave
ln -s /home/user/webos/gamesave /media/internal

and i as tell file exists

want i set cd /home/user/applications/

i enter her say /bin/sh: cant ' t cd to /home/user/applications/
pls tell me wat problem is

Tha DocX 2010-11-05 10:53

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by J4ZZ (Post 864048)
Here'a again how to get HAWX working.

Copy gamefolder to home/user (I used filebox)

then entered xterm;


sudo gainroot

mkdir -p /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications

ln -s /home/user/ /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications/

cd /home/user/

chown -R user:users /home/user/

chmod +rwx hawx

chmod -R 777 /home/user/


desktopgen /home/user/
and then started from desktop icon


chown -R user:users /home/user/
invalid mode!!!
I turn on my game and then it closes

maxximuscool 2010-11-05 11:06

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
you've to be root to use chown

Tha DocX 2010-11-05 11:23

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by maxximuscool (Post 864209)
you've to be root to use chown

Why is it save to media?

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