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godofwar424 2012-08-12 18:55

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1250995)
Do it better now, before new version. Trust me, once the new version is released, you will be imprisoned. So, go, it's time now, just a good advice.

Will there be a possibility to get my saves from the GBA games I play out and use em on another emulator?

I am wanting to play my pokemon save on my mums new phone but I need a .SAV format or something to play it with :(

elemental 2012-08-12 19:16

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by godofwar424 (Post 1251011)
Will there be a possibility to get my saves from the GBA games I play out and use em on another emulator?

I am wanting to play my pokemon save on my mums new phone but I need a .SAV format or something to play it with :(

Really? There are a lot of better features you might ask, seriously. Please use your imagination a little.

godofwar424 2012-08-12 19:51

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1251017)
Really? There are a lot of better features you might ask, seriously. Please use your imagination a little.

Well not really, that's a matter of opinion, and the ability to use a common save format is important for me.

Was just a request..

elemental 2012-08-12 20:11

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Well, there is no such a thing in the upcoming release, but it is easy to implement it, so you can expect export/import to .sav in the next after the next release. Is it acceptable for you?

godofwar424 2012-08-12 20:21

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1251035)
Well, there is no such a thing in the upcoming release, but it is easy to implement it, so you can expect export/import to .sav in the next after the next release. Is it acceptable for you?

Yeah, dude I was asking if it was possible, not demanding it for the next release.

What's with all the 'is this acceptable' nonsense?

Its a free app after all I don't EXPECT anything from you.

I was more wondering if there was a way to just convert the files used atm into .sav files.

elemental 2012-08-12 20:27

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Relax, ok, all I want is to create something better, outstanding from any other emulators. And after all hours spent on writing code (many, many, many lines) and seeing what the new release is I haven't expected a question about .sav for gba, sorry. Much, much better things are coming.
EDIT: There is no way to extract .sav from EmuMaster savestates by using hex editor (if you mean that), because they are compressed.

godofwar424 2012-08-12 21:08

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1251043)
Relax, ok, all I want is to create something better, outstanding from any other emulators. And after all hours spent on writing code (many, many, many lines) and seeing what the new release is I haven't expected a question about .sav for gba, sorry. Much, much better things are coming.
EDIT: There is no way to extract .sav from EmuMaster savestates by using hex editor (if you mean that), because they are compressed.

Ahh I see. Well another lil feature request!

Turbo speed for certain systems! GBA/SNES/NES

Other emulators have a way to sort of disable frame limiter and let you fly along, can make some games more fun to mess around on :)

elemental 2012-08-12 21:12

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
I have already mentioned that it's coming. But keep going, any ideas are welcome. Have in mind that I won't reveal any other feature in the next release now.
EDIT: It's rather fastforward than disabling frame limiter. I added latter one to my TODO list.

godofwar424 2012-08-12 21:21

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1251057)
I have already mentioned that it's coming. But keep going, any ideas are welcome. Have in mind that I won't reveal any other feature in the next release now.
EDIT: It's rather fastforward than disabling frame limiter. I added latter one to my TODO list.

You may have already said some or all of these but im spitballing

Multi disc image support for PSX?
OpenGL rendering. not sure if EmuMaster already does this :S
Ability to play two player with two SixAxis controllers?

elemental 2012-08-12 21:30

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
1. no comment
2. don't know what you mean
a. blit textures on screen - using OpenGL from first version
b. use OpenGL in PSX GPU emulation - no
3. already - except PSX

godofwar424 2012-08-13 09:10

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Alot of the big PSX games are on multiple discs, so the ability for saves to be be used on all discs for that particular game would be nice.

elemental 2012-08-13 09:14

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
I know, but I do not want reveal whether it's implemented in the new version until actual release (until beta precisely). Stay tuned.

dannejanne 2012-08-13 09:47

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
In my experience OpenGL is very buggy. A PSX emu for Android got considerably worse when they implemented OpenGL support. Nicer graphics yes, but much more buggy.

On a sidenote. I'm not willing to give up on my N9 quite yet. I have set up rules so that it only uses 3G when I'm on the coutryside where it works fine. When I get out of this area the phone uses 2G only and so far that has worked without problems. The 2G network in town is pretty fast anyway so I can surf on it etc...

Looking forward to next release.

ibrakalifa 2012-08-14 13:06

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
MAME support? I miss old game like battle arena toshinden, 'dingdong' game, :D

elemental 2012-08-14 13:15

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by ibrakalifa (Post 1251707)
MAME support? I miss old game like battle arena toshinden, 'dingdong' game, :D

I wrote a clear plan what I want to do next in
(it lies in "future" then).

HtheB 2012-08-14 13:18

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by ibrakalifa (Post 1251707)
MAME support? I miss old game like battle arena toshinden, 'dingdong' game, :D

Battle arena toshinden is also available on PSX :)

automagic68 2012-08-15 11:36

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Will the upcoming version have an option to backup EmuMaster's game save data?

elemental 2012-08-15 11:56

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by automagic68 (Post 1252110)
Will the upcoming version have an option to backup EmuMaster's game save data?

No, but you can backup them all by copying all files from /home/user/.emumaster, that's all. I know it would be better to include it in the application, but it would only do something like running "tar" command on the above dir and unpack it when restoring. Nevertheless it's in my TODO list.

dannejanne 2012-08-20 10:33

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
I have a little question.

As you said the soundsystem is rebuilt in this new upcoming version. Do you have any idea if the sound works now in Castlevania - Symphone of the Night for PSX?

elemental 2012-08-20 10:59

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
All I can say is that you would not recognize psx emulation, it's different thing now.

dannejanne 2012-08-20 11:13

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
So both PSX and SNES gets big overhauls. Nice!

n9cell 2012-08-21 08:31

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
As i can remember Castlevania - Symphony of the Night had already working sound effects, just no music;)

I am also looking forward to the new version. EmuMaster alone is the reason why i would always buy the n9 again should my one break one day:)

Great Work elemental!!

dannejanne 2012-08-21 08:46

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Yeah. Without Emumaster I would be forced to join Android. This emulator is becoming the finest ever made for any system. After next release it sounds like it will accomplish that.

dannejanne 2012-08-21 08:51

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Playing Lunar - Eternal Blue for Sega CD for the first time now. Oh what a fine game it seems to be. And the emulator runs it pretty much flawlessly.

optimaxxx 2012-08-27 01:02

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Good to see you're adding .sav exporting, i definitely requested that feature a while back ;)

Also, you should add some kind of in-game rating system so we don't have to go web > goog docs > etc.
Would be quite nice to go pause menu > "Rate game" > "blahblah, perfect emulation"/"bit choppy audio cuts out"

Do you have dualshock emulation yet?
(specifically the two joysticks)

Clearly, wifi working in gba would be utterly amazing, would also then make this THE premiere emulator for gba, as no other device has this.

think it's already been mentioned, but portrait support for GBC/A, would be cool too :)


mock-up, rough, but good to get the ball rolling?

edit: clarifications:
load/save state buttons definitely can't just be pressable, they need a slide motion r something so you don't just accidentally tap it and wreck hours of effort.
d-pad would be better as 8-directional, but even better if you could implement a virtual joystick.
no-bezel may make it look a bit tacky, but personally the extra screen is worth it :)

elemental 2012-08-27 05:03

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Yeah, in-game rating was is nice thing, I created UI for this, but all I need is some sort of backend to communicate with gdocs, specifically spreadsheet, which is not an easy job because Qt lacks a module for this. I thought about other possibilities but in the end I have no many ideas, so if you have any please tell me.

Yes, you can connect two sixaxis at the time, but it doesn't mean every emulation supports two connected joysticks, e.g. psx emulation will have support for two of them in the next release.

>Clearly, wifi working in gba would be utterly amazing, would also then make this THE premiere emulator for gba, as no other device has this.
Noted down

Wait for next release

d-pad is 8-directional since first/second version of this emulator

mdbxh 2012-08-27 10:02

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
hi man
will new version release quik?

elemental 2012-08-27 10:11

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Could you paraphrase the question?
I don't know if I understand:
1. The next version is almost ready for beta testers,
2. Whether it will be fast? - You will see :)

optimaxxx 2012-08-27 12:23

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
How about creating something like this for keeping track of rom compatabilities?

and did you still want/need any help with UI/gfx design?

elemental 2012-08-27 12:30

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by optimaxxx (Post 1256225)
How about creating something like this for keeping track of rom compatabilities?

Great, awesome... thank you.


Originally Posted by optimaxxx (Post 1256225)
and did you still want/need any help with UI/gfx design?

Well, I will after the upcoming release. You will see why... I can say that the next release will give in your hands an easy way to mod/change many things in the emulator.

But it would be great if someone could design images for on-screen keyboards for Amiga emulation.

Sniper_swe 2012-08-27 12:33

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
If you need beta tester I will gladly help:)

elemental 2012-08-27 12:35

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by Sniper_swe (Post 1256231)
If you need beta tester I will gladly help:)

As I said the beta testers are those who donated at least 15$ for this project. You are one of them already. TO be correct you will be from the upcoming version :)

Sniper_swe 2012-08-27 15:55

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
okay sounds good:)

justadude 2012-08-27 23:58

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Hey now! I've donated waaaaay more than $15. I haven't beta tested sh**! HAHA now how do I get in on this??? :D

mdbxh 2012-08-28 02:33

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1256179)
Could you paraphrase the question?
I don't know if I understand:
1. The next version is almost ready for beta testers,
2. Whether it will be fast? - You will see :)

Thank you
My English is not very good
Look forward to the new version

elemental 2012-08-28 05:22

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by justadude (Post 1256520)
Hey now! I've donated waaaaay more than $15. I haven't beta tested sh**! HAHA now how do I get in on this??? :D

You haven't tested the thing, because the upcoming version is the first I will send to you. Be patient please.

justadude 2012-08-28 20:43

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
No problem, just being cheeky :D keep up the great work!

Thorvic777 2012-09-06 19:06

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
hey guys can somebody tell me how to add a memory card for psx games?? thanks

elemental 2012-09-06 20:33

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
memory cadrs are stored in /home/user/.emumaster/psx_mcdX.mcr
Replace one of them (or modify using utiity to edititing psx memory cards - if you know how) and ready.

Thorvic777 2012-09-07 19:47

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
I don`t know how to do this, for example I play nascar Rumble and I use save game on memory card, and it says not found, please explain me how??


Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1262360)
memory cadrs are stored in /home/user/.emumaster/psx_mcdX.mcr
Replace one of them (or modify using utiity to edititing psx memory cards - if you know how) and ready.

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