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Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Hi Guys ,another new SailFishOS user i can't find the cm13 base SFOS which you guys are talking about can someone provide me the link.
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Still OTA is not 100% tested, need to wait until 2.1 gets an official release. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
I don't have access to original jolla device and Poormaps install fails to a dependency problem. :( I will test that aliendalvik someday.. Thanks! I just got Sailorgram (telegram client) working by installing beta version, found that from github. I have little problem with keyboard. In vertical position there is empty horizontal bar in top of the keyboard ( I think that word suggestions should be there). I can't get that bar off. I don't remember was it there before, because I was fiddling with Dolphin keyboard (I was trying to get Emojis working). Any ideas? |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Thank you, guys, for all the great work you have done so far porting SFOS.
I hope to become Sailfish user on Nexus 5 soon as well. Any info I need to know except the first post of the first page? |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
https://mega.nz/#!QMcnyJBR!JcKjXx3nY...oz9FvYvCV36TVU also you can install gapps i made for nexus 4. It works on nexus 5 too but it has some issues it gives error that google services stop working but nothing else. Nothing crashes it just gives that warning. Here is gapps i made for nexus 4 but as i said it works on nexus 5 too. https://mega.nz/#!tY8UEL6T!lx7H0TKCB...CczfF9H7lsSi08 |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
You could also use one of my custom kernels and minimecs bluetooth sleep patch for some extra features and battery juice. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Actually i do not use BT so i can't tell anything about it. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Even if you don't use BT, you have the problem that your phone never enters suspend mode, because of bluetooth wakelocks. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
I had camera issue when i upgraded to but when i installed directly that version i did not have any camera issues. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Thanks for the info, wondering what was changed in this version regarding bluetooth.
@matemana Could you please give the output of Code:
cat /sys/kernel/debug/wakeup_sources | grep msm_serial_hs_dma |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
I will install SFOS on this weekend and report. P.S. it gave me ~6 hour of SOT :) |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Thank you, please post the numbers after the phone was on a bit, an hour or so.
Regading SOT, wouldn't be putting the phone in demo mode using mcetool and measure the time 'by hand' enough? Never tried this. 3days with normal usage is possible. http://up.picr.de/28465452ox.jpg http://up.picr.de/28465457ny.jpg Ondemand governor and no undervolting. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
What do you mean with normal usage? How many calls, sms etc? Wifi connected for how long? Just to have something to compare
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
The 3 days included around 3-4 hours of phone calls, writing an unknown number of sms, listening to music via cutespot for a few hours, some web browsing, checking mails etc, i can not recall it precisely.
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Regarding the release of cm13 port, i'll wait until 2.1 gets official and OTA is working correctly. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
How about pinging the device over mobile network, will it wake up then? (assuming you have an IPv6 capable network provider that has enabled firewall-less access to devices from internet) |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Is your kernels much better than original regarding to battery life? How do I install it, from recovery like sensorsfix3.zip? Keep up hard work! :) |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
You don't notice any difference in usage when the device uses suspend mode. Every phone normally enters suspend mode. the Nexus5 ports kernel don't has the bluetooth sleep feature, because it caused trouble on some devices. But me and some others haven't noticed any side effects when it is enabled in the kernel, apart that there seems to be another bug that bt doesn't enter suspend mode automatically. So either you do this manually or use minimecs script, or stop the bluetooth service completely if you don't need it. To check if your device is affected by the problem just check suspend time with 'mcetool --get-suspend-stats'. @HendriXXX My kernel have some features like more cpu and hotplug governors, undervolting, under/overclocking of GPU and CPU and some more things that are common in many custom kernels for android. Code:
Changelog Kernels are flashed in recovery like the sensorsfix. Sadly i never wrote a complete guide on how to set up all different features in sysfs, so you have to search through this thread. EDIT: Added the relevant posts to the changelog, so no need for searching anymore. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Thanks! Have to try your kernel someday. :) What is that system monitor program/script you are using? Where I can get it? |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
It's rinigus SystemDataScope.
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
@mautz: Thanks for your kernel summary. So v9 is the latest and contains all the potential goodies from those before but what configuration are you recommending for good battery life and how to activate? Mine is getting worse and worse, can't handle a day anymore.
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Another good idea is to undervolt(some people posted there results in this thread, so you could use their values as a starting point) and limiting the highest frequencies to 1.4 to 1.8 Ghz. You can also save power by limting the GPU to 320Mhz. If you are not interested in playing around with CPU governors just use conservative governor. And you could try out msmmpdecision hotplug governor like is described in the post where it was introduced to let your phone use only 2 cores most of the time. Setting these things up needs a little bit of time to find a good balance between battery usage and performance. Read this post from minimec if you want to make your changes permanent: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p...&postcount=225 But maybe you need to replace your battery, the Nexus is a quite old phone now in terms of battery. So, definetely worth and easy to do is get suspend mode working and use conservative cpu governor, and see if this give you some improvement. If you don't need bluetooth, you could test this without flashing a new kernel. Disbale bluetooth with 'devel-su systemctl stop hciattach.service' and enable conservative cpu governor with ' devel-su echo conservative > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor' and see if this gives you some improvement. After a reboot everything is back to normal. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Also please can you share your setup with us? I am interested in CM13 base. Read my finding here about aliendalvik gapps issues on base CM12.1 They are not present on CM11 base. I think we must modify aliendalvik android packages to work with CM12.1 libraries Can i use CM11 base on SFOS or I am locked to SFOS https://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?...&postcount=172 |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
And by the way i wasn't able to get AlienDalvik working on cm13, but i didn't look much into it. But thanks for your hard work regarding AlienDalvik :) |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Will you be publishing your setup? CM13 base and SFOS version for it? |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Yes, i'm looking forward to release it when 2.1 gets official and i have sfdroid running.
The libs are all there, there was some error creating the chroot. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
I do not know what's wrong with my phone but i could never update to on my nexus 5.
Tried OTA from from nothing worked. I know this guide http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p...&postcount=366 but when it gets stuck and i reboot it never turns on. How did you upgrade to on Nexus 5 guys? |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
You cann ssh into the device and continue the upgrade.
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
This problem occurs, when the wifi drivers are built in the kernel and not as amodule. Do you know if the wifi drivers are built as a module or in kernel?
You could also use SSH over USB. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Base cm-12.1-20150901-SNAPSHOT-YOG4PAO237-hammerhead |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Check if bcmdhd.ko is in /lib/modules/3.4.0-'$something' directory.
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
http://www.picz.ge/img/s1/1703/3/6/6d8cea0f489b.jpg |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Aliendalvik itself is based on android 4.4.4 can it be the cause that it works good with CM11 base on both Nexus 4 and 5, but sound, camera and video playback have issues on Nexus 5 with base CM12.1.
I think if we could update aliendalvik to 5.1.1 which is CM12.1 it will work. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
And check if the mac address stays the same during reboots? Updating aliendalvik will be near to impossible i would say. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
MAC address changes on every reboot. I tried this echo "net.core.randomize_mac=0" > /etc/sysctl.d/macrand.conf But it still changed when i rebooted. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
You can set the mac with 'ip link set dev wlan address $MAC'. But this is only a workaround.
You could try to put this with your mac in init.hammerhead.rc for example, nd try if this works. |
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