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pious_momin 2012-03-27 22:19

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
@ MSameer: I have found a bug again similar to previous one: audio doesn't play until restart Qur'an app but this time it has become worst audio unable to play needs reboot (device) after reboot works fine, does some one else facing this issue?

Qur'an: 0.5.1
Recitation: Saad Al Ghamdi
Recitation format: .zip
CSSU: 21.2011.38-1maemo2.1

MSameer 2012-03-29 23:52

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
That's really strange. Can someone without cssu give a try ?

imo 2012-04-04 11:24

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
thanks sameer for the great work ,its working great without no issue ,with cssu.Its all good here .
one of great makes for N900.

TransTech 2012-04-14 11:58

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
Hi, I forgot to post the new theme [Golden-Brown] I made sometime ago,

So here it is... :)


Extract and Move the theme folder to >>

p.s. If anyone can make a .deb of this, then it would be great,
p.s.2. If anybody have any new requests [for different colors theme] then I will try it in my free time.. ;)

MSameer 2012-04-14 20:19

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by TransTech (Post 1191991)
Hi, I forgot to post the new theme [Golden-Brown] I made sometime ago,

So here it is... :)


Extract and Move the theme folder to >>

p.s. If anyone can make a .deb of this, then it would be great,
p.s.2. If anybody have any new requests [for different colors theme] then I will try it in my free time.. ;)

Good job :)

I can create a package but the site insists on my logging in before downloading :(

MSameer 2012-04-15 00:04

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
1 Attachment(s)
Here's a quick deb. I didn't test it though.

I wasn't sure about the license so I left it blank for now.
I also didn't know what to use for the version number so I just picked one.
I also added myself as the maintainer but I can change that.

TransTech 2012-04-15 06:12

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by MSameer (Post 1192215)
Here's a quick deb. I didn't test it though.

I wasn't sure about the license so I left it blank for now.
I also didn't know what to use for the version number so I just picked one.
I also added myself as the maintainer but I can change that.

Great, i'll try it.. btw thanks...

About the licence, you can put anything that suits well, [i.e. can be reused but with permission]

Thats fine...

ok, but you dont need to change that, unless you can update it as and when its needed. :)

pious_momin 2012-04-17 20:10

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by TransTech (Post 1191991)
Hi, I forgot to post the new theme [Golden-Brown] I made sometime ago,

So here it is... :)


Extract and Move the theme folder to >>

p.s. If anyone can make a .deb of this, then it would be great,
p.s.2. If anybody have any new requests [for different colors theme] then I will try it in my free time.. ;)

Jazakallah Khair

laith.m.y 2012-05-07 08:08

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
@ TransTech

can you make a theme in green ?

thnx in advance

TransTech 2012-05-07 08:15

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by laith.m.y (Post 1202887)
@ TransTech

can you make a theme in green ?

thnx in advance

Ok, I will make it as soon as I get some free time.. [maybe next week]...

laith.m.y 2012-05-07 08:18

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by TransTech (Post 1202889)
Ok, I will make it as soon as I get some free time.. [maybe next week]...


take your time :)

TransTech 2012-05-07 08:47

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by laith.m.y (Post 1202890)

take your time :)

Ha...! ... I'm done... Its here.. [took less than 15 minutes.. ;) ]

Here you go!!! :)

Edit: Screenshot

Green Theme:

Extract and Move the theme folder to >>
Edit: [opt/maemo/usr/share/n900-quran/themes]

p.s.1. Can anyone make a .deb of this and push it to repos.. :)
p.s.2. anymore requests are welcome... :)

imo 2012-05-07 09:25

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
alright ,from now on ,i will put my brain into learning making a deb file .I hope i will learn it soon and then we may turn as many files as many we want,turn into deb . good job trans

laith.m.y 2012-05-07 12:20

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by TransTech (Post 1202897)
Ha...! ... I'm done... Its here.. [took less than 15 minutes.. ;) ]

Here you go!!! :)

Edit: Screenshot

Green Theme:

Extract and Move the theme folder to >>

p.s.1. Can anyone make a .deb of this and push it to repos.. :)
p.s.2. anymore requests are welcome... :)

thanx :D

but should I move it to [opt/maemo/usr/share/n900-theme/themes] or [opt/maemo/usr/share/n900-quran/themes] ??

because when I moved golden brown to [opt/maemo/usr/share/n900-theme/themes] it didnt work , but it work when I moved it to [opt/maemo/usr/share/n900-quran/themes]

I will try to make .deb :)

laith.m.y 2012-05-07 12:44

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by TransTech (Post 1202897)
p.s.1. Can anyone make a .deb of this and push it to repos.. :)

I made a .deb for green theme (in attachment) :)

I pushed it to repo ,It will be in extras-devel in 15 min

TransTech 2012-05-07 13:50

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by laith.m.y (Post 1202985)
thanx :D

but should I move it to [opt/maemo/usr/share/n900-theme/themes] or [opt/maemo/usr/share/n900-quran/themes] ??

because when I moved golden brown to [opt/maemo/usr/share/n900-theme/themes] it didnt work , but it work when I moved it to [opt/maemo/usr/share/n900-quran/themes]

I will try to make .deb :)

sorry I mistyped it... it should be n900-quran not n900-theme

btw I always use this shortcut >>


Originally Posted by laith.m.y (Post 1202989)
I made a .deb for green theme (in attachment) :)

I pushed it to repo ,It will be in extras-devel in 15 min

thanks a lot.. :)

sifo 2012-05-17 03:34

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
thanks alot great guys for this :) God save you all

imo 2012-05-30 23:19

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
One of most beautiful apps of maemo ,i hope MSameer can work on some other islamic apps too . thanks Sameer and trans and laith.m.y ,you have been great indeed !
@trans can ya make one in cyan,orange or magneta color ? :)

MSameer 2012-05-31 00:04

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
Glad you all find it useful :)

Unfortunately I don't have much time to maintain it anymore. I don't think there are any major issues in need of fixing.

Just curious: What other apps do you feel missing ?

imo 2012-05-31 00:12

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
An other astonishing islamic app could be ''Hadith app'' and with mp3 files could be even better .Same interface ,themes etc
Other than this you may think of anything useful which is in your own list .hehe
bro ,please make one lovely Hadith app,which could have both sahih bukhari and sahih muslim in it .We all will love it .indeed.

nicholes 2012-05-31 06:34

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
+1 needed
i know this may be a hard work but i hope the great dev would make it possible inshaallah.

imo 2012-09-30 22:54

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
its been quite long since i heard of Sameer ,Working still on n900 ? Buddy we requested for a hadith app .Hope you still there .jazak Allah for your work already.Any news ?

nicholes 2012-10-01 06:12

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by imo (Post 1274534)
its been quite long since i heard of Sameer ,Working still on n900 ? Buddy we requested for a hadith app .Hope you still there .jazak Allah for your work already.Any news ?

i am also still waiting for such app.

hope my N900 works untill the hadith appp comes true.

Jazak Allah.

MSameer 2012-10-01 08:52

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
I don't think I can actually do a hadeeth app. I don't really have much time these days due to multiple reasons.

I am even planning to make one final update for the Quran app when I have time (Change the text and 1 icon + some minimal bugfixing).

imo 2012-10-07 23:32

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
hi, i have got tafseer mp3 files ,how do i add them to this app ? And also if you could tell me that in this way i can play holy quran and its tafseer in mp3 format ? where to put those files ? thanks in advance , jazakAllah khair .

pious_momin 2013-02-25 15:20

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
@ sameer can I use this themes on N9 Quran

MSameer 2013-02-25 16:06

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by pious_momin (Post 1325068)
@ sameer can I use this themes on N9 Quran

It should work. Give it a try and tell us :)

pious_momin 2013-02-25 16:24

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
Will give it a try and let you know guys but when I try to change any file via winscp says access denied, why?

pious_momin 2013-02-25 16:25

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
Thanks bro :)

pious_momin 2013-02-27 22:59

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by MSameer (Post 1325085)
It should work. Give it a try and tell us :)

These theme has different path related to N900 but N9 has ifferent path /opt/n9-quran/themes

Can you or some on make new package of these file to N9?

pious_momin 2013-02-27 23:01

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by laith.m.y (Post 1202989)
I made a .deb for green theme (in attachment) :)

I pushed it to repo ,It will be in extras-devel in 15 min

Make one for N9

MeeGo Harmattan 2013-03-04 14:13

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
Kindly make this .deb file for Nokia N9 /opt/n9-quran/themes

Or guide me how to make a folder or files to make .deb file

MSameer 2013-03-04 23:39

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
I will do it this weekend if no one else beats me to it :)

MeeGo Harmattan 2013-03-05 07:55

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by MSameer (Post 1326934)
I will do it this weekend if no one else beats me to it :)

Thank you very much, hope to see it soon before weekend ;)

Repack both Golden Brown and Green

Golden Brown:


Both paths need to be change to /opt/n9-quran/themes

Thank you MSameer

MeeGo Harmattan 2013-03-09 09:01

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by MSameer (Post 1326934)
I will do it this weekend if no one else beats me to it :)

Hope you'll do it by tomorrow? :)

MSameer 2013-03-09 11:00

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by MeeGo Harmattan (Post 1327808)
Hope you'll do it by tomorrow? :)

Or today ;)

Please give the attached package a try. I haven't tried it yet.

zaidk9 2013-03-09 11:55

Can someone give me the link to n9 version

MSameer 2013-03-09 12:31

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by zaidk9 (Post 1327849)
Can someone give me the link to n9 version

It's available from store.

MeeGo Harmattan 2013-03-09 15:21

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by MSameer (Post 1327856)
It's available from store.

You mean Qur'an for Nokia N9?

MeeGo Harmattan 2013-03-09 15:26

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by MSameer (Post 1327832)
Or today ;)

Please give the attached package a try. I haven't tried it yet.

Jazak'Allahu Khairan brother, works like a charm thank you very much :)

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